Real Black Ops Guy Discusses Violence in Games

Tactical Fugitive

New member
Mar 28, 2010
For those of you who want a pretty realistic experience try out SWAT 4.

Also there's Battlefield 2: Project Reality, but you may have to wait hours to get a kill in that game.

In both of these games you'll have to think and use some tactics. How fun it is plan with your friends, work towards the goal and succeed!


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Greg Tito said:
[...]The perfect game, in Hammersmith's opinion, would emulate a combat environment to teach gamers how to really act in such a situation. "I think games can wield people's attention, and maybe even teach them how to wield their own attention," he said. "Let's have a way to shut off auto-aim and extra lives, and having infinite ammo, and let's find a way to turn off the radar so you don't know where your opponent is. Let's have a game that allows you to use more of a field, to do things that make tactical sense."[...]
As others already have pointed out, there are games on the market that try to simulate this, some of them are very realistic, and require the study of military tactics and strategy, to be able to play proficiently, others are not quite so deep, yet present quite a challenge for the average FPS gamer.

Nevertheless, what these games have in common is that very few play them. Most gamers don't want realistic games, a lot of people even seem to think that realism and "fun" are two mutually exclusive things, and I can understand why, having to study a week to be able to get into an online game may be a bit too much for someone who just wants to wind down.

What I'd like to see instead, are FPS games that put you in the shoes of a soldier, to experience the absolute hell that war must be, both emotionally and physically. In today's market, most FPS games present soldiers, and indeed warfare in general as "cool", very often are trailers made up of montages of explosions & "tough guys" (often white Americans) shooting in the air, all set to some rock song. It makes the entire thing look like an amusement park, why don't we instead use the mediums interactivity and craft something akin to Saving Private Ryan, or Letters From Iwo Jima, examining the scenarios of war from a more "human", and especially different viewpoint?


New member
Sep 21, 2008
How has nobody commented on the guys name yet? His name is Wolfgang Hammersmith. He was destined for greatness.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
Anyone else think this guy has the most badass name ever? Wolfgang Hammersmith?

And he's an actual black ops veteran and counter terrorism/human trafficing expert. He's like Liam Neeson from Taken but real and a with a unbelievably badass name.

Edit: Ninja'd



New member
Oct 22, 2010
Greg Tito said:
The gamers that he's met have also impressed Hammersmith. "But what I did find in mixing with the gamers is that they were extraordinarily respectful of the service contributions, and I found that to be a surprise," Hammersmith said. "I found the gaming crowd to be highly intelligent, motivated people who were excitable and thought [ful] when they asked questions."
I'm sorry... what?


New member
Nov 22, 2010
The Plunk said:
. "They just released Call of Duty: Black Ops, and I looked at the poster -- both pistols exhibited on the poster are 1911 A1 model pistols," Hammersmith said. "One of them has the thumb safety down with the hammer on, which is impossible to do on that gun, which means the pistol is broken. And the other one has got the hammer down with the guy's finger on the trigger, which wouldn't happen either."
So they teach advanced nitpicking in the military now?
lol, you've obviously never had to endure an Army equipment lay out...

The Imp

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Greg Tito said:
"Let's have a way to shut off auto-aim and extra lives, and having infinite ammo, and let's find a way to turn off the radar so you don't know where your opponent is. Let's have a game that allows you to use more of a field, to do things that make tactical sense."
I'd buy that game.

Danish rage

New member
Sep 26, 2010
They tried realism , and it´s just not fun when a games to realistic.

He got shot after at the age of 8 for f sake, by he´s own dad.
That would put most in a mental institution.
It sounds to me he wants some kind of indoctrination of our youth.

And this quote is almost contender for "most retardet"

"There is also the effect of what happens with soldiers who were "trained" playing FPS games growing up. "What happens in studies with soldiers is that when they play videogames, they were over-daring, because they were used to having 'more lives'. These guys get killed because they don't think that getting shot is going to be a big deal," Hammersmith said."

To this i have to say...Then STOP recruiting under achivers right out of highshool, you get what you pay for!

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Grouchy Imp said:
Greg Tito said:
...his father shot bullets at him when he was 8 to desensitize him...
Err, I don't quite know what to say... ... ... ... that's f*cked up. That having been said, his operational record speaks for itself; so maybe paternal craziness was paternal genius after all.
The best soldiers are those who don't let themselves become distracted by anything.
As romanticized as military life has become, real combat rewards the calm combatant; not the passionate one.
The people who are so desensitized that they will not panic at the sight of blood or the sound of gunfire.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
The biggest thing that gets to me about the whole realism argument is the amount of people who seem to pin "being shot once" to realism. Honestly, it is getting to me that so many people think the speed in which you die is the sole feature of 'realism.'

The biggest, and thinking back on it maybe the primary reason, thing about realistic games are maps!

