This review kind of blew ... (ellipses are three dots, not seven and there should be a space either side)hard. All that is you talked about is the aspect of creating and controlling your Sim. (clumsy sentence there) IT'S (missed an apostrophe) A SIMS GAME WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU DO, CUT UP THE CD AND EAT IT? You completely ignored a lot of the aspects of them game and you failed to mention things such as how the game ran, load times, was whether the building aspect similar to the old or was whether it was renovated or (I know you hate them, but this should be an 'or') what (besides the live town) differed in this game from the past previous Sims games. (no need for an ellipse or the 'etc') Also, you don't need the word OR when separating, choices, ideas, decisions, OR thoughts between every SINGLE one. The video flows about as well as a truck going up hill on its rims. Whether you wrote it out yourself or were handed the material, read it a few times, get a rhythm that attracts people going (not sure what you mean here). The video mentions a few more points (and even that then, only in passing) but spends an exuberant extraordinate amount of time on creating your Sim again, when it could be discussing other aspects of the game that get less time in the sun than an inmate in a high security prison, and has the gaping whole hole to attest to that.
Writing: 2/10
Video: 2/10
Needs some work C-