ReCape: Watching The Cape


New member
Oct 17, 2010
The show completely lost me as soon as were were supposed to be rooting for a 'super hero' who's mentors were as bunch of bank robbing thugs who would happliy cut his fingers off, kill him then dump him in the desert if hadn't had a convienently easy way for them to rob even more banks while pointing shot guns at innocent bystanders.

My personal idea of a superhero is someone who takes people like that out.

Shamus Young

New member
Jul 7, 2008
HG131 said:
"Humor" is actually funny.
Humor? Like how you put up a herp durp face to make fun of the original poster! Yes, truly you are an expert in humorology. Cunningly played. Truly you have avenged the honor of this highly original and entertaining television show.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
haven't watched it yet, but as far as pop culture reviews go, I always trust avclub, well not always but they do have great reviews of the shows and quite a few other things.

Link to review:,49783/

The way they talk about it, interests me.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
HG131 said:
Mysnomer said:
Trying to ride the snark wave much? This isn't a recap, it's a deconstruction. And your authority to make these snarks is shattered when you say children "that age" are annoyed by you reading out loud. 1) You already pointed out we don't know his age and 2) my brother is 14 and he loves it when I narrate and provide dialogue.

Anyway, you seem overly negative, like you saw the previews, thought you wouldn't like it, and then forced yourself to watch it so you could snark about it. But hey, I red this thinking, Oh, another Elizabeth article. Ugh, but it's actually about something that interests me, oh well, I guess I'll endure it. Don't know what it is, something about you rubs me the wrong way.
It might be the fact that she has no taste (as this proves).
Scrub the sand out, would ya?

OT: The trailer looked awful, and Chuck is back on next week, so I'm really questioning whether I should even bother with this, or to at least watch the pilot for the inevitable lulz.

Shamus Young said:
LifeCharacter said:
Is it possible for you to re-write this without the obvious bias? It's hard for me to take things seriously when that rears its disgusting head.
This article should have been a simple transcript, followed by an ACCURATE numeric score!
I'm afraid that sort of excitement will remain solely in the hands of box-packing businesses.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
I saw advertising, and it wasn't even trying to pretend it was good.

I guess it's better than... um... nothing, actually.

I take that back. Nothing is a lot better than this drivel.


I endorse Jurassic Park
Oct 20, 2009
Mysnomer said:
Oh, another Elizabeth article. Ugh, but it's actually about something that interests me, oh well, I guess I'll endure it. Don't know what it is, something about you rubs me the wrong way.
Seconded. All her articles have left me with a bad taste. This one doesn't help.

Shamus Young said:
I love deconstructionist humor so much. This article was tremendous fun.

Post-article fanboy crying was a nice bonus.
Commenting on an article I found to be poor = crying.

Really? Can we not comment on an article without being called a crying fanboy? Is this really the road that we want to follow?


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Shamus Young said:
I love deconstructionist humor so much. This article was tremendous fun.

Post-article fanboy crying was a nice bonus.
Reverse Counter Fan Boy... ACTIVATE!!!


New member
Oct 17, 2010
HG131 said:
Fumbleumble said:
The show completely lost me as soon as were were supposed to be rooting for a 'super hero' who's mentors were as bunch of bank robbing thugs who would happliy cut his fingers off, kill him then dump him in the desert if hadn't had a convienently easy way for them to rob even more banks while pointing shot guns at innocent bystanders.

My personal idea of a superhero is someone who takes people like that out.
Batman was trained by murderers, thieves and other not so good people.
yeah the retcon version... I wonder how far Batman, as an icon, would have gotten if that was his orignal origin, ... and even 'if' your point had merit, at least he turned against them in the end.. he didn't hang out with them.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Shamus Young said:
I love deconstructionist humor so much. This article was tremendous fun.

Post-article fanboy crying was a nice bonus.
Yeah, it's weird, normally I do to. But, I dunno, maybe it's because she's picking on a new show, which I feel is unfair. If you go back to stuff that aired years ago, or things that should be evaluated in a vacuum (like a videogame), I think the snark works, because you are mocking a something that is fully realized. It's akin to trading friendly banter with a long time buddy. "Hey, remember that time when you had an episode constructed of nothing but bad cliches because the media watchdogs were on your case?" etc. etc. But in this instance, she's brutally ripping the pilot of a brand new property to shreds. That's more like kicking the crutches out from under the cripple and saying it's his fault he couldn't run away fast enough.

In summation: This article feels less like a humorous commentary and more like vicious bullying. But, hey, you're pretty good at this stuff Shamus, why don't you teach her the ropes.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Well, that sounds... forgetable. But then, it's not easy to predict the value of a series from the pilot alone. Might end up pretty darned badass. I'll probably do what I always do; wait, listen, and if the first season meets with general approval, I'll pick up the DVDs when they come out.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Not only was the pacing bad, but the actual action was written like it was supposed to be a cheesy Schwarzenegger action flick, replete with the necessary stretch of "hero gets his ass kicked for no apparent reason". They were trying to ape Batman, but even as a rookie Batman was able to hold his own against the villains.

The way an action movie works, the hero can beat the crap out of a bunch of minions at the beginning, but is handily defeated by the big baddie until he learns some new skill, gets a new weapon, or mysteriously stops sucking for no apparent reason. In a superhero story, the hero is always outgunned but is almost never completely incapacitated as quickly as The Cape is. Usually, they hold their own and the villain gets away, leaving a mystery in their wake.

In the first episode, The Cape told you who the villain is, who the back-stabbing best friend is, who the mysterious and distant ally is, and about the shadowy organization that is behind the main villain. They told all the big secrets and stripped all the mystery out of a show that is a cheap ripoff of the Dark Knight in the first episode. Are they stupid?! You keep the mystery as long as you can manage before it starts to irritate the audience, that way they feel like they have to keep watching this piece of dross just so they know what happens next. They got rid of the only thing that would have made comic geeks care and what would make regular people interested (coherent continuity and suspense) in one fell swoop.

Whoever wrote this thing (and came up with the concept of his super-power being cape-proficiency) should not be allowed near any paper, computer, recording device, or anything that could allow them to inflict their "stories" on an unsuspecting public again.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
When I first saw the promotional picture for this show, my initial thought was "Sweet! They're doing a TV series based on Thief?!"

Then I read the plot synopsis.

On the upside, that humongus crater my hopes left when they came crashing down? It's an in-ground pool now.

...I haven't watched TV in the last three years, and have nothing constructive to add to the conversation regarding the show itself, so... I'll get my coat.