I have to say I sincerely hope they're NOT planning on remaking the game after they just released the ORIGINAL on PSN. Seriously, SquareEnix needs to really tone down their Remake Engine and start working on genuinely new games and not mass-produced copies of Final Fantasy VII and X with new names (like XII and XIII) that encorporate trends found in both of the two former titles. It's also concerning me that they keep remaking the older entries but keep fouling it up each time by making unnecessary changes to things like character design and/or continuity, such as making the female characters sexier than ever in FFIV on the DS, diving deeper into Zack on that FFVII PSP game, or trying to get us to buy into Chrono Cross by making a brand new ending for the DS release of Chrono Trigger.
I'll be perfectly honest. When I got FFVII, I loved it and finished it to the end gripping the controller in both rage and joy depending on the scene going on, and in one case snapped my controller in half out of shocked rage - which was silly because it was spoiled for me a year before the game came out - upon seeing a beloved character murdered for no real reason except to bring out those very emotions in the gamer and in many ways they succeeded, but they also introduced tits to RPGs which I've hated them for ever since. I have no real fond memories of FFVII anymore, they've all gone south and what remains are the bitter memories of the horrible Chocobo Racing, ridiculously difficult Emerald Weapon fights as he would spawn ON TOP of my exiting the underwater ruins or just going underwater in general - he's the very reason I developed an almost incurable fear of underwater segments in video games for many years to come which still persists in some way to this day (although I partially blame it on something to do with 3-D games themselves).
So no, I'm not buying this again I can just play it on my PSX or PS2, or I can emulate it if absolutely necessary. I'm sick of Square going on about the damn game for so damn long. It wasn't the end-all-be-all of RPGs, and it certainly didn't endear me to the series, that was FFI, IV, Mystic Quest, and VI. It wasn't even what got me into RPGs either, which would be FFI and many SNES RPGs.