Seriously, the far more realistic game systems out there have maps that are truly open ended. These are maps where the sniper could be located in one of a dozen windows facing your location, maps you can't just rule 99% potential MG nests out because they are 'boarded up' or 'can't be see into because of a curtain,' Maps where a single chest high fence isn't going to force you to talk into the enemies 'kill zones.' Realistic games tend to produce realistic maps.

Maps where you CAN flank a MG position instead of having to do the whole 'throw many re-spawns into the meat grinder so someone can get a lucky shot off' tactic that only generals that never leave the pentagon think of as a good plan.

That is what FPS are missing for me: The ability, and even requirement, to use the very tactics that our military forces MUST use because... trying to act as if your in a game, with unlimited lives to throw away, leads to failure more time then not. Taking a 'hard core' mode doesn't magically make the game 'realistic' because you no longer have a hud.

It just makes it less like an arcade game, but still no closer to realism.

So yeah, I am pro realism for the simple reason it will give us maps requiring realistic tactics to beat. Maybe killing that whole run and gun game-play that many gamers use today, simply because it means they don't have to work as a team and can hold to the delusion that they are too important to listen to orders.

Added On that note:

Hell, with the current set up your penalized for putting the team above yourself. The person who holds a position, suppressing the enemy long enough another person can flank, gets zero credit for doing all the work in today's game. All the credit goes to the person flanking for having all the skills required to shoot someone in the back and not the person actually getting shot at.

Things like this is why we can't have realism in games: Who the hell is going to ruin their own personal score just because they can obey orders to let someone else take the glory?

Games designed to reward kills lead to players unable to work as teams, cause they view team mates as a threat to their score. With no reward for working together, and all rewards geared towards 'lone wolf players' then it is just too damn likely for team work to go out the window. Without team work... you can NOT design a game where realism is required to win.

So much is stacked against the realism community and worse is they don't redesign games from the ground up as needed to eliminate this mindset that is killing our games.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I wonder what his thoughts on Six Days in Falluja are? I think it might be more of what he was looking for in terms of realism.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
I hate to be "that guy", but does anyone else feel wary about accepting his claims to having been a part of black ops missions as a member of a nonspecific combined services unit? Some of his stuff seems fluffed to attract FPS gamers, I mean one of his selling points is that the tactics will help you in a video game. A lot of the information also seems "off" on his site, and he's never specific about anything (served as combat team commander of what? You mean I can't look you up to see if you were even in Vietnam?) For example he mentions the picture and says that most of his gear was from some black market? No one questions this? He also says after 19 years of serving he just decided to up and quit. Really? No contract or anything for a super classified black ops guy? It's as if he's another one of those guys who claims he was special forces, but was really just a guy who knew a guy while serving as a photographer or something like that, or possibly worse. I also can't find anything on this guy outside of some interviews with random gaming sites, no press interviews or anything like that. Seems like this guy is just trying to con some kids who buy into hollywood's portrayal of black ops. His "tactics" also sound very, very sketchy. There's just so many damn red flags about this guy.

Edit: In an article on this blog ( ), he talks about how women served on his combat teams. Can anyone explain this to me, as women can't even apply to special forces let alone some elite, "president's army" type stuff? I'm also fairly sure that women back then received no training for combat roles. (Not trying to be sexist, it's just fact, the argument that women should be able to serve in the special forces is another thing entirely).

Come on, I can't be the ONLY guy who finds this guy sketchy. What kind of self respecting super elite special forces guy would not only publicly share his past, but also attempt to peddle a book claiming to bring real world tactics into video games to teen-aged gamers?

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
I say this guy has a good point, and it's the Guitar Hero argument again: The overall perception of war is going to be changed (okay, altered to a certain extent) due to its depiction in an interactive medium. I'll definitely check this book out once I can snag a copy of it.


New member
May 24, 2010
Setting a simple checkbox to turn those things off has nothing to do with "unfun". It is maybe an hour of programming work. Wow, that's too much to ask from them.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
There is also the effect of what happens with soldiers who were "trained" playing FPS games growing up. "What happens in studies with soldiers is that when they play videogames, they were over-daring, because they were used to having 'more lives'. These guys get killed because they don't think that getting shot is going to be a big deal," Hammersmith said.
Nice. I distinctly remember playing Halo CE many a year ago and thinking "Years from now somebody is going to get their balls shot off thinking they've got recharging energy shields." Little did I know that future FPS would dispatch with even that pretense and just give PCs an undeclared Mutant Healing Factor.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
never understood the real life vs game debate in regards to combat.

Ill play a round of a FPS and get 20-1 once and a while, but its more like 50/50 K to D ratio.
In real combat that would translate to me getting dead awfully quickly. So why would I want to be all gung ho?

i think most kids that play video games, know this. but there are always exceptions to the rule.