Ok.. I will say this. I really have no problem with the setting and context element of the games. It is a form of expression. Its really no different than novelists who wrote fiction during the civil war regarding the war, or current media crafting content pulled from the headlines. I get that the controversy over Six Days in Fallujah existed and it had... some merit, but that merit is vastly overinflated.
However, I do think that military shooters present a factor people tend to miss. Military shooters are be it purposely or inadvertently are tools for recruitment for the actual military. So much so that the US army has has been onboard for about the last 5 years with its own that is constantly being developed and given away for free as a recruitment tool.
Im not saying that the genre purposeful form of propaganda, but the sheer over saturation of military shooters on the market, and the effects that it has in a sense can be akin to a gateway drug for drug abuse. Look at the number of faux gun nuts that can distinguish and have informed opinions on military hardware, yet have never actually held a weapon more advanced than a pistol or a hunting rifle, let alone use one. While it might not do much to aid recruitment, with volunteerism at all time lows every little bit helps. Perhaps its time for the government to give credit to the developers for pushing this motif.
Now, please keep in mind this is just my opinion on it, and god knows I hate to come off Jack Thompson-y here, but I had to vote its tasteless exploitation, and I felt compelled to explain why I voted the way I did when the reason is not the intended answer. Again, just my opinion, take it for what its worth. Nothing.
Im guessing 4 OQs We shall see.