Resident Evil 6


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I'm no fan of Resident Evil and similar 'horror' games, but Jesus f#cking Christ I just saw Hong Kong in that video.
I always wanted a zombie game set in my hometown, and that may just be enough to win me over.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
As long as I can move and aim at the same time, I'll be happy. A proper shooting stance is not needed for every shot.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
This looks pretty sick.

Reminds me of Gears of War, Left 4 Dead and Max Payne in one.

The gameplay looks like it has loads of variety which is a winner for me. Plot looks more intriguing than the standard Zombie-fare too.


New member
Oct 1, 2011
Glad to see my zombies and mutants again! I'm ok with this direction, at first I wasn't with RE5 and ORC was depressing me. But I guess I had a revelation, and my body is ready. Unfortunately, I'm willing to bet that they'll push it back to the spring of 2013 though, like RE5.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
BloodWriter said:
The Wykydtron said:
It looks alright, i liked RE4 and 5 was ok. I suppose if Wesker's in it i might buy this one. I mean who doesn't like Wesker?
Wait a minute, didn't he kick the bucket for good in RE5?

I for one am excited, looks like three playable characters with different scenes, strengths and gameplay, looks amazing. I'm over the fact that RE will never be the moody puzzler it used to be, but this still looks likely like an AAA title worth clamouring for!
Pfft. Please, as if a little trifle like death could stop Wesker! Besides i'm sure a fall into a lava flow is totally survivable...

What i really mean is i'm hoping Capcom pulls a fast one and writes Wesker back in. Just make him all scarred and say he was saved by his sexy voice... Or that he just crawled onto a rock or something


New member
Aug 27, 2009
oh my god! Them Asians are trying to get to us through them video games! They want to kill the President!

Yeah, it looks passable. Operation raccoon city is still my personal want.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
If this is more like Resident Evil 4 I am sure it will be brilliant. If it's more like Gears of War then I guess it will be OK.

What I really hope is that they wont mess it up by adding multiplayer. Resident Evil 5's multiplayer was horrible and I don't want to see multiplayer being a big part of a Resident Evil game...


New member
Mar 23, 2004
They should just re release RE 2 over and over. At least we'd get a good game.

But anyway, we'll see what happens. I'd honestly like it if they went back to static cameras and wonky controls because that was half of what made the originals so damn scary.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I'm very cautious about it. I liked Resident Evil 1 through 4 and have enjoyed its progression, but I am concerned about any actual "horror" being in the game now that is has become ALMOST exclusively action oriented. Waves of enemies aren't really scary, they just make the game difficult. Reading the journal of the guy in RE1 who is slowly becoming a zombie and losing his humanity is much creepier in my books.

Also, the storyline seems to be taking itself pretty seriously... not a good thing in the Resident Evil universe. The story progression for the series as a whole is pretty silly and the more seriously they take it and try to tie up all the loose ends, the more silly/confusing its going to be since (for me anyway) plot-holes are easier to ignore when you stop trying to justify them in idiotic ways.


New member
Jun 24, 2008
I thought it looked like a cool trailer. Iv always wanted to get more into Resident Evil (played five first, thought it was alright, four afterwards, enjoyed it. yet to play the first three)

Of course, it is a trailer, so ill reserve judgement till I see some gameplay.


Captcha: Scapen Suspected

Dammit Scapen, what have you done now?!


New member
May 27, 2010
Why does everyone think the mercenary is Steve Burnside? He doesn't look or act like Steve, not to mention that Burnside is dead.

It's probably Alex Wesker. Spencer sent him to go find the secret of immortality, and he succeeded...but then he betrayed Spencer and ran off with the herb.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
suitepee7 said:
resi 4 is still one of my all time favourites, and resi 5 was ok i guess. i put a lot of time in it because i enjoyed the gameplay, and a lot of the time i played co-op with either a friend or girlfriend. personally this looks pretty awesome, i'l liking leons stuff, and the new guy seems interesting, but chris has never been a favourite of mine...

i will most likely get it, but future footage will decide if i preorder or not
Reason why we keep seeing C. Redfield: Chris is a primary franchise character, and intensely popular in Japan. Full stop.

His incessant drive to still do goodwill despite having a "[a href=""]cynist's outlook[/a]" regarding the apparent futility of his efforts make him crazy appealing to the Japanese fanbase. They see him the world-weary but stalwart "White Knight" of the franchise.

The Floating Nose

Senior Member
Dec 5, 2010
The game looks good, im honestly disappointed that the characters are Leon and Chris AGAIN. I would've liked if they tried other characters like Barry, Claire, Rebecca. It looks more interesting than the 5th one though when i saw the civilians run away i was like "well, that's interesting !" But i was hoping an old-school Resident Evil but it looks like Capcom is continuing their string of "Americanized Evil". I'll play it though, it will probably be fun but i probably will not have the feeling of playing a Resident Evil.

Fuck you very much Capcom. At the time, you were doing different games but it seems that you are now a part of the shooter bandwagon.

I hope that one day, an old-school Resident Evil come back. I wouldn't care if it was sold through XBLA or PSN i mean, Resident Evil 1,2 and 3 (and Code Veronica) were part of my childhood.

Otaku World Order

New member
Nov 24, 2011
Kopikatsu said:
Why does everyone think the mercenary is Steve Burnside? He doesn't look or act like Steve, not to mention that Burnside is dead.

It's probably Alex Wesker. Spencer sent him to go find the secret of immortality, and he succeeded...but then he betrayed Spencer and ran off with the herb.
I hope so. If there's ever a character in this series who needed to stay dead, it's Steve Burnside, the annoying little puke.

Speaking of Code: Veronica, I'd love to see Claire in another game. Come on, Capcom, bring back the other Redfield. I'd even go for Elza Walker right about now.


New member
Dec 22, 2011
You know, if Capcom didn't innovate the series, I imagine fans would be whining and saying, 'CAPCOM! Y U NO INNOVATE?!'

So do they do with RE4, and now fans are like, 'CAPCOM! Y U NO STICK TO FORMULA?!'

Anyway, it's just a trailer. No reason to get an aneurysm or something because Chris can stick to cover or whatever.

Though that BOW that grabbed Chris out of cover and swung him around a bit possibly suggests that cover may not be too helpful.