Requirements for a gamer


New member
Jun 7, 2010
the name gamer is easy deserved, by playing games. now a real question would be, how would you call someone that sees games as a artform? cause you have atleast have to do something besides playing games. starting by, knowing where you are talking about on an game-related subject!

but we still can't name that, because we still don't have a proper titels for 'games' who are more then games. take your mass effect, shadow of the colossus, some zelda titles and much more. interactive experiences would be the best in describing, but it sounds a bit silly.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Since when was gaming a faction or strictly mandated group? As far as I'm concerned you're a "gamer" if you spend every day playing or if you enjoy playing Helicopter Game for a few minutes a week.

Also this:

Jamboxdotcom said:
How about we just lose that fucking stupid nomenclature? Every time i hear someone use the word "gamer" it's either pejoratively by a non-gamer, or it's used smugly by a socially inept nerd. How about we ditch it?


New member
Mar 29, 2011
a certain amount of time playing games,
everyone needs to actually know they can play some basic games

a love of playing said games,
you have to enjoy what you do to announce yourself as one,(you can be one but not announce it if not like)

a small knowledge of game history,
We as gamers have a RICH history and mythos, so being part of that is important,

a desire to call yourself a gamer,
many religions require you to announce your faith so being a gamer could be the same

anyone agree or have other ideas?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
As people have said, being a gamer is just playing games. I understand what the OP is getting at, though. It's a fun topic provided you don't take it too seriously or act like you're setting out requirements to be in a cool club.

With that in mind, I would say;

-Played a Zelda game, Mario game and Pokemon game.
-Knows that giant eyeball on boss = weak point.
-Knows what "that plot twist" in Bioshock is.


Sep 22, 2009
DustyDrB said:
-Minimum of eight years experience in gaming.
-Master's in Gaming Enjoyment Studies strongly preferred.
-Three references from certified Gamers
-Critical thinking skills. Must be able to overcome obstacles and think dynamically.
-Ability to work with a team of dense AI
I agree with this comment, but a true gamer should also be able to frag at at least 65 Noobs Per Minute, minimum. They should also possess the ability to escort dense AI with no health and a deathwish through even the bloodiest warzones, and should be fluent in how to read and calculate stats.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Jordi said:
You have to be the kind of person that thinks his/her preferred entertainment medium is their defining characteristic.
This definition sounds about right to me.
Apr 21, 2011
Do you play videogames?

Do you enjoy playing videogames?

This is how you can tell your a gamer, you don't need to do certain goals. you just need to have an enjoyment for playing videogames. If you are a true gamer, you appreicate the art of videogames.

Mr. In-between

New member
Apr 7, 2010
I hate the media. I'd just like to go on record to say how much I hate 24 hour news programs and VH1 BS pop culture roundups because they created this stereotype of the basement-dwelling "gamer" that is so widely recognized in our day. I partially blame xbox live for this because it gave the wrong type of players the ability to connect and organize with one another.

Bottom line: you do not have to shop at thinkgeek, drink energy drinks, or listen to shitty white rappers in order to be a "gamer".


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I've made a 12 step program for anyone who's wishing to become a full fledged gamer, and I have been able to compact all 12 steps into 1 for your benefit!!

Step 1: Play games.

That will be $49.95...


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Trying to turn a hobby into a lifestyle/subculture are we? That's not cool. People who play games regularly are gamers, there are no "requirements" besides that. If you feel the need to belong to some kind of group, join a church.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Do you play games?


Do you enjoy them enough to get excited about them?


Then you're a gamer.
Pretty much this.
It's annoying when someone plays one round of a game then declares themself a gamer.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
mb16 said:
casual gamer- plays games for fun (plays sometimes)
gamer- plays games for fun (plays most days)
hardcore gamers- plays games for the challenge and to win (plays almost everyday)

It doesn't matter what game you play, its why you play and for how long you play.
I think I agree with this the most.
I'm in between gamer and hardcore gamer haha.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
badgersprite said:
DustyDrB said:
-Minimum of eight years experience in gaming.
-Master's in Gaming Enjoyment Studies strongly preferred.
-Three references from certified Gamers
-Critical thinking skills. Must be able to overcome obstacles and think dynamically.
-Ability to work with a team of dense AI
I agree with this comment, but a true gamer should also be able to frag at at least 65 Noobs Per Minute, minimum. They should also possess the ability to escort dense AI with no health and a deathwish through even the bloodiest warzones, and should be fluent in how to read and calculate stats.
Ooh, I like those revisions.
Now I'm going to have to start the interview process over again...


New member
Dec 31, 2010
To be someone who plays games and gets enjoyment out of playing said games.
That fits pretty well, and oh, what do you know, that pretty much applies to every human being on the planet. I guess that means that everybody is a gamer.
Good, because, as Moviebob, Yahtzee, and the people from Extra Credits have all said, the word "gamer" needs to die.

Baneat said:
It's a non-serious question ffs

You must shatter at least one controller
Does it count if you break a leg or something? Since, you know... "Kinect, for Xbox 360! You are the controller!"


New member
Apr 15, 2009
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
(This is all in jest)
All day (16-24 hours) gaming session
Had at least one semester of schooling ruined by gaming
Have at least one game that you will defend to the death
Raged on at least one forum
Dropped an embarrassing amount money at an arcade when caught up in a game
Ended a friendship over something game related
1. Done that, on the free day we had to study for exams
2. I failed my math class in seventh grade because I wanted to play Final Fantasy X and didn't do my homework, does that count?
3. Megaman Legends! -breaks beer bottle-
4. Does getting annoyed with the complaints on the bioware forums count?
5. I paid 7.99 for perfect dark zero, I would call that an embarrassing amount of money
6. Not really ended, but an old friend erased my FFX save (60+ hours!) while he was trying the game out, and somehow his adventure of goku game got saved over while the cartridge was in my possession -whistles innocently-