Question of the Day, June 7, 2010

Mar 16, 2009
>212 "Other (Please specify)"

Anyway, I think the name Lara Croft needs a bit of legitimacy added to it, so I propose Jack Nicholson be the next Tomb Raider. I believe all who didn't post want the same, and were ashamed to admit it.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
Wow so much hatred for Kim Ka-whatsherface, just because she leaked a self-shot porno? Really? Jeez give her a break.

Allison Carrol all the way though, she's so Lara it's not funny.

I just hope they get rid of all that "lara is good with weapons and so has to be a WW2 Arnold super-hardcore death-dealing marine with a hatred for comedy and everyone who isn't himself (except he hates himself too) stuck in a female body" crap. Seriously, can we have a Lara who's actually a human being this time?

Edit: As strange as this will sound, Lara should be kind of like a female James Bond.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
As some other people have said No One lara Croft needs to die nothing really good has ever come from the franchise.


New member
May 18, 2009
I like Angelina Jolie. I enjoy most of her movies, including the Tomb Raider ones. Sure they weren't great, but it wasn't her acting that killed them, it's just the scripts were retarded.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
JourneyThroughHell said:
Susan Arendt said:
Rhona Mitra, the first and still the best Lara Croft, in my opinion.
Sorry that I actually went double-checking that (I have no idea why, alright, I actually have one) but Wikipedia says that the first one was Nathalie Cook.
I have no idea who either of the two models are but, still, thought I'd bring that up.
Nathalie Cook was the first girl pictured as Lara, but Rhona Mitra was the first official real-life Lara Croft. In other words, Nathalie was the result of "hey, you know what would be fun? Let's hire someone to dress up like Lara for this trade show!" while Rhona was "We need a girl to trot out to trade shows and photo shoots as Lara. Let's start a search."

Subtle distinction, I grant you. :)


New member
Feb 17, 2010
How about an actual actress? Those 3 names in the poll are made up of eyecandy.
As a hetrosexual male im not against eyecandy in movies/games, but i do feel conned if moviemakers consider that the way to go with the leadrole.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Susan Arendt said:
Rhona Mitra, the first and still the best Lara Croft, in my opinion.
Sorry that I actually went double-checking that (I have no idea why, alright, I actually have one) but Wikipedia says that the first one was Nathalie Cook.
I have no idea who either of the two models are but, still, thought I'd bring that up.
Nathalie Cook was the first girl pictured as Lara, but Rhona Mitra was the first official real-life Lara Croft. In other words, Nathalie was the result of "hey, you know what would be fun? Let's hire someone to dress up like Lara for this trade show!" while Rhona was "We need a girl to trot out to trade shows and photo shoots as Lara. Let's start a search."

Subtle distinction, I grant you. :)
Alright, that is pretty different.
My bad, I didn't even know about either of them beforehand.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Valkyira said:
Allison Carol definitely.

She's English, she's trained in gymnastics, she's already done a lot of work for Tomb Raider.

Megan Fox on the other hand, is talentless, over rated and probably couldn't pull off an English accent.

And Kim Kardashian is just a slag. Made famous by... well you all know.
Being The sister in-law of the Left-handed reserve power forward for the Lakers, Lamar Odom?

I really don't know what else. Honestly.

OT: Other, Nigella Lawson.