Review: Aliens vs. Predator


New member
Feb 6, 2009
I really enjoyed playing all the campaigns on this game. Although the alien campaign wasn't quite as good as the othertwo, I still loved the look on the marines face when you grab him/her from behind - that look of "oh....i'm f**ked!", ha!

I'm actually playing through again which says something as I lamost never play a game through a second time once I've completed it. I like the unexpected.


Jan 4, 2010
Well, everything you just explained about whats wrong with the game I can look over. Graphics, I don't give a shit, Writing: it would be nice to have good (unlike my own) writing *Cough* any Bioware game *cough* but that can be a sacrifice if it means brutal fucking awesome gameplay.

You know what, I might get this game now once I get money.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
I finished the marine campaign on the PC and I must say I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I think the franchise has an edge because the sound effects are so iconic and integral to the films that when they are used in a game they add instant atmosphere and immersion. The sweet combo of the movement detector's rising scale of beeps, pulse rifle bursts, the screams of the aliens and the clicks of the predators got me right into the game.

Several times I had to stop for a breather due to increasing heart rates. I took this chance to whinge to my brother (sitting next to me at the time) that I "didn't sign up for this s**t", I only joined the marines to "rescue colonists daughters from their virginities" and to get some "Arcturian poontang". Then I took a deep breath and got back into the fun.

I must admit that there were times where I wanted a cover mechanic - probably since so many shooters feature it these days and I am used to it.

Oh - and the smart gun was a lot of fun.

I agree with this review and personally would recommend the game for fans of the franchise and anyone else once the price comes down a bit.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
I'm tempted to get it. I have very fond (and scary) memories of the original one.

EDIT: Downloading it now. It's at (checks)...2%... I'm not going to get to play it today am I?

Epictank of Wintown

New member
Jan 8, 2009
I really don't see why everyone says AvP's graphics are "terrible." They're really not all that bad. As a matter of fact, I thought the graphics were pretty good. I've only played the demo so far (and boy is it frantic, especially playing as a lone marine against five Alien players and two Predators), but I really really enjoyed the game and the campaigns look pretty damn fun.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
The only thing I wanted to know was what you thought about the online game play. While the campaigns are good, you've played it or seen it if you played the first game or watched the first AvP movie. The movie where they activate the temple... seems familiar. LoL I bought the game for online game play and I think it's awesome.

There is some things I didn't like that was in the old games. Aliens feel sluggish when manual wall transitions are on but glue to everything when you're trying to run through a hallway with auto transition on; you will get stuck going somewhere you didn't want and missing a kill.

I also don't like the focus to pounce, alien, or fly at them with your claws, predator. You're trying to run, hold the focus button and then hit them before they do the same to you or just shoot you if they're a marine. The old games just had a button for you to go flying off.

Crayzor said:
This game is some of the most fun I've ever had online. I don't understand why some reviewers have given it such low scores.
Maybe they're don't know how to block, pounce, wait. The review talked about no cover system but he didn't talk about sitting and waiting for your prey to walk by or getting that stealth kill with the grab system. This game was definitely worth my money. I think I've already played 37 hours of AvP this week (would of been more but I have WoW raids =P).

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I agree, it isn't the most amazing thing to look at, but the single player campaigns, especially the marine campaigns were in my opinion flawless. (Except for the stupid boss fight at the end of the marine campaign)
I was totally immersed whilst playing this game, it's just a shame the experience is totally lost when playing online.


a gallardo? fine, I'll take it.
Dec 24, 2008
Davey Woo said:
I agree, it isn't the most amazing thing to look at, but the single player campaigns, especially the marine campaigns were in my opinion flawless. (Except for the stupid boss fight at the end of the marine campaign)
I was totally immersed whilst playing this game, it's just a shame the experience is totally lost when playing online.
Strange, normally AvP is best played online or with friends.

I remember the AvP from 2000, the horror in your friends voice when finding out that "you play as an alien?".

Also I laughed at Russ Pitts saying "oh you want some of this", yeah not scary in the slightest, no wonder Christmas Tree's don't respect you!.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Graphics-wise it is no Crysis, but I still thought the game looked pretty damn good, especially considering that I recently booted up my old copy of AvP2 and noticed how much has changed in 9 years.
Also, I too was wary when I first realized there wasn't even a button for ducking, but when you think about it for a moment an intricate cover system would be hilariously redundant in this game.
All in all, though, I agree with your review. The new AvP wasn't exactly everything I'd hoped for as a fan of the franchise, but it's still a lot of fun (even with the awkward PC controls), and in the end that's all I want from a game.
Jan 23, 2009
I can't believe that people are ragging on the graphics... theyre absolutely stunning!

But I think really the different is in versions, the Xbox version must be ugly as sin to get it to run on that old box. On PC it's a different story completely.

Also I can't see why a cover system would be a good thing, this isn't Gears of War.

Consider also that as a marine you're never in firefights. Although like the post above me, I would like a crouch, a prone might be too far. It would probably be the "die" button. ^^


New member
Nov 13, 2009
The game is ultimately the same one I played in 98, by what I understand. i didn't like it then and I doubt I will like it now. Of course, I could be wrong, but I'm not about to try.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
I agree with most of this review. However it's a 3 out of 5 stars game, quite clearly.


The Master of Speilingz
Mar 19, 2009
Well I personally Thought that it was a bag of Cock biscuits.
But to each its own...


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I can't wait to play this, I've popped in the original AvP2 in the meantime. Even the originals had faults, but it was still a great game..


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
ehh graphics arnt that bad, altho Ive been playing games for over 20 years now so I know bad graphics, the main thing that bugs me about this review tho is the cover system thing, why would a cover system help anything? Im assuming you mean like the one in gears or something


New member
Oct 23, 2008
If your not high on nostalgia, and I mean really high, the game sucks. All mechanics save the Predators have been done better by someone else a long time ago. Atmosphere wise except for some of the marine missions most of them are pretty boring and even the marine sense wears down just after the first alien encounter because when I saw the aliens in this game I thought of roaches and not the majestic beast of prey. All in all it kinda sucked for me, I`m no editor but I would definitely recommend a demo or something before buying it and not trusting Russ on this one.