GrizzlerBorno said:
None of that matters to me.
Allow me to make this clear: I'm expressly thinking from the point of view of the developers and publishers. I know that's a naive way to go about it. I know that's at odds with the point of view of the average gamer......but why should it be?
Publishers help developers to craft these amazing works of interactive artwork...... and Gamers are willing to just exploit a loophole in the legal system to play these games without giving THEM a single cent? (Of course then they log into forums to laud it. How duplicitous is that?) That's what matters to them. The fact that people are playing their games (which took millions of dollars and 2-4 whole years to make) without giving THEM any money at all, for creating the game. To is it different from Piracy?
Sure the government says it's fine......but what stake does the government have in this? They are not being affected by this in any way, shape or form; The game makers ARE. Why should they fight Used game sales any less than they do Piracy? Why should they not fight it with any means available to them?
I can see where your coming from from your POV, but i'll go from the gamers POV. The thing is, why the should the gamer be punished for looking around for a good deal?
I'm not a console gamer any more, I gave up around the PS3 hacking debacle and even then I brought very few games because there were none that interested me, but if I was looking around for a game and saw one going for around £45-£50 and the same game which was used going for around £20-£40 (yeah the price ranges are a bit stupid but meh) ...Yeah I'd go with the used game
Why on earth should I be punished for looking for a good deal when its clearly the game retailer that's at fault? they sell it for cheaper (or slightly cheaper depending on the age of the game)
Surely it would be smarter for the publishers and developers that have so much of an issue with used game sales to go after the retailers than come up with these stupid ways to demonise a gamer who's only crime is spending their money the way they want?
Well thats my take on it anyway.