Rare Fansite Gets In Spat With Rare, Shuts Down


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
maybe you should grow up and stop hating on people for not loving things forever
I never said they had to love them forever. I'm saying their response is childish. They get pissy over a game they haven't played, they get denied to do some fan-made documentary that could be a PR nightmare for Rare, and they just take the ball and go home. Childish.
That's all. I'm done repeating myself.
then you just dont understand what rare is known for, they called it an artistic disappointment, and it really is, from a company known for really interesting art direction, having something as bland as just using the miis, I xbox avatars or whatever they call them is certainly the kinda thing that would annoy long time fans. It would be like bioware building up alot of hype for something and it turning out to be a tax simulator, where you simulate filling out a 1040, you can bet your ass that alot of ppl would be a bit pissed about it


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:

I like the new Rare just as much as the old Rare.

From "Nuts and Bolts" to "Viva Pinata". These games emphasize PLAYER creativity. A rarity in the industry.

Kinect Sports...I'll wait for an in-store demo to pass judgment.
A valiant attempt to make their games sound just as good as ever, but let's be honest here. The games they've been making for Microsoft don't hold a candle to games such as the Donkey Kong Country Series or Perfect Dark.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Rare has been always a great company and to me, one of the greatest reasons to own a Nintendo 64 back in the day. They always pretty much kicked ass, even if most of it's games were inspirations/ripoffs of other great games.

Sometimes they screwed up big time, but they always rise again and came up with something much better. Hell, if it wasn't for their anouncement of Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo in the E3 of 2005, I wouldn't be interested in the 360 for one bit at that time.

Today, my only remindment of Rare's greatness lies in my only two games from Rare on the 360, Nuts & Bolts and Perfect Dark XBLA. When I saw Kinect Sports for the first time, I wanted to scream to the top of my lungs "Wii Sports ripoff!!!!!!!!!!" and I can see their dissapointment on that one. But closing an entire fansite only for that game?, then they aren't loyal fans in the first place.

I won't say that Kinect Sports is a good idea and I still think it's stupid, but I still wait for the day they bring up Conker's Bad Fur Day & Jet Force Jemini to the XBLA and most importantly, I still hope that after finishing such crap, at last they will have time to start developing Killer Instinct 3.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.
did you actually read what they said or are you just going by what the article said which wasnt much?
I went to their website, and read the whole thing.
I'm unimpressed.
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.
So...how awkward would that be? I mean, just imagine explaining to people "we don't like rare anymore, but we still have a website dedicated to them".

I mean, if you're a fan-based website dedicated to something, you kind of have to like them. And it's not like this is the first release people haven't liked from Rare, so if a company is progressively becoming less favorable, they can't expect to keep the fan-site that was built around them.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Hairetos said:
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.
did you actually read what they said or are you just going by what the article said which wasnt much?
I went to their website, and read the whole thing.
I'm unimpressed.
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.
So...how awkward would that be? I mean, just imagine explaining to people "we don't like rare anymore, but we still have a website dedicated to them".

I mean, if you're a fan-based website dedicated to something, you kind of have to like them. And it's not like this is the first release people haven't liked from Rare, so if a company is progressively becoming less favorable, they can't expect to keep the fan-site that was built around them.
They could have just gave the site to someone else. Even if they don't like Rare anymore, it's a little selfish for them to close it for that reason alone and let the people who went to the site regularly pissed. Maybe that's just me though.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Worgen said:
then you just dont understand what rare is known for, they called it an artistic disappointment, and it really is, from a company known for really interesting art direction, having something as bland as just using the miis, I xbox avatars or whatever they call them is certainly the kinda thing that would annoy long time fans. It would be like bioware building up alot of hype for something and it turning out to be a tax simulator, where you simulate filling out a 1040, you can bet your ass that alot of ppl would be a bit pissed about it
I forgot they were the ones that did the stupid 360 avatars, I absolutely HATED those things when the 360 menu changed!

Their games were incredible for the 64, but I think they went a little insane when they wanted Conker out of the picture permanently. If memory serves, they wanted him good and dead. It is a shame to see a company that was behind so many iconic games be reduced to Microsoft's Nintendo catch-up department. Quite frankly, if I wanted a "casual" gaming experience, I'd buy a bloody wii after having a few too many. But if I wanted to remember that nostalgic RARE gaming experience, I guess now I'll just hook up the N64 that I already own.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Rare's relative path to glory follows a bell curve of sorts.

They released a ton of shit on the NES (yeah yeah, Battletoads was great, but it doesn't compare to the mountain of shovelware they made).

Then they started to take off in the SNES period...hit the height of their career during the N64 era, and have been in decline ever since.

Now they're back to cranking out shit, only this time it's for Microsoft. How fitting.

Personally, I think MundoRare people were fools from the onset to assume that a corporation owes "loyalty" to anyone other than themselves; the obvious point here is, well, they don't.
To them, you are a wallet, not a person. While some companies still engage actively with their customers (e.g. Stardock, Valve) they are the minority; very few game companies have the economic confidence to afford such dalliance now.


New member
May 5, 2010
Yes, avoid bad criticism by being jerks. Great plan guys. I honestly do not care much about Rare anymore...atleast until they decide to drop kick Activision and PORT (not remake "ruin") Goldeneye to XBLA.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Rare is dead to me, In my opinion they haven't produced a brilliant piece of gaming perfection since microsoft bought them out, and now that I know they are making kinect sports, any and all last hopes I had that they might return to their former glory are shattered.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
This is very dissapointing. When a company shuts down a friendly, harmless project by taken on by some of their biggest fans without suitable reason is disgusting. People who use their own money to support you, and want to document you.

I was a huge RARE fan until reading this article. I can only hope they can redeem themselves.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Baby Tea said:
Geez, what a bunch of cry-babies.
I swear, nothing is so pathetic as a bunch of whining gamers who don't get their way.

The company you've been huge fans of, supposedly, for 9+ years releases a game you aren't fond of, you want to make a documentary that might slant against the direction the company is going, and you're surprised when they say 'no'? And then you shutdown the long-time website in a juvenile final 'F-U' post?

Grow up.
Maybe the way they shut it down was juvenile as you say.
However, who pays the bandwidth costs? They do.
Who spends time and energy trying to keep the Rare fans connected? They do.
Who writes articles for the site? They do.

At the end of the day, if they've lost faith they should close down the site.
I also want to add that by not accepting the documentary (I mean really, who would watch it anyhow?), Rare also showed they don't support the site in any way.
Not financially and certainly not spiritually.

Also, I'd like to add, the loss of the Stamper brothers and the new Microsoft leadership is less than stellar news and bound to shake up fans.
I feel like kinect was more like the last nail in the coffin than anything really.

So yeah, I might not be a Rare fan (though I've liked Diddy Banjo, and Donkey Kong 64) I am a fan of things, people, and companies so I understand where this community is coming from.

I wonder what a soccer fan club would do if management of their company changed, the players were all changed, the club moved cities, and a team that used to win all the time loses a game 10-0.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
So Rare simply wont allow MundoRare to do a documentary because it doesn't make the company look completely awesome. Can't say I like that practise but it's understandable, and most other game companies would do the same thing. MundoRare shouldn't drop the site just because of one refused documentary.