
New member
Jan 8, 2010
A friend of mine has recently gotten a knuckle tattoo. For anyone who isn't already aware, knuckle tattoos are the finishing touches on any loser's desire to make himself unemployable. They typically consist of eight letters, but they invariably read "IM STUPID" no matter what is actually written there.

Now, this friend of mine considers himself a professional gamer. His Gamertag consists of annoying characters that signify his relationship with other players who are on his team. He studies the maps of whatever game he's working on. His K/D spread is always at least 2:1 no matter what game he's playing. He has never made a single cent off of this profession. He is terrible at any game that is objective-based rather than straight Deathmatch. He does not concern himself with taking out large, difficult enemies that only count as one kill. He only ever uses sniper rifles. He never loses.

Why does he never lose? He never finishes a game he can't win.

This man employs the art of Ragequitting to a ludicrous extent. I have never seen such pride in one's tendency to run away from fights. He believes it's a legitimate strategy used by real gamers who know there is nothing to gain from getting shut out by someone who is better than you. All gain is only achieved by stomping someone who wasn't playing nearly as competitively as you. The game punishes for leaving early? No problem! He unplugs his modem, and no penalty is laid.

And now his knuckles read "RAGE QUIT" (or as we have learned from earlier "IM STUPID," though in his case, I'd argue "AND ALSO A FAG" should be added).

Is this normal? Do people actually think running away from fights you can't win makes you a winner? Do you know anyone else who is this joyless in the act of virtual killing?


New member
Jun 8, 2011
No I'd say your friend is normal. Most of us play video games for fun and my battlefield bad company 2 characters can't even come close to a 2:1 death ratio. At least not my first one, some of the ones i made later are sort of close.

I'd have to ask why's this guy your friend? He sounds like a douche. I'm not trying to be mean but I read your post and that's all I can see. I'd never want to game with someone like him.

Joel Dawson

New member
Jun 26, 2011
Ragequitters are actually kind of hilarious to listen to especially when their complaints get ridiculous. One guy left a match right before it ended because "the light was in his eyes." But yeah, ragequitting gets really ridiculous. It's like they take it as a personal insult to lose even once.

Joel Dawson

New member
Jun 26, 2011
synobal said:
I'd have to ask why's this guy your friend? He sounds like a douche. I'm not trying to be mean but I read your post and that's all I can see. I'd never want to game with someone like him.
I second that question.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
ilovemyLunchbox said:
A friend of mine has recently gotten a knuckle tattoo. For anyone who isn't already aware, knuckle tattoos are the finishing touches on any loser's desire to make himself unemployable. They typically consist of eight letters, but they invariably read "IM STUPID" no matter what is actually written there.

Now, this friend of mine considers himself a professional gamer. His Gamertag consists of annoying characters that signify his relationship with other players who are on his team. He studies the maps of whatever game he's working on. His K/D spread is always at least 2:1 no matter what game he's playing. He has never made a single cent off of this profession. He is terrible at any game that is objective-based rather than straight Deathmatch. He does not concern himself with taking out large, difficult enemies that only count as one kill. He only ever uses sniper rifles. He never loses.

Why does he never lose? He never finishes a game he can't win.

This man employs the art of Ragequitting to a ludicrous extent. I have never seen such pride in one's tendency to run away from fights. He believes it's a legitimate strategy used by real gamers who know there is nothing to gain from getting shut out by someone who is better than you. All gain is only achieved by stomping someone who wasn't playing nearly as competitively as you. The game punishes for leaving early? No problem! He unplugs his modem, and no penalty is laid.

And now his knuckles read "RAGE QUIT" (or as we have learned from earlier "IM STUPID," though in his case, I'd argue "AND ALSO A FAG" should be added).

Is this normal? Do people actually think running away from fights you can't win makes you a winner? Do you know anyone else who is this joyless in the act of virtual killing?
This is a brilliant OP, I don't know why but I just loved it.

He isn't a professional gamer unless he has sponsors and he sounds just like a typical sniper kiddy.
I used to do those things you described when I was in a clan, I would study maps, learn tactics with my clan and I was the team sniper.
Rage quitting however was not an option when playing clan matches. If he's just in a team that only gets together with it's other members for none organised pub stomping, I find this post hilarious.

Rage quitting is not a legitimate strategy, even if you can disconnect and abuse the scoring system without taking a penalty you're still giving the other people a win most of the time.
You didn't win, you backed out and turned around.
You're a ******.
You lost.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
ilovemyLunchbox said:
Do people actually think running away from fights you can't win makes you a winner?
We call this the Charlie Sheen strategy.

Also knuckle tats can be covered with rubber gloves when he, let's say, is making burgers for McDonald's. If you truly never want to see employment, get a face tattoo.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I never give up, I never surrender, hell in league of legends I have only voted to surrender once in over 300 games and that was because we lost 2 people early on and our enemy team sucked at pushing but we couldnt out fight the 2 extra chars in big fights


New member
Nov 28, 2010
I can realy wish to win. How ever if i am getting stomped on. I take the task to personaly show that while i may be loseing the game I am how ever going to keep killing the strongest player.

Or I decide to fuck around and scuicide bomb or somthing stupid. To have fun and entertain myself.
Ye wanna the the funny thing?

I have caused people to ragequite from such stupid acts even when they are winning. I hear "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IT YOU ASSHOLE!!! SHOOT ME!!! DONT FUCKING BOMB ME!!! YOU DICK!!! FUUCCCKING USE A GUUUUUUN!" untill they ragequit.

