Question of the Day, September 27, 2010


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
I don't know which you mean. I know that the original was a tabletop RPG, but most of these answers appear to be leaning towards Bloodlines.
Uhm, well, I never played the Tabletop RPG (Australia, sutherland shire. It's assumed, here, that if we don't spend our days at the beach, flirting with sexy ladies, we are lesser beings, so tabletop gamers are hard to come by.
Crikey, Ocker! Check the breasts on that Sheila!... Or something to that effect.)
I did play Bloodlines, and it was fabulous.
I would be interested in an MMO based on either.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
so... I have played Redemption. I was pretty damn good, with the exception that the main character was a wuss. And later on everything got pretty overkill when compared to the p&p stuff.
Bloodlines. Also pretty damn good. Though I had no trouble with bugs. Got pretty overkill later on too.
Played the masquerade p&p once. Currently storyteller in a VtR round.

On one hand: if CCP does a good job, this could be awesome. On the other: I am not sure if I am willing to invest time/money into a MMO.


Veteran n00b
Sep 14, 2008
played the pen n paper version for years :)

I hope you can dablorise(sp?) in the mmo.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Yes and I loved it, and after actually playing the LARP version of Vampire the Masquerade (oWoD) I loved it 10x more on my second playthrough.
Also, what a biased poll.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
What about "Yes..AND IF WAS FUCKIN AWESOME!!" option?

I did played it and enjoyed it quite well. Bloodlines is easily one of my favorite games. I am kinda sad it was never finished properly. I would love to see a remake of that game.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
Darth IB said:
Where's the 'yes, it was Awesome' option?
I call biased poll.

Bloodlines is one of my favourite games of all time.
This. The TTRPG was also a lot of fun.


New member
Oct 16, 2008
When I first saw the poll, I thought it was referring to the tabletop RPG, Vampire: The Masquerade. I played the heck out of that all throughout the 90s, so to say I was interested in the first V:tM game was V:tM Redemption. Of course, I would have preferred they give the other games in the Storyteller series the same treatment, but it was not to be. I didn't much care for Bloodlines, since I felt the engine and gameplay of Redemption was much better.

The poll is a bit wonky, since first off it isn't really clear what it's about (It would be like asking if you played the original Dungeons and Dragons, but you really meant the gold box CRGPS), and it's slanted towards people who didn't like it, as 'It had its moments' isn't a ringing endorsement of enjoying the game. Also, Redemption and Bloodlines were not MMOs, so someone could have enjoyed them both, or hated them both, and their opinion towards MMOs doesn't really enter into it.

I'd prefer the MMO to be the OWoD, but I don't see why they'd go that direction, unless they just admit that they left so many players out in the cold with the new stuff that they'd have better luck returning to the way things were.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Havn't played Redemption, played the tabletop and Bloodlines though.

Annnnnd, if we are talking about Bloodlines... Then why is there no "It is in the top 10 games of anything ever and I enjoy reinstalling it and running through often."
Just think, I say that for one of the most broken glitchiest games ever that never finished production, imagine if it was complete... It was the first I encountered where you can truly complete most of the game in a variety of styles, and not just a Bioshock "this is a room with gas and water and traps and hackable machines and enemies, just use lightning and melee your way through it's faster"
I mean I found a social/stealth class more powerful then combat classes, or at least more fun.

To be honest I pirated this long after it had died, I regretted not supporting it when it needed it so I purchased it anyways. (I was young and foolish, pirating's bad kids.)

Unfortunately I will not likely play an MMO on it, which isn't to say I won't keep up on everything they do with it and anticipate seeing the final product... I just hate EVE and don't trust that name right off, also...
I loved this game for the Malkavian, something they are not going to give me in an mmo as they'd need to make the game TWICE if they did to facilitate the altered perspective people have for you, the cryptic nature of the game, and set piece insanity events only you would experience.
Another point, the social skills. I liked talking my rewards up with blackmail, subterfuge, and intimidation. I loved convincing people of completely bullshit things and turning around and backstabbing them.

Final point, I liked the oppressive atmosphere, the lonely plagued city nights, and the all out horror missions that made me seek out and respect games like Silent Hill and Fatal Frame. I can't picture this working mmo, it loses all it's charm with multiplayer.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Where's the option for: Yes, and it was great!?

I used to play the old CCG Jyhad before they renamed it Vampire, never really played the PnP Vampire, though I do know the rules. LOVED Redemption, and Bloodlines was ok. I just hope the MMO is based around the old fluff, not the crap White Wolf put out for their 4th Edition.


Queen of the Underdark
Nov 10, 2009
Darth IB said:
Where's the 'yes, it was Awesome' option?
I call biased poll.

Bloodlines is one of my favourite games of all time.
I must agree with this. Your poll is very broken. Bloodlines (with the community patches, of course) was a fantastic game.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Where is "I played it and I thing it's fucking awesome" option? It has its moments just describe
a thing, Kane and Lynch 2 had its moments and the game was awful.