Question of the Day, September 7, 2010


New member
Sep 3, 2009
Okay, I feel more than a bit stupid here, but...what the hell was the Quantum Crystalliser? Don't recognize that at all...was it part of the Classic series, or did I just miss something in the New? Or is it from Crotchwoot--err, Torchwood? Or that godforsaken Sarah Jane spinoff? I feel like such a Whovian failure...


New member
Sep 3, 2009
GrinningManiac said:
Is it the Tardis that also allows for instant language-understanding powers? Cool
That's...been unclear for awhile. In the Classic Series, it was understood that it was the Doctor doing it telepathically for his companions (referenced in "Masque of Mandragora", Tom Baker/Lis Sladen). But in the New Series, it was initially stated (by the Doctor) that it was the TARDIS doing the translating. Fast-forward to "The Christmas Invasion", and suddenly the translation-thingy doesn't work if the Doctor is comatose. real answer, actually.


Senior Member
Feb 23, 2010
I vote for the TARDIS. Who wouldn't want their very own time-travelling police box?

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Cassita said:
Never liked Doctor Who.

Sees to be a lot of fans on the Escapist forum. Must be an English thing.

But I would have to go with the Chameleon Arch.
Nope, not just an English thing. I was born in America and have always lived in America. The same goes with my friends, and we all love Doctor Who.

I would say there are hordes of American fans. Point being that in the early 80's the reruns of the old series were run on American television channels. Also Marvel had a couple runs of Doctor Who comics in the 80's, which could be bought in America. One run had 23 issues. I found out about the comics when I was watching the extras of one of my Peter Davison episodes of the old series on DVD. I went on and e-bay hunt and got all of them, I was able to get two complete sets and sold one set to a friend.


On to the question. I would of course want a TARDIS. I could travel anywhere in time and it would also function as a spacecraft. I would be able to be anywhere on Earth in just seconds. It could also double as a mansion and house to live in, because what the people that just watch the new series don't get is that if you watch the old series, the TARDIS can be as big as you want it to be inside, with halls/corridors, bedrooms, and many other rooms. Infinite rooms. It was so big inside in the old episodes that there have been times when the Doctor actually got lost in the TARDIS.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
On another note, I already bought a sonic screwdriver a year and a half ago. It doubles as a, blue, black light, and a pen. It came with a replica of the psychic paper which when I use the special invisible ink pen tip on the inside white area of the psychic paper, I can write a message, then when I shine the sonic screwdriver at it, I can read it.

I don't like the looks of the Wii-mote sonic screwdriver, mainly because I like the look and color of the Eccleston/Tennant sonic screwdriver better. I can't wait until we get new Doctor, like Eccleston or Tennant. They truly knew how to play the Doctor, humor with a proper dose of seriousness. Matt Smith doesn't have enough seriousness in his portrayal. I think he is going to go down as another Doctor where the regeneration process went wrong and he goes somewhat if not all bonkers. i.e. The Sixth Doctor: Colin Baker.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
oktalist said:
I would have a Cloister bell in my house. That would be badass. Whenever it rings in the new series, those are my biggest squee moments.
That was my favorite mini episode, my two most favorite Doctors working together with wibbly wobbly timey-wimey mechanics mixed in.

Have you seen the youtube video where it is determined in what part of 5th Doctor's time-line the accident occurred? They spliced it in so that it happened just before the episode Time-Flight.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
The TARDIS because it comes with everything :D
Anyway, the chameleon arch makes you a new person but apparently it hurts like hell.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
A Tardis seems to win by the masses. Time travelling to my will would allow me to become the most powerful man ever.
Feb 13, 2008
Grayjack said:
I've never watched a Dr. Who episode (yeah I know, heretic),
TimeLord75 said:
Okay, I feel more than a bit stupid here, but...what the hell was the Quantum Crystalliser? Don't recognize that at all...was it part of the Classic series, or did I just miss something in the New? Or is it from Crotchwoot--err, Torchwood? Or that godforsaken Sarah Jane spinoff? I feel like such a Whovian failure...
The Quantum Crystalliser actually destroys things that have travelled through time. it was used in Human Resources, one of the new adventures (novels).

I believe they mean the Vortex Manipulator.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
haven't watched the show
but I think I'd just stick with the time machine
esp if I can keep going back to specific moments in time
...of course, that'd be awful :p never letting go of the past, eh?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
The TARDIS, of course. Although I'd probably, you know, do something really wrong. Something the Doctor isn't allowed to do. And then screw up the world. And of course, I'm not as clever as the Doctor, so I wouldn't be able to fix it. I guess a safe alternative is the sonic screwdriver, or maybe even the psychic paper. Enough to screw around with but not damage anything too significantly.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
I am extremely, extremely ignorant of the Dr. Who phenomenon. All I know of Dr. Who came from that one Simpsons episode and some of TimeLord's posts, avatars, and mottos. Of this list, the only one I've heard of is TARDIS so that's the one I'm choosing.


Lv.1 NPC
Apr 17, 2009
It's gotta be the TARDIS. Only because I can laugh as people try to see what's inside that strange, locked police box thingy.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
I'm not surprised not many people picked "Cloister Bell". Isn't it bigger than a personal and a TARDIS instrument anyway?

And of course the sonic screwdriver can do way more than unlock things, but even keeping that in mind, I voted TARDIS of course.

Of course I would use it to travel in time and space, have adventures and live in. What else would you want it for?