TiefBlau said:
zarguhl said:
And while you're at it, why don't you take a look at what you're trying to argue here. Violent video games desensitizes people to violence? You're trying to say that this isn't the case? Are you kidding me? There's defending video games, and then there's lobotomizing yourself so you never have to notice anything wrong with it.
Psychologists just have no concept of cause and effect. Sure videos games can effect reactions in people predisposed to their influence.
They assign the cause to the wrong place and so claim you need to prevent people from observing something to keep them sane.
A truly sane person can confront/observe anything without being harmed by it. Psychology doesn't believe in self determinism (much like Stephen Hawking) and their crazy theories lie around that principle, that life is all about effect and no cause. That one is the effect of their body/brain/chemicals, when the exact opposite is the truth.
Pretty wide stroke you're painting with, there. By which I mean, your stereotyping of an entire field of disparate theories and ideas does no one any good. That's right, disparate. There are many theories of psychology,
because they have yet to establish cause and effect. There is no definite cause for human behavior, you literally can not pin down the one cause for every one behavior: Humans are too complex. There are some REALLY well studied and predictable phenomena (see Classical conditioning) and some which are still totally unaccounted for.
To say "all psychologists believe _______" is just ludicrous. Its just as bad as saying "all gamers are _____" or "all gamers play ______ genre".
There are many schools of thought each with varying degrees of empirical (read: scientific) support. Freudians are by far the most well known and have their own (crazy to some) theories that are relatively unsupported. There are the neuro/biological psychologists who are probably what you're jabbing at with the whole "we = checmical reactions" thing, while there is a lot of empirical research here, it doesn't account for most behavior. There are the Cognitivists, the Behaviorists, the Cognitive Behaviorists (most effective in treatment); the Socials, the Personalties, the Social/Personality Psychologists; and the pure Experimentalists. Theres also the developmental Psychologists and the Humanists, there are also Gestalt Psychologsts and probably some others I've forgotten.
More often than not, the theories within each "camp" are exclusive or partially exclusive to the others, so to paint them all as of the same mindset is really, really ignorant. Of course, to speculate, you probably had a bad experience with one or two Psychologists with certain mindsets and as a result, you now paint all of them as the same. Nice causal error, yourself.