Resident Evil 2 Remake was good. Just beat Leon's campaign.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
dscross said:
What difficulty level are you doing it at?

I figure if I did Veteran, I'd have restarted the game at least once by now, considering that Normal by itself has presented quite a challenge.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hawki said:
dscross said:
What difficulty level are you doing it at?

I figure if I did Veteran, I'd have restarted the game at least once by now, considering that Normal by itself has presented quite a challenge.
You made a wise decision. I rarely start on a difficulty above Normal. The only exception I can think of is DmC (2013) and Metal Gear Rising.


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
CoCage said:
Hawki said:
dscross said:
What difficulty level are you doing it at?

I figure if I did Veteran, I'd have restarted the game at least once by now, considering that Normal by itself has presented quite a challenge.
You made a wise decision. I rarely start on a difficulty above Normal. The only exception I can think of is DmC (2013) and Metal Gear Rising.
I don't think that rings true for this particular game.It just plays like older resis by forcing you to run rather than shoot.


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
Hawki said:
dscross said:
What difficulty level are you doing it at?

I figure if I did Veteran, I'd have restarted the game at least once by now, considering that Normal by itself has presented quite a challenge.
Hardcore isn't that different - it's just the enemies are tougher so you just end up running (and crippling enemies) a lot more as you would in the older ones. It forces you to learn ways to avoid enemies and plan your routes carefully. I was very careful throughout. Bosses are annoying on hardcore though - you must conserve all your ammo for them because they take longer than I feel they should for this type of game.

The ink ribbons also add a lot to the experience for me. You must think carefully.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
dscross said:
I don't think that rings true for this particular game.It just plays like older resis by forcing you to run rather than shoot.
Playing on normal, and as someone who's familiar with the RE formula, trust me, I've done my fair share of running rather than shooting (or in the case of Lickers, walking really slowly).


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hawki said:
dscross said:
I don't think that rings true for this particular game.It just plays like older resis by forcing you to run rather than shoot.
Playing on normal, and as someone who's familiar with the RE formula, trust me, I've done my fair share of running rather than shooting (or in the case of Lickers, walking really slowly).
This. Thank You.


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
Hawki said:
dscross said:
I don't think that rings true for this particular game.It just plays like older resis by forcing you to run rather than shoot.
Playing on normal, and as someone who's familiar with the RE formula, trust me, I've done my fair share of running rather than shooting (or in the case of Lickers, walking really slowly).
My brother played normal. He pretty much shot his way through and still had some ammo to spare. That's not an option on hardcore.


Master of Lancer
Jan 25, 2012
United States
game owned my soul for a while. It's short, but conducive to multiple play throughs, and once you start getting the hang of its mechanics, it just felt so good to play.

My advice to anyone who picks it up, and the realization that made hardcore mode possible for me, is this: Don't sleep on the knife.

At first you'll probably think the knife got nerfed to the point of useless. Once a zombie is up and roaming, your knife will do nothing to slow it down, and if you're forced to use it in self defense after a zombie grabs you, it'll take up a huge chunk of the knife's stamina... but that's not when the knife shines.

No, the knife shines when zombies are on the ground...a place the vast majority of them start off. If you suspect a zombie is going to get up on you, just pre-emptively knife that sucker. If you start early and swing fast, you'll catch the zombie in a stun-loop where its standing animation is interrupted over and over again, allowing you to knife it to death without wasting a single bullet.

Likewise, if you commit the headshots to drop a zombie once (which is maddeningly variable. Some zombies go down after 2-3 head shots, others take a whole clip) you can fully kill the zombie and not need to fear it waking back up while Mr. X is chasing you around.

Once you shoot the 15 raccoons and get the infinite knife, the game becomes *so* much easier, regardless of difficulty... just be careful you don't stick the knife into an enemy who won't let you get it back.

My love of the gameplay, and fondness for the knife aside, the game wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, there were a lot of segments that were way too "trial-and-error" for my tastes, like playing hide-n-seek with the police chief, or the Ada incinerator. These sections weren't hard, in the traditional sense, but both gave you such a narrow margin of error that if you didn't jump into them knowing exactly what the game wanted you to do, you would probably fail the first time, forcing you to reload a previous save... but once you know what you have to do it becomes a simple task.

Also, the game allows the zombies to lunge from some positions that defy the laws of physics and it feels really, really cheap sometimes.

Also, also, the G fight where you have to smack him with the freight container can burn in hell. Only section of the entire game I unambiguously hated.


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
balladbird said:
I really didn't find hardcore very hard compared to other games I've played, except for the bullet sponge bosses, which I didn't think were necessary for this type of game tbh. Yawn in the RE1 Remake would be more the difficulty level I would expect for most bosses.

I don't know why people struggled so much for the rest. It's just running, shooting some zombie legs selectively, making sure the correct windows are boarded up, old school item management, memorisation of the frankly small map and planning your route well. I did it on my first run and OK I died quite a few times initially, but you should do in survival horror. It really wasn't that bad.

There was one part in the 2nd Mr X encounter in scenario B I struggled with where I hadn't killed anything in the corridor next to the darkroom and I think it's more important to clear that bit out than anywhere else. it took me a while to manage a licker, 2 or 3 zombies and Mr X in that bit. But I managed it, and it was largely my own fault I got into that situation.

I didn't use the knife much except as the occasional sub weapon.

