Report: Effects of Gaming Worse Than "Smoking on Lung Cancer"

axle 19

Bearer of the Necronomicon
Aug 2, 2008
Apparently playing games is worse than cancer? Dear God, at this point over the top writing is just seeking to curtail the game industry. Are they really blind to the fact that it has no affect on the person playing the games or anyone else?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
So if I continue to play Video Games I'll turn out to be a blood thirsty killer...?

I doubt it.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
I'd call it funny and be happy I live in America, however I can just see this getting into someone's hands here in America. All I can hope for is Jack Thompson so it can just be ignored.


New member
May 3, 2009
This is incredibly stupid. Even a 7 year old isn't gonna go out and rip someones head off just because they did it to Sub-Zero. If anything I'd say that violent videogames are an outlet for people with tendencies towards violence. A child is no more likely to be convinced by games to kill someone for 2 reasons. 1) They've had it embedded into their minds that these things are wrong and 2) It's against the law to kill someone. If someone, child or adult, contemplates killing someone then they'll be dissuaded from it by either the realization of what they're thinking of doing or the severe consequences. It's easy to kill someone in a videogame for the same reason that it's fun: we can get out our aggression without having to worry about the consequences or the responsibility of our actions (and I use the word "actions" very loosely). Video games are not encouragement they are an outlet.


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Whilst I do debate the use of the word "rewiring" I think what they're saying about games influencing perception is possible. Now all they have to do is say this applies for books, TV, Movies, coversations, news broadcasts where people try to put across their own opinion and phrase it as news and those people who can engrave stuff onto needle heads, and I will consider it to be an okay article.

Stop picking on video games as the excuse for why you're a bad parent!


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Have any of these ass-hats actually played these games?
In Modern Warfare: Call of Duty 2, the highest selling media product of all time, gamers plot terror attacks against civilians.
LIES! You play as American soldiers killing terrorists! Except for one mission you can skip, you don't kill civilians! (unless by accident, in which case you lose, which discourages shooting them)

And Modern Warfare: Call of Duty 2?


[EDIT] Don't blame the games for any violence. Blame the PARENTS. Aren't they the ones who knowingly bought an M-rated game for their 7 year old child? Or are they too stupid to notice the big M on the box? They couldn't not notice it, because it's plastered all over the fucking game box! On the back, on the cover, in the instruction booklet, and some games tell you when you start them up.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
That isn't fair. Smoking doesn't cause violent behaviour at all. So of course gaming is worse.


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
It is actually true that the link between TV violence and subsequent aggression in children is as strong as the connection between smoking and lung cancer, so it logically should apply to games too. Even if the report is quite obviously sensationalised.

Of course it's worth noting that children should not be playing Modern Warfare 2. So why this is an argument against the R18+ rating I have no idea.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Shit, they totally caught me. That's it, the mask goes off: I have been using Red Alert 3 to plan a nuclear strike against Australia.
Now that there is no need to hide anymore...


New member
Apr 24, 2009
*reads up to "Australian"*

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said by one of you.


New member
May 22, 2009
As soon as I saw "Austrailian report" I knew it was gonna be total bullshit.

Source please, Mr. Psychologist? How much did that senile old fuck running things pay you to make this up?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
(Excuse me if I'm repeating other's opinions, I surely am but wasn't going to read eleven pages worth, I'll do 3 or 4, but not 11!)

Surely we just need ONE politician to stand up and state 'you, know, the tax dollars gained on the national sales of R18+ video games to their target audience of adult working taxpaying voters, may be enough to lower the rate of tax and increase public services with no downsides whatsoever'.

Then just watch all barriers come crashing down.

The moment they mention kids getting hold of adult themed titles just mention movies, argument won.

'You want to protect Australia's kids? Ok, lets ban all 15+ movies also, The Godfather, gone, Shawshank Redemption, gone, Schindler's List, gone, Seven, Apocalypse Now, Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, Life of Brian, gone gone gone!

But what is that you say? There's some books with sex and violence in also? Best scrap those too. 1984, banned, Lord of the Flies, banned, To Kill a Mockingbird, banned, and of course the Bible, banned!

After all, what could happen if a child picked up such a book and read about all the smiting and perversions? Please, for the good of the cultural future of our country, let us rate mature titles accordingly and allow those interested to enjoy them, or do we continue in this way and allow ourselves to be seen as a nation of book burners of the present age? Because video games have moved on, and at their best are a creative plot driven experience in line with books and movies, and deserve no less respect. Certainly there are games that appeal only to the baser forms of entertainment, as there are books and movies, but is there not a simple pleasure in a spy novel or a good action movie? Let us not judge these games as outsiders or a threat, but as a new way to enjoy our leisure time.'

If nothing else, maybe they'd get so bored by my speech they'll sleep thru the next vote and it would get rejected.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
They know this how? Did they make someone smoke 30 a day for 40 years and make someone play MW2 for 40 years, and if the smoker got cancer first, gaming wins?

What a shit study. It's got more holes in it that a whorehouse.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
Smoking is for people that have no respect for their life and for the lives around them and therefore deserve no respect whatsoever. It is a health risk.

Gaming does not have these issues.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
What a morons. I play violent games all the time and I'm the most pacifistic war-hating warlovers-hating peace-and-love moron you'll ever encounter.