Why is it always a ZOMBIE apocalypse? Why not a massive tidal wave, earthquake, a solar flare wiping out all life on earth or some cosmic catastrophe like a blackhole. I want my last moments on earth to be spectacular dammit.
Hell, if you still want the whole "us-humans-holding-up-against-an-unstoppable-horde" thing, why not something like, animals rise up against their oppressors, dolphin raise an army to take back dry land with war machines or the classic, heaven vs. hell vs. humans melee with the four horsemen thrown in. THAT would be a spectacular end of all life on earth [/rant]
...why did I just write that?
OT:Looks cool, So it on failblog sometime back, would get but I would rather go for an underground bunker or maybe create a concrete stilt house like we get back at home. Wonder if it'll stand up to any other spectacular disaster
But if it comes with a entertainment lounge and stocks of food and a power generator, I guess it would make for a nice stay while you sit out Armageddon...
Another tangent: My eyesight must be going but I read the title as worlds zombie-proof-horse. Now that would be badass. Get 4 of them and 3 of your mates, arm yourselves with chainsaws and you'll be the four horsemen of the zombie apocalypse.
I really shouldn't be operating a keyboard