Rare Fansite Gets In Spat With Rare, Shuts Down


New member
Apr 21, 2009
ColdStorage said:
Its odd that this happened and we all know why it happened, MundoRare thinking its giving a finger to corporate marketing, they think they have the higher ground but sorry fella's, you don't.

Irridium said:
Most of the people who worked on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark went on to form Free Radical, which made the damn-near perfect Timesplitters games.
Also Free Radical is now Crytek UK, maybe you'll get a new Timesplitters made with the CryEngine "a fast paced monkey avatar brick throwing game that looks better then real life!".
All people who have played Timesplitters would hope for that to happen but unfortunatly Free Radical / Crytek UK have been making the multiplayer maps and such for Crysis.

However this is immense stupidity on both sides. Rare for insulting their fans and taking a few hours of the day to talk about the company and all the brilliance it has put out and the Fans for acting like spoilt children when they dont get their way and the company chooses to go in a different direction.

Rare might not have wanted to let people into their offices because they were making a new game and want to keep it underwraps because no doubt if they found it, they wouldnt be able to keep it a secret.


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
Torque669 said:
ColdStorage said:
Its odd that this happened and we all know why it happened, MundoRare thinking its giving a finger to corporate marketing, they think they have the higher ground but sorry fella's, you don't.

Irridium said:
Most of the people who worked on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark went on to form Free Radical, which made the damn-near perfect Timesplitters games.
Also Free Radical is now Crytek UK, maybe you'll get a new Timesplitters made with the CryEngine "a fast paced monkey avatar brick throwing game that looks better then real life!".
All people who have played Timesplitters would hope for that to happen but unfortunatly Free Radical / Crytek UK have been making the multiplayer maps and such for Crysis.
Free Radical doing the multiplayer for Crysis 2?, this can only be a good thing, hopefully the brick will now implement realistic soft shadow effects, maybe take down a volumetric tree with said brick.

I'm being serious, thats the first thing I want to do with a Free Radical designed CryTek powered multiplayer game, I want to take down a tree.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Infernoshadow211 said:
Baby Tea said:
Geez, what a bunch of cry-babies.
I swear, nothing is so pathetic as a bunch of whining gamers who don't get their way.

The company you've been huge fans of, supposedly, for 9+ years releases a game you aren't fond of, you want to make a documentary that might slant against the direction the company is going, and you're surprised when they say 'no'? And then you shutdown the long-time website in a juvenile final 'F-U' post?

Grow up.
I don't think you get it. The thing is that Mundorare openly supported the group, but they just didn't like Kinect Sports. This documentary would've shown them in a brighter light and gave them good PR. So it's weird to be shooting down their biggest fans just because they had a gripe about one of their games.

I mean if you can't voice an open opinion without losing respect with the company that you support, then it kinda gives you doubts about how good you thought the company was.
They aren't 'shooting down' their fans, they just said 'no documentary'. Rare is proud of it's work, and if the documentary is going to slight against Rare for the most recent creation, then why on earth would they say 'sure'? It's a PR thing! You don't know that the documentary would have been totally complimentary, and neither did Rare. They are a business, and they erred (IF they erred at all) on the side of caution. Nobody can blame them for that.

The fact is: Rare just said 'no Documentary', and these 'fans' threw a hissy-fit. Rare has absolutely no obligation to the site to let them film this thing. They had multiple reasons for denying the documentary, as the article states, and we only know one of them. Most of the info given here was from the fan-site, so how biased is that?

This is a silly, internet temper-tantrum.
Apparently, you can only get fans if you always do what they want.
Once you don't, then they hate you forever, regardless of the past.

Geez. They need to grow up.

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Geez, what a bunch of cry-babies.
I swear, nothing is so pathetic as a bunch of whining gamers who don't get their way.

The company you've been huge fans of, supposedly, for 9+ years releases a game you aren't fond of, you want to make a documentary that might slant against the direction the company is going, and you're surprised when they say 'no'? And then you shutdown the long-time website in a juvenile final 'F-U' post?

Grow up.
You do have a nice point there. I do think that simply shutting down due to a small incident is taking it too far and I just never understood the whole Casual Vs Hardcore mindset. Plus, I'm sure there are more projects in the works for the company than just Kinect Sports.

