I was going to say "I agree mostly with Russ...", but then I found this post and figured I could just quote it instead."
Angelo Credo said:
I agree with most of the things in this review, however there are two things I'm stumped about.
1: Cover system? It's an FPS, and only when playing as the Marine, a cover system would have been largely useless as Aliens swarm your position so fast that they'd be in melee range before you even have a chance to make reasonable use of it. As an Alien or Predator, it'd be even more redundant.
2: Poor graphics? Seriously now? Maybe it looks like arse on the 360 version, I dunno, but fire it up on PC and it looks better than most other games I've played recently, even on DX9 mode, I fail to see how it looks old/dated in the slightest.
I can't understand why anyone would want a cover system in this when there aren't any firefights, and I don't understand what everyone's whining about with bad graphics. I thought they were great, and I haven't upgraded my computer's hardware for 3 years.
I've really given no attention to the multiplayer; my harddrive seems to be starting to kick the bucket, so sometimes things take absurdly long times loading, and I've never had it more evident than in AvP's multiplayer, where games start before everyone's finished loading. I had joined a 4 person Survival, because I loved it when I tried it singleplayer, and when I finally finished loading, I spawned at the VERY beginning of the stage surrounded by dozens of aliens (they can attack you before you finish loading), and there was only one person alive, about 3 floors beneath me. That's simply bad design.
So I've mostly stayed away from multiplayer, especially until they implement dedicated servers, and I still have no regrets with pre-ordering it back in January. I loved the campaigns, especially the Alien campaign and stalking marines as the Predator. I found the combat droids to be rather unfair at points in the marine campaign; I had gotten to my first group of them, where there were stacks of crates or something and I was outside; one of them ran straight at me with that sniper rifle thing and killed me. The Survival mode (I really can only do it solo for aforementioned reasons) is fun, more-so on the C-block map, which resembles something you might have found in the movie Aliens.
Wow I've really rambled. I'm just going to stop by saying that while Aliens vs. Predator has many flaws, it's simply FUN! But it is a niche appeal, you really need to love the original Alien, Aliens, and Predator movies to get the full enjoyment and references.