Question about sexuality.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I'm quite sure I am bisexual/pansexual. I didn't understand I was bisexual until I read some gay furry porn. Yup. I said it. I am extremely liberal and open to new things and I don't know why, but I was intrigued by it and kept reading. Que timelapse of recurring thoughts, re-reading the same sex-laden comic and liking it, being in denial for some time, putting it to rest, denial. Done.

I don't think about it so much anymore as I used to. It's still weird to me at times. Showering with the other guys after P.E was annoying at first but it seems my mind put sex away for some while, considering they are pretty crazy and do some crazy stuff. (Like singing "Abe leha me lachmeti" which means "I love meat" in arabic... and we're from Sweden... Naked. In the showers. xD)

Sometimes I can be a bit "gender confused" or how to put it. Some days I wish I was a female, most of the time I don't care. I love "traps" (for those of you inoculated with 4chan culture). Otherwise known as "shemales" in a more common term which I dislike.

Overall, I am biased in this. I like females more than males. And males looking as females more than males. And no. I don't think sexuality is that important. Only to the individual. And I think it is important to not opress sexual "traits".


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Thinking back now, I can figure out my progression to it.

At age 4 I started showing signs of being of the more feminine attitude
At age 8 I began showing signs of liking guys. Back then it was just REALLY being friends with someone, but still
At age 9 I had my first fantasy about being someone's boyfriend
At age 12 I had my first 'innapropriate' fantasies. This was the same time I discovered masturbation
At age 13 I finally began to think I might be gay
At age 14 I actually properly realised it
At age 15 I finally accepted it and decided it wasn't the end of the world
At age 16 I came out, to find that most people I came out to already knew anyway.

And on the 'does sexuality matter' thing, I don't think it does. Sexuality should ONLY influence your sex life, and maybe certain aspects of your social life. If you let your sexuality control and dictate every aspect of your personality, then you're putting too much stock into your persuasion. Deep down, sexuality is just one part of what makes you who you are.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
I've known I'm heterosexual since I was pre-teen when I hit puberty, I've never experienced any attraction to men what-so-ever, so I've never needed to question my sexuality. Of-course, it's a little more complicated than that for other things but I won't go into details here.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I knew that I was a lesbian a long time before I had a word for it. I had (non-sexual) crushes on females from the age of 7 or so and I was very much aware of being different but not knowing why (and aware at that age was different was...unwise)

Given that I was born in 1974, there weren't a lot (any) lesbians in the media, I didn't know the word ("lezzer" was an insult, no one knew what it meant). I used to deal with it by simply mentally switching my own gender because I was aware of boy+girl. It was a coping mechanism that I grew out of when I was 12 or 13, started the journey of recognising who I was. Was 13 or 14 or so when I came out to myself. 17 or so when I first came out to someone else and 18 when I just...came out.

I have never had any romantic interests in men and am exclusively lesbian (indeed, the idea of sex with men is both hilarious and sort of gross to me).

To date I have done my best to live an authentic life. I have never and will never lie if asked or challenged (it happens).

Does it matter? Yes.

I am retired these days due to ill health but I was interested in activism and was a part of the movement to equalise the age of consent for gay men in the UK. I was deeply in to pubs/clubs when this happened: I was at NIghtingales in Birmingham a lot and copy-cat or escalations were a worry for a while.

I have come close to acts of violence against me, I have been spat at and I have been cursed at and I recognise that the men and women who came before me went through the worst to help secure me my rights and I thank them for it. I have known women who have been raped for being gay, I have known men who were attacked, I have seen teenagers thrown out of their homes.

When the last bigot is gone and when the abuse and violence and cruelty and discrimination is over then maybe I will agree that it doesn't matter. But we are not there yet, not by a long shot.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I think I was questioning in like 6th or 7th grade (about 11 or 12 years old). I don't remember how it started, but it definitely wasn't waking up and saying, "hey, I like boys and girls now!" It happened gradually. I had repressed the feelings out of fear of being ostracized until only about a year ago and finally accepting and coming out to one of my best friends something like 6 months ago.

Unfortunately I haven't come out to anyone other than her, a few random unimportant people that asked me, these forums, and my mom. The last of which refuses to believe its true and thinks I'm just doing it to get a rise out of her...


New member
Sep 15, 2008
MasterOfWorlds said:
I'm actually fairly certain that my second gf was also genderqueer. She has issues with women, refuses to even consider having children, and will do anything to stop that from happening as long as it doesn't impede on her ability to fuck like a bunny. She had a mentallity somewhat similar to yours about the whole thing, only she was a nymphomaniac, bipolar, and schizophrenic. If you meet one or more of those, I'm sorry. XD
Oh good grief, that does sound pretty dreadful. No, probably the only thing that does fit is that I've never had any desire to have children; but that has nothing to do with my mentality/sexuality, but more my worldview outlook.

No, I'm pretty balanced and even tempered, thank God.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I think I'm heterosexual, but I've thought about men sexually strangely often lately. Go figure.
I wouldn't consider myself to be gay or bi prior to engaging in a sexual act with a guy, anyway.
I have no problem with any orientation, although I'm not a fan of camp men or butch women. They just annoy me.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
MasterOfWorlds said:
As I'm sure many of you have seen, there are a ton of threads about sexuality on here. Now, I'm not trying to start a flame war or anything, but I'm genuinely curious about sexuality and the average person, whether that person be hetero, homo, or bisexual, as well as transgender, pansexual, omnisexual, and the like.

My question is fairly simple, I think. When did you realize that you are the orientation you are? Were you always that way, or did you wake up one day and realize that you were one or another?

As a former psychology major and current sociology major, I find this question very interesting since sexuality seems to be a hot button issue. So I'd like to increase the discussion value of this thread by adding, "Does sexuality really matter?" to the mix.

