Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish


New member
May 14, 2008
Okay, i read this topic about a week ago before i got RRR and i didnt know what they could possibly be complaining about, now im not irish, im actually welsh and i found the depiction of welsh people by the char "Welsh" in it to be highly offensive, so much so that ive actually stopped playing the game, so im all for the irish when they say it offended them, if i was irish,i would have been offended too, Were this a lesser forum or one i didnt care about being banned from i would tell you exactly that a CERTAIN race of people seam to think that they are better than the others, but i wont cos that would gain nothing.

In summary:
Red Dead Redemption, a amazingly fun and interesting game.
Red Dead Redemption, a surprisingly racist game.


New member
May 14, 2008
Joshimodo said:
What's the big deal? There's a Welsh stereotype that's even worse than Irish (using the slang "boyo" for example), and he even gets killed within seconds of meeting him.

I'm Welsh, and that doesn't bother me.

To anyone who is upset by national stereotypes in games: Fuck off.
It bothered me by the fact that everyone was up in arms about the irish thing, and everyone compleatly overlooks the welsh insults, i agree compleatly, "Welsh" in that game was ALOT more offensive than "Irish" and "French" didnt even have a damn french accent.. im not going to say i didnt get offended, i did, But its not hard to offend me,im very deffensive when it comes to my heritage.