We almost came back to win.

I even had a friend that would rage very hard. He is Asian and he takes that up as his mantle to be good for some reason. So he can rage very badly the problem is? he is winning. he is top of the scoreboard. yet i hear

I reply "Because is he is on the enemy team?"
"THAT NOT MY POINT! Its like he always goes FOR ME!"
"Because you the enemy and your there!"
"know what i am done i quite" Shuts down entire xbox and leaves.

.........we were 20 to 6.....COD Blackops.....why the hell did he rage quit when we were winning?

Because its very very stupid overall.

Another friend who is realy petty. He would switch off a game and restart if he was loseing. I watched him Play Tekken for he psp. He had a win ratio of 74 to 2. I was impressed. Untill i watched him play and when he almost lost switch off the game then restarted....that dosnt make you a winner.....if there was a speacle thing for winning 100 matches without being defeated sure cheat. But there is no point to it. Not even an online leader board.

So me and a friend started fighting him multi with another PSP. He loses twice and switches off the psp puts it in his bag and walks away. We ask what the hell? he shouts "COS YOUR RUINING MY STATS!!"

Very very stupid.

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
I must admit i ragequit from CoD, one of the reasons i dont play it anymore. The biggest reason i would ragequit would be in L4D2, if my teammates are dumbasses.. I cant handle thatshit..


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I get the rage now and then with games but being a petty man, I have to teach the game a lesson. I am the human and I will defeat you, you bastard game! Rarely happens to be honest. You do always come across a game that sticks it's fingers up at you now and then.

When I use to be in guilds/clans (Wow, C&C, Quake, UT etc) I would study maps and tactics. Quite normal. Anyone who would throw a wobbler if something went wrong or wasn't going to plan were normally given a warning not to be such a dick.

Oh, and if he can't treat his knuckles with respect and decency, he shouldn't be allowed to have them! Rage Quit indeed. Pffft.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well he is normal, a normal unsporting asshole that is, and now he got himself branded as such... amazingly hilarious.

Honestly why are you friends with him, these sort of people are really bad for you mental and emotional health.
I had a couple of "friends" like that who would just do anything to win, best solution is ignore and distance.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
I leave WoW battlegrounds that I have no hope of winning. Doesn't save my record of win/losses, just saves my time.

Your friend seems to view it as a legitimate method of employing skill, though. That's just dumb.

Simple Bluff

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Look, if ragequitting annoys you THAT much, they're winning.

Sometimes I quit out of matches where my team is being completely whitewashed. Not because I'm raging, but because being stomped on to a ludicrous extent just isn't fun.
Also, I admired that person for taking pride in ragequitz. Not because I support that kinda thing, but damn, it's nice to see someone who finds enjoyment in such a small thing :)


New member
Jul 25, 2010
2:1 and he considers himself a "Pro" gamer? AAHAHHAHAHAHAA! Wow... Thats what I average and i'm not even good. He just needs to get his head out of his ass, grow up and get a job. Try getting his parents to kick him out of his basement.

Also his tattoo translates into = DOUCHÉ BAG.


Wrote Some Words
Jul 16, 2009
I've only ever ragequit when playing against the computer; if I boot up a match against a human play I'm in it (and you'd better believe I'll be fighting) until the bitter end. A few times in RTSs I've actually made my opponents ragequit after they've beaten me because I resort to guerilla hit and run tactics instead of just lying down and quitting (note the difference between 'hit and run tactics' and 'hiding your smallest unit in the corner of the map'. I'm here to do damage damn it!).

In the end, you'll never learn anything if you don't loose. If you quit the first time an opponent headshots you three times in a row, you'll never get into their head and work out what they're thinking. Do they use a set pattern of cmaping spots? Do they always go for the high ground? Do they rely on thermal scopes (and does this game have materials which block your heat signature)? These are all questions that get answered after you loose a few times, then after those losses you find it much easier to guess similar stratagies from total strangers.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Sorry to say, but your friend sounds like a pretentious coward who doesn't want to get better at his games. That sort is usually just one step away from a Griefer or cheater.

I wouldn't play with anyone like that in any case.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
I don't rage quit often, mostly because I can nearly always hold my own at anything except Counter Strike, but sometimes I just leave if my team is getting rolled. I play games to have fun, and if I'm getting repeatedly spawn-killed or my entire BFBC2 team is full of "snipers", I'm not having fun, so there's no point in staying.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Objective-based games fill a nice niche in gaming. They allow smart, communicative players to, at times, kick the ass of the tough, hard-practicing players.

I only ragequit when I'm not having fun. It's a GAME. You start it up and play it with the sole goal of having fun, so if that's not happening, don't bother. You're not obligated to provide a target for the other team.

Then again, if every loss makes you rage, that may indicate a seperate problem; either with the game itself, or with the player. It's a problem with the game if the player has no obvious indication as to what they did wrong, or don't feel they deserve the loss. RTS games are notorious for this - a player that doesn't know how to scout will not know how the enemy got 15 tanks out the door so fast, and only know one fact: I lost, and got creamed horribly. It's a problem with the player if they are so adamantly about winning, about power and supremacy, that they're not considering anything else.

In my opinion, my vast ragequitting of Left 4 Dead was a problem with the game, not with me. I don't ragequit when I lose in other games nearly as often.