Report: Effects of Gaming Worse Than "Smoking on Lung Cancer"


New member
Jul 18, 2008
"Still, at least Warburton was willing to go on record; in fact, while the report refers to numerous "studies," "experts" and "psychologists," he's the only source who was actually cited"

Clearly noone is willing to back this theory because they don't waqnt to be discredited, since it's a load of shite. Jus' sayin.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
WAIT HOLD UP how is it that ALL australian politicians and media have managed to miss one thing, R RATED GAMES ARENT FOR CHILDREN! THEYRE FOR ADULTS YOU CANT BLAME THE GAMES BLAME THE PARENTS AND THEIR INABILITY TO SAY NO!, i mean perhaps it does increase violence in kids but the fact is its called R18+ for a reason it doesnt mean its recommended that only adults play it though kids can if their parents are irresponsible R18 MEANS NO PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 18 PERMITTED i mean wtf the concerntration of the anti R people has to shift from the children and onto the games and gamers kids have no place in this argument, and furthermore if theyre really that afraid of kids playing the games mabey they should look at educating parents otherwise the next generation of aussie kids may be boned.


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
God damn!

These people mislead others just for another cause that barely matters?

Humanity is corrupt indeed.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
I don't believe in what Australian scientists have to say about it... especially when they are being paid by the antigamer guy...


New member
Sep 28, 2008
The whole thing about bad parents letting their kids play these games in the first place reminds me of all the stupid parents I see lately bringing young children to PG-13 rated movies. I had to go see The Dark Knight twice since some dick parents decided to bring their rambunctious little kids to the movie the first time I saw it, who of course thought we were being rude asking them to please keep the kids under control so we could actually enjoy the movie. (Thankfully we were compensated when we complained to a manager). But my point is that it's a similar situation, hyper little kids who can't sit still or shut their mouths/control the volume of their voice (maybe they were cryogenically frozen?) shouldn't be at movies with mature content in it. They probably wont understand most of it, and the stuff they do will be the "cool" looking stuff like explosions that they want to emulate in their playing with one another.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Funny i've been playing video games for 20 years now and i've never felt the nee.. excuse me for a second. * Goes to corner and swing baseball bat a a stack full of cats* ahh better as i was saying i've never felt the need for violence or really through i've been affected by it.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
This is the STUPIDEST FUCKING THING i have ever heard! Not only is there no prove there is a connection between games and violence, but greater than the link between smoking and lung cancer?!?! I have played violent games for years and i havent killed anyone. I do smoke btw, and if I don't have lung cancer (or any smoking related cancer for that matter) by the time im 80, i will run thru the streets of London naked.

stupid fucking moron cunts... *rambles off*

henritje said:
this very offensive to people with lung cancer in my opinion
Even tho I dont have lung cancer yet, consider me offended


New member
Apr 29, 2008
Australia: the Puritians of the World.
I feel bad for the Aussies, not only do they have to pay ridiculous mark ups on games, but they've also had so many more games banned. On top of their strick game ratings they want to add one more to the mix.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
DashiWarhawk03 said:
Australia: the Puritians of the World.
I feel bad for the Aussies, not only do they have to pay ridiculous mark ups on games, but they've also had so many more games banned. On top of their strick game ratings they want to add one more to the mix.
Australia sucks. I live here btw, and the government really sucks. Also, we have ridiculous tax on cigarettes. $11+ for a 25 pack? What the hell?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Nova5 said:
This isn't surprising in the least. It's almost admirable, in a sick way, just how determined these technophobic old farts are to continue beating their heads against the wall.
Don't worry; just wait 10 or 15 years and they'll all be too busy with senility to bother younger generations any more.

Rorschach II

New member
Mar 11, 2009

Ok I am done. This is just stupid. Video Games are as much part of the media now as TV and Movies. Saying that Games affect a child's mind is exactly what plunking a 4 year old down infront of the 5 O'clock news would have. Theres so much violence around and these politicians want to focus on how the new Mario Kart can encourage dangerous driving?!?!?!

Research from an anti-games party, with anti-games politicians backing it up, funded by anti-gaming scientists. Does this source sound very reliable?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
The ACCM site []: ACCM response: The link between the consumption of media violence and violent behaviour is twice as strong as the link between passive smoking and lung disease
Note "consumption of media violence"; 'media', not just games. That includes literature, TV, TV news, TV current affairs, films, music (rap - we're looking at you here).

But having an 18+ category for films is somehow fine while games are 'worse' because they are 'immersive'. I think that the ACCM is deliberately ignoring the fact that a TV or film audience is also immersed in the medium, and has to choose to passively stand by and allow violence to occur, and empathise with characters and therefore suffer the violence or perform it by proxy, and take pleasure in or condone the violence when it is done for the 'good cause' (e.g. torture on 24). The audience could - as my mother used to - turn the TV off when it got violent, and do soemthing constructive like gardening.

The self-righteous dogmatism of media like 60 Minutes teaches people - especially children - that it is good and proper to have a definite opinion on an issue, precluding individual thought, discussion, and investigation. The overbearing authoritative tone of the 'reporting' attempts to make people think that opinions presented to them are both true and fully justified, neatly turning viewers into unthinking consumers of TV commercials, and allowing the producers to support their own moral and political agendas with public 'opinion'.

In summary; allowing an 18-year-old to play Silent Hill is no worse for them than allowing them to watch any of the Rambo sequels or 60 Minutes report on the 'boat people problem'.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
The ACCM site []: Parents find that videogame use by their children is harder to control than use of TV or mobile phones, that is, if they are among the minority who actually pay much attention to classifications.
Oh look; bad and lazy parenting tends to turn out children with behavioural problems. Who'd have thought?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
the only link between games and violence is because of gamers killing idiots like the people who wrote this report


New member
Jun 28, 2009
I saw this a few days ago while I was waiting for the Simpsons to start and I really wanted to kill that man. Listen up kids: Games don't make me violent, retards with clipboards do!


New member
Oct 12, 2009
LOL, I can't even bring myself to read past the first couple of lines.

So do they compare the amount of people who play video games, to the amount of people who are psycho killers who have played games or what? Give me a nice solid figure e.g. 5% of all people who have played video games before have criminal records for harming someone, THEN I'll hear what you have to say...


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Has anyone ever thought about the fact that most of todays youth plays videogames in one form or another? Most of the guys at my school play violent video games, less than 10 out of 180 boys (in the year group of aproximatly 330 people) would be considered violent in any way shape or form.

So maybe it's violent people play videogames istead of gamers being violent.

EDIT: There has also been a population explosion world wide in the last 20 years, that accounts for the rise in number of crimes commited.