I'm sure speedrunning would be tougher on this mode though as it took me over 9 hours to finish each scenario on a blind hardcore playthrough (probably all the stopping to hide from Mr X didn't help).


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Hawki said:
So now Mr. X is chasing me.

Mr. X forces me to keep reloading my saves because it's often better than trying to fight my way out of a corner.

Mr. X hates me.

Mr. X won't stop coming.

Mr. X doesn't feel remorse, or fear, and absolutely will not stop...wait, wrong franchise.

Fuck Mr. X

Snark aside, I have to give credit where credit's due. I commented that Mr. X in Vanilla RE2 was pretty paltry compared to Nemesis, in that he'd only turn up in set areas, and you can easily down him if you equip the machine gun. But this guy, in some ways, is even more intimidating than Nemesis. Slower, sure, but he just keeps coming. I've since pieced together that if I walk rather than run I can buy more time, and that he's got the ears of bat (a.k.a. try not to fire anything, ever), but it's about the right amount of frustration - enough that I want to keep playing, enough that I never feel safe, even at this point I'm pretty set for ammo.

I think that's kind of a microcosm of RE2 remake so far - just hard enough to heat the sweet spot.
Mr X is now a meme:

And his name is Tyrant (Model T-103.)


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I haven't played a single Resident Evil game besides maybe like ten minutes of 4 and a demo of 6. But damn is this game making me want to play it. It looks fuckin' rad. Honestly might have to break down and get it. I just don't wanna get sunk into another long video game series. Man's only got so much time.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Elfgore said:
I haven't played a single Resident Evil game besides maybe like ten minutes of 4 and a demo of 6. But damn is this game making me want to play it. It looks fuckin' rad. Honestly might have to break down and get it. I just don't wanna get sunk into another long video game series. Man's only got so much time.
I'll say this - Resident Evil is heavy on continuity. If you drop into something like Resi 5 for instance, you're going to be pretty lost.

On the other hand, of what I've played so far, RE2 should be pretty easy to get into without being familiar with the setting. It's arguably even easier than the original, which featured a brief recap of RE1 in its intro. In contrast, the remake is more "here's a nightmarish situation, figure it out if you survive long enough" (though you should be able to guess that this "Umbrella" that's mentioned a lot at the start might have something to do with the whole zombie thing...)


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
B-Cell said:

So just completed clarie 2nd run. its almost same. almost.

I don't understand why you keep playing if you don't like the game style. This genre clearly isn't your thing.

Also, if you are still playing it like a standard shooter you are doing it wrong. If you really want to see the point of the game, turn the difficulty right up and see if you can do it the way it's supposed to be played and you might start to realise why people love it. On the other hand, you might think it's impossible and hate it - in which case, you know to never touch this genre again. You definitely won't be able to save 53 times.

I did say in an earlier post about the A and B scenarios and how the original did it better story wise. There were massive story differences and different bosses in those. However the scenario is remixed in the remake and it's still fun if you like the style, which you obviously didn't.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Hawki said:
Elfgore said:
I haven't played a single Resident Evil game besides maybe like ten minutes of 4 and a demo of 6. But damn is this game making me want to play it. It looks fuckin' rad. Honestly might have to break down and get it. I just don't wanna get sunk into another long video game series. Man's only got so much time.
I'll say this - Resident Evil is heavy on continuity. If you drop into something like Resi 5 for instance, you're going to be pretty lost.

On the other hand, of what I've played so far, RE2 should be pretty easy to get into without being familiar with the setting. It's arguably even easier than the original, which featured a brief recap of RE1 in its intro. In contrast, the remake is more "here's a nightmarish situation, figure it out if you survive long enough" (though you should be able to guess that this "Umbrella" that's mentioned a lot at the start might have something to do with the whole zombie thing...)
I'm kind of video game story/lore junkie, as well as seen I think three of the movies. So, I do have a general idea of the overall plots and stories of the series. I appreciate the warning though. I think I'll just add them to the Steam wishlist for now and then snipe them out bit by bit when on sale and do a series playthrough then.


Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
Elfgore said:
Hawki said:
Elfgore said:
I haven't played a single Resident Evil game besides maybe like ten minutes of 4 and a demo of 6. But damn is this game making me want to play it. It looks fuckin' rad. Honestly might have to break down and get it. I just don't wanna get sunk into another long video game series. Man's only got so much time.
I'll say this - Resident Evil is heavy on continuity. If you drop into something like Resi 5 for instance, you're going to be pretty lost.

On the other hand, of what I've played so far, RE2 should be pretty easy to get into without being familiar with the setting. It's arguably even easier than the original, which featured a brief recap of RE1 in its intro. In contrast, the remake is more "here's a nightmarish situation, figure it out if you survive long enough" (though you should be able to guess that this "Umbrella" that's mentioned a lot at the start might have something to do with the whole zombie thing...)
I'm kind of video game story/lore junkie, as well as seen I think three of the movies. So, I do have a general idea of the overall plots and stories of the series. I appreciate the warning though. I think I'll just add them to the Steam wishlist for now and then snipe them out bit by bit when on sale and do a series playthrough then.
4, 5 and 6 aren't really worth playing in my opinion if you want the classic survival horror style (and not just action shooting) anyway and they are the most convoluted in terms of story. The other mainline games you should be fine with.