Rare Fansite Gets In Spat With Rare, Shuts Down


New member
Jun 9, 2010
It sounds to me like the main issue they're having is the disregard and apparent bad treatment of Rare's supporters. I can't say I blame MundoRare for dropping their ongoing support, it seems a long time coming. This was probably just the straw that broke the camels back. It does come off a little petty though.

I, too, would be chanting for a sequel to a beloved series, but the Rare mark that once signified a great game has become one warning you that the things are about to take a bad turn. I wanted a new Banjo Kazooie, but when I got to try it, it marked the end of my confidence in the company.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
your right, the fans should have kept spending the money to keep the site going even if they were disillusioned with the company and no longer liked it and what it was doing, the fans owe it to the company for making some good games once
Point = missed.
Even if they don't like the newest game they are coming out with (And that the fans haven't even played), they still have an entire backlog of games they loved. If Bioware, my favourite developer, suddenly only released games called 'watch paint dry', I would indeed be disappointed, but that wouldn't change the awesomeness of all the other games they made. I'd still call Baldur's Gate my favourite game, and I'd still appreciate what they have done.

This isn't what these 'fans' are doing. They are acting like children because the company said 'no' to a fan-made documentary. I'm not saying they have to keep the website up, or even like where Rare is going with their game development, but they could at least act like adults and go out with some class for a company that brought them hours of entertainment and some great memories.
But no, they went out like a kid going home with the ball. It's pathetic.
damn your missing the point worse, chances are these fans have been disillusioned with rare for awhile now, I mean rare has really dropped the ball since the n64 era so this was probably the last straw in the fandom for them, just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.
did you actually read what they said or are you just going by what the article said which wasnt much?


New member
Jun 4, 2010
Formica Archonis said:
Crolley said:
I know Rare hasn't exactly been spinning their old magic for awhile now (in this Average Joe Gamer's opinion, at least), but is ten years of support really worth ending over Kinect Sports?
"Fan" is short for "fanatic". Worth remembering that the best-of-the-best ultimate diehards live-and-breathe-one-thing let's-make-a-documentary-that-like-ten-people-are-gonna-watch are often not entirely on an even keel. They put the source of their fanaticism on a pedestal and if it should ever falter from their image of it they scream and cry and wail about how they've been betrayed, as if their idea of the company was a solemn vow.

You know what the 'documentary' sounds like? The opening to a self-insert fanfic. Just that. The way that the regular schmuck meets the hero. "I met my hero and he loved me for my fannish ways and we hugged and he gave me a job as Vice President of Being Awesome and we played foosball every day after that, even on weekends. The end." When they were turned down they realized that the fantasy that Rare loved them as much as they 'loved' Rare wasn't reality, and they bailed. Like the little kid who pitches a fit when told to clean up his toys and throws them in the garbage. That same "It's mine, I'll destroy it if I want just to show you!" take-my-ball-and-go-home mentality most of us grew out of sometime in elementary school.

Eventually they'll fanboy some other company, or show, or actor, or band, who will ignore them just the same, but don't tell them that.
Hm, point taken there. I guess I forget sometimes what the hardcore fans can be like... How I manage to forget this while faced with it every day on the internet is beyond me, though!

Well, that's just what happens when you put anything on a pedestal; it'll end up disappointing you. The people and things we love just... disappoint us sometimes. Nobody's perfect, eh? Especially when it's a company and they pretty much don't even know you personally. I'd say you have a point there, Mr. Formica Archonis.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Kinect Sports aside, fans of Rare have other reasons to be a bit upset with them...

Irridium said:
Indeed. Plus Crytek kept the whole staff when it bought Free Radical. Right now they're working on Crysis 2's multiplayer, which is actually why I'm interested in the game, but when they're done with that... oh I hope its another Timesplitters.