Please, do try to be calm and reasonable. If someone says something that offends you or tries to troll you, just report them, and don't flood my thread with meaningless semi-thought out rants.

So, I suppose I'll start first. I'm a heterosexual male, have never had any interest in men sexually, and have always (at least as far back as I can remember) had an interest in women. As for the sexuality and it mattering? I don't see how it should affect me unless someone of non-heterosexual orientation hits on me, in which case, I politely decline. I don't see the huge fuss about it.
I'm 20, and I'm still not entirely sure.

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
I'm heterosexual, and have never had feelings for a guy. I have thought that guys have been coming onto me on occasions, but I never wanted to do anything with them.

I know a lot of gay and bisexual people. One of my ex girlfriends came out as bi 2 weeks after breaking up with me, which wasn't really a confidence booster, but I didn't judge her for it until she went COMPLETELY crazy, dated one of my mates (who is male) and accused him of rape. She later came out as a lesbian, and started going a bit crazy and obsessive, so that ended our friendship. People have come out to me in the past because they believe I am understanding, which I am. I don't judge anyone for their sexuality unless they decide to say things like 'I'm gay, you're straight, therefore you are wrong', which trust me, has been done in the past.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
When I was about 8 years old, one day I ran to my dad, crying, saying I thought I might be a lesbian and I was scared that people would hate me for it.
Although I pretty clearly remember this, and remember my dad reassuring me that anyone who mattered wouldn't hate me for being a lesbian, and neither he nor my mum was ever going to mind me bringing girlfriends home, I don't at all remember where my outburst came from. I'd had a couple of crushes on boys of my age by that point and as far as I can recall, the first female I had a crush on was about a year or two later, a lovely substitute teacher with pretty red hair called Dawn.

Anyway, once I got my first 'proper' (as in, I was in my teens and not really a child any more) crush which was on a girl, it was the first time I properly addressed my sexuality and I realised I must be bi, as I did definitely find males attractive, too. Despite the fear I must have felt about this when I was 8, it was pretty easy for me to accept as my family were all very liberal, although I kept it quiet from my friends at least until we started going to college, just because I knew if it happened to get out around school at all I was liable to get my head kicked in.

I'm 21 now, and I'm still yet to have a sexual encounter with a female although I've been involved with four boys. I don't get on with girls as well as boys, though, I find them intimidating and I worry that they may think I'm perverted.
I always go for feminine looking boys, though. My current boyfriend is about my height, underweight and has hair long enough to fall past his chest. When I hold him he feels like a petite girl and I really like that, although that makes me feel bad because I worry I'm disrespecting his gender and condoning him being underweight.

I don't think I'd know what the hell to do with a girl if I had one, though. I don't like people going down on me because I get self-conscious having my gross area right in someone's face. I don't feel like I understand women like I understand men so I steer clear of them, even if they're far prettier than men.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
I'm not quite sure about my sexuality. I don't really find myself attracted either gender but I'm pretty sure I'm still going through my "awkward teenager" phase, so we'll see.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Gay. I accepted it at 14...but in retrospect, I can see signs going back to being 5.

I only started watching Star Wars because I thought Luke Skywalker was cute after we were read a picture book of the first movie in Kindergarten. I recall that acutely.

I was never really interested in girls in middle school...I thought I was, but then I remember my first crush on a guy, and it was at least a thousands time strong as any of my "crushes" on girls.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Straight, never doubted anything.

*today i will refrain from arguing the sanity if homosexuality and (dis)respectfulness of transgendered since It's late*

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
I'm like at the very least 50% of the population here, Heterosexual Male; fucking original! =D

Serious Face: I have always seen myself as hetero even before I understood the concept. I have always "liked" girls and even though I have given the idea thought I have never had any attraction to my own gender. As for your second question I do not believe it matters much in most cases, sexuality hardly has much bearing on who my friends are or how I act.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
Ladette said:
I'm a Bi female who heavily prefers woman.

I still find some guys attractive, and if I found a guy worthwhile i'd give him a chance. I find woman to be much more attractive though, and the sex is better. I haven't dated a guy in five years.
I'm the same way. Although I've been with both men and women, I generally prefer women sexually and especially romantically. The sex has always been better, but I think a part of that is due to my comfort with women, and how unfamiliar a man's body is to me (a small part, but a part nonetheless). I haven't been in a long-term relationship with a man before, but have had two long-term relationships with women, so although I am comfortable with men in any way, they're less... known to me, if that makes sense.

I knew since... I can remember, or I was aware of my attraction to women as well as men since I can remember. I find both males and females attractive, but my attraction to females is much more intense. Of course, if I meet a guy that I find attractive, physically and mentally, I won't necessarily hesitate to date 'em, but that doesn't happen often.

As for whether or not it matters, it does and it doesn't. It matters to those intimately involved, but not so much for anyone else. A lot of people claim just how much it matters (in a negative way) regardless of whether or not any of them know someone within the LGBT community. It seems it matters most to heterosexual individuals against anything besides heterosexuality (but that's not to say all heterosexuals are against any other sexuality, or anything else negative). I find it funny that it seems to matter more to those who are 'socially acceptable' than anyone else, especially those fighting for equal rights and the like.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I'm pansexual. I don't care about a person's sex as long as they have a... personality I "love".

When'd I realize that? When I realized that sex has very little appeal to me. Almost no sex drive.


Faerie girl in hiding
Mar 17, 2009
I'm 24, and I'm essentially a lesbian. I find men and women nice to look at (but am usually more attracted to women than men) but don't feel I could ever be in a relationship with a man. I've just never been interested in one that way despite much opportunity.