I answered "it's just a game" but really, I think it's just terribly unimaginative and I can all too easily imagine the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, 60 years from now, being recycled as ruthlessly as WW2 has been over the last decade.
Besides, I took one look at the trailer and a massive neon sign in my head started flashing "CoD4 CoD4 CoD4 CoD4!!!". I'm not buying it; I don't see the point, they might as well just rename it Call of Duty: Illegal, Pointless Warfare!
Besides, I took one look at the trailer and a massive neon sign in my head started flashing "CoD4 CoD4 CoD4 CoD4!!!". I'm not buying it; I don't see the point, they might as well just rename it Call of Duty: Illegal, Pointless Warfare!