I believe they even stated that if market demand was high enough, they'd make it.
So people, start demanding the shit out of a Timesplitters 4!
demand demaaaannnnddd!!! lol

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Worgen said:
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.
did you actually read what they said or are you just going by what the article said which wasnt much?
I went to their website, and read the whole thing.
I'm unimpressed.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
just cause they were fans doesnt mean they have to be loyal forever
I'm not saying they have to be loyal forever, but try to have some class when leaving.
That's what I'm saying. They don't have to like Rare anymore, but don't up and quit like a whining child.
That's my point.
did you actually read what they said or are you just going by what the article said which wasnt much?
I went to their website, and read the whole thing.
I'm unimpressed.
maybe you should grow up and stop hating on people for not loving things forever

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Worgen said:
maybe you should grow up and stop hating on people for not loving things forever
I never said they had to love them forever. I'm saying their response is childish. They get pissy over a game they haven't played, they get denied to do some fan-made documentary that could be a PR nightmare for Rare, and they just take the ball and go home. Childish.
That's all. I'm done repeating myself.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
It's just that what you are saying sounds a little insensitive. I am sure that is not the whole point of the argument.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Baby Tea said:
They get pissy over a game they haven't played, they get denied to do some fan-made documentary that could be a PR nightmare for Rare, and they just take the ball and go home.
I can most certainly see how any company would be nervous about a fan-made documentary. It sounds rather reasonable for them to not want one. And hardcore fans without childish tendencies are a strong rarity.

The funny thing in my view is that it's amusing thinking about Rare trying to uphold some level of dignity when, as said prior, they're the Microsoft Wii cloners, not exactly the most respected pedestal.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Worgen said:
maybe you should grow up and stop hating on people for not loving things forever
I never said they had to love them forever. I'm saying their response is childish. They get pissy over a game they haven't played, they get denied to do some fan-made documentary that could be a PR nightmare for Rare, and they just take the ball and go home. Childish.
That's all. I'm done repeating myself.
I dunno, their response makes sense to me. I loved Rare's work back in the day, but they fell way the heck off my spectrum of good studios a long time ago. I can't imagine the number of lies and half-truths you'd need to have fed yourself over the past few years to keep up a fansite for a company that you've become disillusioned with. This documentary was probably the last gasp effort to break that disillusionment that they and a lot of Rare's old fans have felt. To get that shot down after supporting the company this long because, hypothetically, before one frame of footage was shot, the documentary MIGHT not tow the company line... cripes, I'd be bitter too.

The reality is, this was a bad PR move too. The people who ran this site were their fans, the sort of folks who wanted to support and buy their work. The documentary would have appealed to the self-same. Instead, what it looks like is a studio acting like the no-fun police. That's not exactly condusive to building and maintaining a loyal customer base. A better move on their part would have been to try and work with them on the documentary and control it to some extent... it still gets made, but you could put a little pressure on to either not bash the current direction, or to just focus on Rare's glory days. Either way, the fansite's happy, the fans are happy, and Rare gets almost-free publicity. Instead, they just don't look good and lose supporters. Not a smart move.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Well does it honestly surprise you that a company would deny media attention, when the company is infamous for denying media attention.

But really, I haven't played a good Rare game since Star Fox Adventures... It sucks because when they were with Nintendo, that decade that I was alive was easily the best gaming experience I have ever had. I still play all their games, SNES, N64 and GC. So maybe shutting down so the Stamper Bros. can work for Nintendo once more, may be a good decision.

I wonder what the stamper bros. are up to these days.

HTID Raver

New member
Jan 7, 2010
Jarrid said:
HTID Raver said:
lol well i cant say im too thrilled about the game either. :p

but wait... the website closed down becaude of that ONE game?! wtf!
No, it closed because the company they'd supported for 9 years showed them that they've "changed, man."

ah ok i kinda got lost halfway through the artile as to why >.>


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
I don't have all the facts, so I can't really pass an objective judgement on this. I will, however, say that by the way this story was reported, the fans sound rather butthurt over the entire "no documentary" thing. On the other hand...

Worgen said:
your right, the fans should have kept spending the money to keep the site going even if they were disillusioned with the company and no longer liked it and what it was doing, the fans owe it to the company for making some good games once
This could just as easily be the case. I won't claim to know either way.


New member
Jul 12, 2008
So, why are thy criticizing Rare for making a knock off of a popular Nintendo property? Some of their best games (Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Kazooie) have been just that. It's actually kind of encouraging to see them making an obvious Wii Sports clone. Maybe they'll be back on form.