Dragonbums said:
Savages base meaning means something that is brutal. Lions eating at a kill is savage. They fight every 2 seconds over it. I don't understand you can come over and give me the "synonyms" lecture and then tell me that savage doesn't have a harmless meaning.
... ... ... ... ... ...
That is so in the wrong direction I've kept reading in the hope you actually mean something else. The point was always that it didn't have a racist meaning, and now you're telling me I'm saying it doesn't have a "harmless" meaning thereby implying that I think it only has a racist meaning... you'll need to explain yourself there.
Dragonbums said:
Please continue to avoid the point I keep making repeatedly about the reason why it has racist connotations is because it's used exclusively against people of color during the colonial era to degrade other civiliazations that aren't white so the can justify the cruel shit they committed upon a lot of people and their cultures.
It is utterly irrelevant. ****** is an exclusive insult aimed at black people, savage isn't and has never been.
Dragonbums said:
Europe isn't a country. It's a continent. And I feel your going back to your own example of people saying their own countries were "savage" which isn't exactly the same as a systematic oppressive system that was fueled by dehumanizing and brutalizing the very people your trying to control by repeatedly drilling into their heads that the "others" were savages.
As far as recent history goes, this has not happened to the majority of white European countries. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Ireland.
... Yes so it'd include a larger and more varied amount of people. All Savages to the Japanese, the same gaijin, to the Muslim powers also all the westerners were just "Franks" no matter where they were actually from, all the same people apparently wherever in Europe they were from.
Just Ireland? Oh boy. I suppose the poor folk practicing their pagan religions in Europe were all just overcome with the desire to convert to Christianity out of nowhere. Many of them totally weren't invaded and subjected having their customs, culture, and heck very identity suppressed/destroyed.
The Ottomans were also totally swell guys.
Dragonbums said:
Never said they were. The Chinese however were. I guess you can't understand simple examples.
Don't start flinging such things please. Sir, you're proclaiming exclusivity so explain the Japanese.
Dragonbums said:
Well my original argument is why the term savage is considered racist anyways. But I see your slowly shifting goal posts in order to derail this into a game of semantics of what constitutes "colored people".
And this is how these things always turn out. You know exactly what I'm fucking talking about. and DJ knew exactly what he was doing by using the word savage as he did in the context of his Twitter rant. It's meaning was not lost on a lot of people, but sure lets do the "Well Japanese and Muslim people treated people like shit too" which somehow diminishes the fact that regardless of who's doing the beatings, savage has been used in opresssive racist ways to dehumanize another target ethnic group to justify the nasty shit they did to them.
I don't shift goalposts, nor do I need to. You say its exclusive, yet when faced with an example that doesn't fit your encapsulation you start flinging mud at me.
Dragonbums said:
Yes, my mention of Hispanics in an example about people who were fucking victims of colonization.
Its always so bothersome when it comes to Hispanics as people will often shift what they "are" to fit whatever argument of the day they have.
Alright than, you are aware that Hispanics committed a lot of that colonization correct? How are they a victim? Do you mean the natives? Well they aren't Hispanic so they are out. You can claim Mulattos/Zambos are a product of colonization, and thus "victims" I suppose...but whatever I'm not going to brainstorm on what exactly you mean.
Whatever the case its a bore as you're lumping southern Europeans...actually no you're throwing just the Spanish lot into your group consisting of Africans, Asians, and the like to fit your argument.
Poor Lusophones never get any airtime, I suppose they just ain't all that important to the united states.