I do kinda see where they are coming from since the quality of Rare's games aren't quite up to par with their older work and Kinect Sports might simply be the final straw and I do admit that Rare's move regarding the doc was a bit harsh. It also probably hurt them to hear that the documentary project that many had been looking forward to and/or spent a lot of effort on would not be made but you know what I think it would have been a better idea to simply accept it for what it is and move on rather than simply cutting off all support entirely.

I've enjoyed Rare's games in the past (as if my Avatar didn't hint at that) and while I've not played any of their more recent titles, I'm not going to stop liking the company now over some casual game. I also hope that the decision to shut down was reached by a large part of the site and not just a few higher ups that couldn't put their big boy pants on.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
HTID Raver said:
lol well i cant say im too thrilled about the game either. :p

but wait... the website closed down becaude of that ONE game?! wtf!
No, the website closed down because they wanted to do a film project on Rare, and Rare denied them permission to do this project based partially on the fact that the website had previously criticized Kinect Sports. Being thus disillusioned about the kind of company they were supporting, MundoRare decided that they could not continue to be a fansite for a company they clearly no longer believed in.
Apr 28, 2008
ColdStorage said:
Its odd that this happened and we all know why it happened, MundoRare thinking its giving a finger to corporate marketing, they think they have the higher ground but sorry fella's, you don't.

Irridium said:
Most of the people who worked on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark went on to form Free Radical, which made the damn-near perfect Timesplitters games.
Also Free Radical is now Crytek UK, maybe you'll get a new Timesplitters made with the CryEngine "a fast paced monkey avatar brick throwing game that looks better then real life!".
Indeed. Plus Crytek kept the whole staff when it bought Free Radical. Right now they're working on Crysis 2's multiplayer, which is actually why I'm interested in the game, but when they're done with that... oh I hope its another Timesplitters.

I believe they even stated that if market demand was high enough, they'd make it.
So people, start demanding the shit out of a Timesplitters 4!

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
JediMB said:
A shame that such long-time fans feel forced to stop supporting the company.

Personally I gave up on them years ago, though.
After them going into hybernation after Conker, only to come out with remakes and terrible sequels, I can't begin to blame you.


New member
May 21, 2009
Hahaha. Wow, yeah you know something's wrong when your biggest supporters have jumped ship. But can you honestly say that Kinect Sports doesn't look like a "me too!" clone of Wii Sports? I dunno about you, but I don't have to play the title to know what Micro$oft was thinking when they ordered it to be made.


New member
May 27, 2008
Wow, there's a big "well duh" moment...when a studio is purchased, it becomes an appendage of the larger company and loses its soul.
How do people not know this?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Ouch, but still, can you blame a development company from being secretive and not wanting to be in the public eye too much? Especially when their glory days are far behind them?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Wait, what, Rare are still making Games?! I'd have thought after, what, the last four or five flops that they would have been gutted by Microsoft by now, although demotion to 'sports party game developer' is only one step beyond.

I'm surprised that there's still anyone on planet earth who evens cares about Rare these days. Although apparently, there are people who care no more.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Baby Tea said:
Infernoshadow211 said:
Baby Tea said:
Geez, what a bunch of cry-babies.
I swear, nothing is so pathetic as a bunch of whining gamers who don't get their way.

The company you've been huge fans of, supposedly, for 9+ years releases a game you aren't fond of, you want to make a documentary that might slant against the direction the company is going, and you're surprised when they say 'no'? And then you shutdown the long-time website in a juvenile final 'F-U' post?

Grow up.
I don't think you get it. The thing is that Mundorare openly supported the group, but they just didn't like Kinect Sports. This documentary would've shown them in a brighter light and gave them good PR. So it's weird to be shooting down their biggest fans just because they had a gripe about one of their games.

I mean if you can't voice an open opinion without losing respect with the company that you support, then it kinda gives you doubts about how good you thought the company was.
They aren't 'shooting down' their fans, they just said 'no documentary'. Rare is proud of it's work, and if the documentary is going to slight against Rare for the most recent creation, then why on earth would they say 'sure'? It's a PR thing! You don't know that the documentary would have been totally complimentary, and neither did Rare. They are a business, and they erred (IF they erred at all) on the side of caution. Nobody can blame them for that.

