Why anime? I hope this is just another example of the lines blurring between eastern and western media and not "look at our trendy animation style that holds no particular merits lolollllol".
Final Fantasy has already had an anime incarnation and is basically an anime as is. It's already a given there will be another animated feature, eventually, as square has already made the point that they will flog their flag series around as long as it still rakes in cash.
Left 4 dead, has no narrative so to speak... just a means to an ends. Any attempt at adapting one would fail and become a resident evil knockoff (films not the games... a whole different kind of shit knock off there).
Team Fortress, again, has no narrative... same as the above, except it would be like an animated gamer (the film).
Bioshock is the only one on the list with a decent narrative... but its vision and style is all that holds it up and would be difficult to translate in a linear form on a film (and even harder on a series)
Katamari... beats the hell out of me.
I personally, wouldn't mind an animated incarnation of Deus Ex... choose whatever style you wish, as long as it has a decent narrative and decent visual direction. Not going to happen though, as the brains behind it aren't that stupid.