Question of the Day, March 24, 2010


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
I voted "No." While I think that yes they SHOULD be ALLOWED to do so, just because you CAN do something doesn't mean that you HAVE to. I personally don't care what a player's sexual preference is nor do I care if they tell me, but given the INCREDIBLE number of assholes playing online, I don't see any positive benefits of putting your sexual orientation in a screenname/gamertag.

Hurr Durr Derp

New member
Apr 8, 2009
It's a bad idea for three reasons.

First of all, it only invites discriminating remarks. Yes, this is a sad result of the attitude of some gamers, but it's inescapable. If you want to avoid discrimination, then references to sexual preference (and race, and religion) would best be avoided in an open on-line environment.

Second, it's a hard line to draw. Some people use "gay" as an insult. Are you only allowing the word if it's not meant as an insult, then how are you going to tell one use from the other? And if you're allowing the insult, then how long do you think it will take for someone to name themselves "FaggotsMustDie"?

Finally, and most importantly, unless you're one of those 'adult RP' creeps in WoW or similar online games, sexuality is utterly irrelevant in online gaming. Yes, so is "xXxl33tGuy13xXx", but that's far less likely to be offensive to people (even if it's more offensive to the eyes).


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I think it should. You should have the freedom to have a screenname that reads: "Gayest Boy ever", or something along that line. But you shouldn't get bitchy if people start mocking you. There are people who are gay but there are also people who aren't. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that people will harrass you for your screenname that sounds a little bit different than others. If you want to have a screenname that reads "Gayest Boy ever" than grow some balls and take the shit from others.


Penguin Overlord
Jun 18, 2008
Never had to play the 'But what about the kids' card before but this time I feel inclined to mention this since having gamertags relating to sexuality might make most parents rethink allowing their children online.

Wait, what the hell am I thinking, they give their kids GTA4. Why will they care about this.

If we are allowed gamertags based on sexuality then I bagsie "Heterosexualgamer".


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
Well I see no particular reason you'd want to... but then again, I see no particular reason why you shouldn't be allowed to... So I'll say yes.

Frank Pedersen

New member
Mar 24, 2010
Unrulyhandbag said:
1. What has sexual preference got to do with gaming? What difference does it make if the guy shooting zombies with me is gay or straight?

2. Just like any other tag option a lot of people are just going to lie rendering the whole thing moot.

3. why isn't there a "why should I care" option.
My sentiments exactly.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I dont mind sexual preference in a gametag/screen names.

Personaly im more annoyed by stupid names in general however, the ones that the person behind thinks are increadibly funny because using swear words is so much fun that whole world should laugh with him, but that at least lets me see who to avoid based on first impression :p

As for the whole sexual preference in screennames, just one things makes me curious, what the hell for? Sure there is group of gay people that like to be as open about it as possible but bragging about whenever you like girls or boys or both in your gamer tag? Pointless thing that leads to nothing constructive and only can bring the mocking from the ignorant sort of gamers that will throw insults against such person, just 'cuz its funneh!!1'


New member
Oct 9, 2008
I see no reason why not. People put plenty of things, preferences, lifestyle choices that are completely irrelevant to gaming into their screen name. The whole "it has nothing to do with gaming" bit is a pretty worthless argument, because a screen name has nothing to do with gaming, but everything to do with identity. If this is how a certain person wishes to be viewed and acknowledged as, then so be it, we all get the same treatment in allowing other aspects of our personality to shine through.

However, the problem that arises from this is moderation of screen names. It's no secret that every gaming community on the planet has rules, and in those rules come naming policies. Those policies are there to keep people from being offended by the obvious offenders, such as names centered around hate towards sexual preference. Where the lines start turning grey are when you allow the use of such words in a screen name, and have to police which ones were meant to be offensive, and which ones were meant to just simply state the fact. With how crafty people are, and how inconsistent the people policing the names can be, it can turn pretty tricky and in the end cause more headache than it's really worth.

Because the internet is such a rampantly immature place, I wouldn't be totally surprised if most companies maintain their stance on their naming policies for quite some time. The more publicity it gets, the more likely they are to make a change, but it's going to take some serious reconsideration for how they address naming issues before it can really take effect.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I reserve the right to offend
I reserve the right to be offended

The mods reserve the right to boot us both out if we start a flame war.

If people want to put their sexual preference (mine's simple: Yes please) as part of their handle, so be it.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Not I very good idea I believe.
I mean, there is nothing wrong with that, but the Internet community is really not too friedly to that kind of thing.


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
I went with "sure, why not?" because it doesn't really matter to me. I'm okay with it, as long as it isn't anything too explicit (which is true for mostly anything, anyways).


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Id go with sure mainly because it really shouldnt matter what a persons preference is but I do agree there will be people who are just dicks to others just like any where else.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Whilst I have nothing against people of sexualities that differ from my own (just as I tend to have nothing against those of other religions/beliefs, tastes etc), I had to vote no.

I shall paraphrase the brilliant British comedy "The IT Crowd" to explain my point; "I'm fine with my sexuality, I just don't want to be slapped in the face with theirs". I don't run around proclaiming mine (the same for most people), so why should it be "acceptable" for others to effectively scream about it?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Would it be like:


Because that just seems like a pretty useless idea... it just seems like a pretty weak attempt to bring compassion and understanding and maturity to the Xboxlive trolls... (>_<)

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
Lowbreed said:
I'm just not so sure why? Is it reckoned that it would cut down on the "******!" namecalling?
Well as south park indicated people don't call each other fags because they think they're gay, its more like douchebag. But I'm not sure about this, I think people would abuse it.


New member
May 25, 2008
Kalezian said:
[but then again, aren't all halo players jackasses?]
I resent that.

Anyway I voted "sure, why not" but I agree with the other people on here who just don't care. And honestly I don't care that much either. I have no problem with seeing gamertags that indicates a sexual preference of any kind (unless of course we're talking about B4llSw4ll0w3r or something like that. Pardon my language). Then again on the other hand I wouldn't care if people who want to put their sexual preference in a gamertag were denied this right. It's not a big deal so if anyone's still crying over their inability to do so: Get over it.
Feb 13, 2008
No. Sexual preference has no relevance to naming. The only reason to have it in the name is exhibitionism.

Your avatar may not even share your preference.

See also : Race, Creed, Religion, Handicap/Disablement, Eye Colour, Hair Colour, County of Origin, Country of Alleged Origin, Family Status, Wealth, Penis size or Cup size.

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
No. Sexual preference has no relevance to naming. The only reason to have it in the name is exhibitionism.

Your avatar may not even share your preference.
So do you also agree that women shouldn't be able to indicate their gender in their tag? Its not really relevant or necessary, neither is putting sniper in someone's name, they probably aren't really a sniper anyway.