The fact is: Rare just said 'no Documentary', and these 'fans' threw a hissy-fit. Rare has absolutely no obligation to the site to let them film this thing. They had multiple reasons for denying the documentary, as the article states, and we only know one of them. Most of the info given here was from the fan-site, so how biased is that?

This is a silly, internet temper-tantrum.
Apparently, you can only get fans if you always do what they want.
Once you don't, then they hate you forever, regardless of the past.

Geez. They need to grow up.
your right, the fans should have kept spending the money to keep the site going even if they were disillusioned with the company and no longer liked it and what it was doing, the fans owe it to the company for making some good games once


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
In Rare's defense, nobody at MundoRare has played Kinect Sports yet, so I'm not sure they have full justification to criticize the company about the game, even though it is obviously Nintendo-inspired.
It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that Kinect Sports was just a weak excuse to run just another gimmick game for the motion control crowd. MundoRare was clearly and loudly speaking its opinion of that game by not even touching it with a ten pixel pole.
Rare was completely in the wrong here, and they may just have killed the last chance of their really staying in business. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft drops them within the next year and they just dissolve.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Well, Kinect sports is horrible enough to induce that sort of reaction.

Sad that a long term fansite has to be shut down over it, but mark my words it is but the first of many Kinect casualties.

Mark my words!


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Woo! Let's all be like the Wii!

It's not like the Wii's sales are dropping.

Don't worry, release a Wii 2. Because all the Wii owners will love to buy that.

Honestly, I don't understand how anyone can think that these montion controllers are a good strategy in anything but the short term. Wii owners aren't the ones that will buy a "Wii 2" or whatever. They already have a Wii.

Then again, in the case of move and kineckt [small]fuck you, spelling[/small], I can't see it being a good strategy at all.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Crolley said:
I know Rare hasn't exactly been spinning their old magic for awhile now (in this Average Joe Gamer's opinion, at least), but is ten years of support really worth ending over Kinect Sports?
"Fan" is short for "fanatic". Worth remembering that the best-of-the-best ultimate diehards live-and-breathe-one-thing let's-make-a-documentary-that-like-ten-people-are-gonna-watch are often not entirely on an even keel. They put the source of their fanaticism on a pedestal and if it should ever falter from their image of it they scream and cry and wail about how they've been betrayed, as if their idea of the company was a solemn vow.

You know what the 'documentary' sounds like? The opening to a self-insert fanfic. Just that. The way that the regular schmuck meets the hero. "I met my hero and he loved me for my fannish ways and we hugged and he gave me a job as Vice President of Being Awesome and we played foosball every day after that, even on weekends. The end." When they were turned down they realized that the fantasy that Rare loved them as much as they 'loved' Rare wasn't reality, and they bailed. Like the little kid who pitches a fit when told to clean up his toys and throws them in the garbage. That same "It's mine, I'll destroy it if I want just to show you!" take-my-ball-and-go-home mentality most of us grew out of sometime in elementary school.

Eventually they'll fanboy some other company, or show, or actor, or band, who will ignore them just the same, but don't tell them that.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Worgen said:
your right, the fans should have kept spending the money to keep the site going even if they were disillusioned with the company and no longer liked it and what it was doing, the fans owe it to the company for making some good games once
Point = missed.
Even if they don't like the newest game they are coming out with (And that the fans haven't even played), they still have an entire backlog of games they loved. If Bioware, my favourite developer, suddenly only released games called 'watch paint dry', I would indeed be disappointed, but that wouldn't change the awesomeness of all the other games they made. I'd still call Baldur's Gate my favourite game, and I'd still appreciate what they have done.

This isn't what these 'fans' are doing. They are acting like children because the company said 'no' to a fan-made documentary. I'm not saying they have to keep the website up, or even like where Rare is going with their game development, but they could at least act like adults and go out with some class for a company that brought them hours of entertainment and some great memories.
But no, they went out like a kid going home with the ball. It's pathetic.