Requirements for a gamer

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Simple. Play a video game and like it.

I personally hate it when people starts saying stuff like:

-You need to have an INCREDIBLY awesome and customized system.
-You need to be able to play FPS games and not suck at them.
-You can't be a noob. (?)
-You gotta be good at every genre.
-You gotta know the story/plot by heart.
-You must have played the most famous titles out there at least once.
-You gotta have ALL the achievements/trophies.
-You gotta have a collection of at least 50 games.
-You gotta own every single gaming system that ever existed.
-You gotta know everything there is to know about games.

I mean, I consider myself a gamer. I play when I have time, I have games that I haven't even started playing or finished (I haven't finished GTA4 or MGS4), I am in the process of playing my first Zelda game; Ocarina of Time for the 64 (As in, not as an emulator), I love FF games but I don't obsess with reaching lv. 100 (Not anymore, at least), my main systems include a PS3, a Game Boy Micro and my 64, I'm not planning on buying a Xbox just so I can say I've played Gears of War of L4D or Halo, I'm okay with most games. Not awesome, just okay.

And still, no one can tell me I'm not a true video game fan or a "gamer". If someone asks you, are you a fan of ice cream? You might say "Yeah, I eat it from time to time. It's awesome, actually". What if someone tells you it's a lie because you don't eat it everyday or you don't like Pistachio flavored ice cream? You would be pissed! What do they know about what YOU like? So it's the same. I'm a gamer. I don't care about Trophies or what the kool kids are playing. I play what I want, when I want, if I want. No one can tell me it's not true.

See, it's all a matter of opinion, I guess. But sadly, the word "gamer" has been pinned as "Proud geek who has played almost every game out there and can kick everyone's ass". While that's fine and dandy (In a way), that's not the true definition. Gamer just means someone who plays video games and likes doing that. Yeah, I guess 5 year old kids are also gamers in a way. So what if they fling the Wii mote all over the place while laughing and screaming? Are they not having fun? Are they not playing, more or less? Who are you to tell them they're not having fun correctly? Heck, even people who play FB games could be gamers. Sure, they're lame games and you get no Achievements or anything but it's still a game. Or has anyone forgotten about PC gamers? The precursors of everything? What's so different about FB gamers or PC gamers?

So those are my two cents about the ridiculousness of the assumed meaning of the word Gamer and what a true gamer is.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
The casual gamer is a by-product of a successful gaming industry. I don't really like "casual gamer" (as defined by the general accepted parameters of low play, low interest), one has to admit that they are beneficial to a degree.

More attention to games means more interest means more money means more games.

It's up to the more "hardcore" gamers to help define where it the industry goes.

In other words, vote with your wallet. Broaden your horizons.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
VikingSteve said:
the most important requirement of all is that you give a shit where gaming is going, and have your purchases reflect that.

In other words... don't buy games based off hype, don't buy games only for the multi-player, make your voice heard when you find a game that sucks ass, and make your voice heard when you find a game that is actually good. By that, I do not mean a game that you just found fun, a game that really hits home in every category. Plus, you have to have been playing since 1995... PS1/SNES era experience is required.

Then again, not everyone is really smart enough/qualified to do all of that. There are plenty of people out there that think Dragon Age 2 is a good game...

I guess what I'm saying is that not everybody can be a gamer. Despite what you may think, we are an elitist crowd, we don't welcome everyone, and you have to be a certain kind of person to make the cut.

Also no girls allowed! lol
I'm not sure how to reply to this. Why is it an Elitist crowd? What makes someone who, let's say, LOVES playing Gran Turismo but is not really into it and not willing to finish it a 100% different from someone who wastes the entire day playing Halo: Reach? Is one having more fun than the other? Should the former guy be stoned because, according to everyone's standards, he's not a 'hardcore' gamer and therefore, he cannot play? Is he not allowed to spend his money any way he wants despite the fact that a PS3 is his first system? Is he wrong for loving a game like DA2? Does that mean he's mentally challenged, according to Elitists? I mean, we've all loved crappy games once or twice. Only no one has the bawls to admit it.
I'm sorry if you're actually being sarcastic and I missed it. Like I said, I'm not sure.

However, I gotta say I'm a bit offended by that "No girls allowed" comment. I'm a girl and I work at Gamestop. I might not be a Hardcore gamer but I sure as hell can kick some ass given that I am playing the right game, just like everyone else. Unlike most self appointed Elitists I've run across at work, I'm not fat or obsessed with games and simply because of that, I must say some other chauvinist guys skip me when they have a question about games and instead they ask the nerdiest-looking employee around. So who says girls can't play games? Who says I'm not allowed to like Killzone or CoD? Who says I can't be good at MK? Who says I'm probably only into Hannah Montana games or something like that?

So I will say this: THAT, sir, is the wrong definition of a gamer. I don't mean to sound like a crazy Amazon but that's just a silly comment. Sorry to break it to you.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Ikalos said:
The casual gamer is a by-product of a successful gaming industry. I don't really like "casual gamer" (as defined by the general accepted parameters of low play, low interest), one has to admit that they are beneficial to a degree.

More attention to games means more interest means more money means more games.

It's up to the more "hardcore" gamers to help define where it the industry goes.

In other words, vote with your wallet. Broaden your horizons.
I wish. Core gamers and hardcore gamers are a minority now. If you also happen to like a genre that isn't mainstream, you're out of luck.
You should still vote with your wallet, but if a game sells less, the AAA industry will reckon they need to make the game even more accessible to the lowest common denominator.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
mb16 said:
canadamus_prime said:
Playing games, that's it.
Anyone who says otherwise is an elitist douchebag who's obviously overdue for an extensive beating with a 2X4.
so you would class someone who has played facebook games a few times with someone who has spent +£3000 on games,PCs,etc..?
With the term "gamer"?? Yes. Doesn't matter if you have invested septillions of dollars into gaming or play Farmville for free as long as you both are having fun doing it. I am almost inclined to give the Farmville casual gamer the term gamer more than the latter. Their love is simple and pure. They aren't gonna get butthurt over nothing taking away from their joy of gaming.