Tales of Golden Sun said:
It's understandable that people don't like the things you just listed. The only thing is, jRPG fans LIKE linearity, NEED the story-basedness (if that's a word), DON'T CARE about androgyenous characters, WANT sidequests, and LOVE an arbitrary love story. The whole reason I don't like wRPGs is the non-linearity, the good-neutral-bad choices and the macho heroes. I for one don't care if it's popular or not, as long as people will continue developing them.
I really think that the broody-angsty hero thing is just a Final Fantasy thing. People need to realize FF is not the ONLY jRPG series out there. And the fact that someone that isn't macho doesn't mean they're angsty either.
Agreed. There's a lot of good jrpgs that are actually decently popular, but they don't get any attention because everyone just talks about Final Fantasy and a few others. The Persona and Tales games are some of the best jrpgs out there. I especially love the stories, character development, and storytelling of the Tales series.
On the other hand, "rpg" tends to be a misnomer. While I believe linear storytelling with set characters that we can't customize is a useful type of game, it's not an rpg. The rpg genera is about making a personalized character, and playing their personality. If you can't make the character who you want it to be, it's not an rpg. Jrpgs tend to go around this by letting you change abilities and gear, but that's not really the same.