Ride Out the Apocalypse in the World's First Zombie-Proof House


New member
Feb 6, 2010
Zombies aren't real so that's obviously not the purpose of this house. It's a house for a rich, paranoid coward. Less than awesome.
Want to protect yourself from the mean, scary world and lock yourself in a concrete box, you pussy?
Any house with a gun is pretty much zombie-proof anyways.
I'm not impressed.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
I'm not convinced. How do they KNOW it's Zombie proof? Eh? Have they tested it?
Simple. They got a thousand prepubescent girls and told them Justin Bieber was inside. You can imagine the stresses that building suffered.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Impressive, too bad all it does is trap you inside with someone who's going to try to eat you around the third act [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ZombieInfectee]


New member
May 22, 2009
Irony said:
Well all the windows had be skeptical of the whole thing, but I see they've taken care of that. Beyond the aforementioned need of a storage facility capable of holding the necessary supplies needed to survive, the main thing I thought of the whole thing was "I hope they have their own independent source of energy. Those lock-down systems don't run off air."
Well maybe it's powered by exercise bikes. (Note the exercise bike in the corner in one photo)

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Alphakirby said:
Irony said:
Well all the windows had be skeptical of the whole thing, but I see they've taken care of that. Beyond the aforementioned need of a storage facility capable of holding the necessary supplies needed to survive, the main thing I thought of the whole thing was "I hope they have their own independent source of energy. Those lock-down systems don't run off air."
Well maybe it's powered by exercise bikes. (Note the exercise bike in the corner in one photo)
Could be, a power source like that is a good idea. Only potential problem I see with it is that you're powering the mechanisms for some machines that move some big ass pieces of concrete and metal. That can't be low on energy cost. And that isn't taking into account all the other electrical stuff that you can run in there. It would be a good way to supplement your main power source though.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
That house looks like it was predesigned in Minecraft. Between that and the fact it will make any overhyped architect cry tears of blood makes me happy.
The_root_of_all_evil said:
I'm not convinced. How do they KNOW it's Zombie proof? Eh? Have they tested it?
Probably invited the in-laws over and they failed to get in. That's always a good test.
Wolfram01 said:
The garage door wall seems like an obvious weak point compared to the 1 foot thick concrete everywhere else.
Best way to overcome that is build that house among other, weaker houses. The zombies will go for the easier prey.
Otherwise there does need to be many spikes put on that door. With the panel AI of Aperture Test Labs controlling it. Every time they come up to pound on it, the door pushes them back.

Either case, two words: Lava Moat.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I am impressed. Yes you have to get it ready otherwise you'll have zombies inside, but it's still a solid home. It looks like a nice place to live, and at the same time like a prison, secure with people stuck on the inside.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Hmm my close friends and I may consider purchasing such a house...for safety reasons of course, and its obvious natural flow. lol


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Well, if you're ballsy enough to boast that a building is zombie-proof, it best be ready to hold up under a fine toothed comb and magnifying glass. People that have said as much, within the respective worlds of zombie-fic, have an annoying tendency to be WRONG. Undead wrong. *cracks knuckles*

Issue #1: The speed that that little turtle can pull in its shell. Those mechanisms better be FAST. There also needs to be a setting you have it at where, when the perimeter's proximity sensors trip (which I assume you have), starts the process.

Issue #2: Maintenance and power. Hope you're good at the first one and have plenty of the second at a nearby, secure location.

Issue #3: Garage?

Issue #4: No gun ports? The zombie apocalypse is all about active defense. Also take into account that not all your foes may be undead.

Issue #5: The wall is nice but a moat would make it even nicer. Pungie pits are also cool. (Sharpened wooden stakes at the bottom of a covered pit).

Hope these tips make your zombie apocalypse lifespan that much longer. Seriously, though, those windows could pose a problem for you.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Um... did you add the bit about zombies just to draw attention to an article about this house? It feels tacked on.

I'm not sure I'd agree in any case. The huge thick doors are nothing if one entire wall is only a thin roller door... Where's the reinforced glass roof for indoor growing of food (not to mention sunlight requirements for health). Hell, there should be NO ground-level access, or 1st floor access for that matter - what happens when another survivor frantically drives his car up to it and climbs up to get in?

At least these people can sleep a little more soundly knowing that burglary is unlikely.

...Unless he was already in the house when you closed it... :S


New member
Apr 23, 2010
That actually looks better than my house, and its awsome I hope im not the only oe who though of ONI: Alpha site from odst when I saw the last picture :3


New member
Sep 28, 2010
TimeLord said:
Nope, This is [http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/anti-zombie-fortress]!

And £5 says it works better than that technological failure ;)
Why? It has glass. Never hide in a building that has glass in a zombie apocalypse. Let alone a building with a glass outer wall!

Edit: I don't care if it folds up into a little concrete box, if you are caught with your pants down then your doomed.
shame it was probably destroyed in the earthquakes...
and that place could use a lick of paint, yeah its concrete and designed for the apocalapse doesn't hurt to keep your resale prices up

on note, the power is not an issue, the large surface area on the roof can be fitted with solar panels, meaning basic electricity is easy. it's just keeping the pool running thats stupid. also having greenhouses on the roof, means fresh produce could be grown.
I feel a close off-shore oil rig is the best, as how the hell are the zombies going to get over there!!!


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Hating on zombies trend is new zombies trend guys. Get recent, why dontcha.

More on topic, zombie-proof or not, this house seems very modern, yet has a zen feel to it. Personally, I'd love to have a house like that without the ability to turn into a giant cube. Cheaper and just as awesome 90% of time. Sure I wouldn't be able to invite attractive hordes of women to stay at my house and then turn the house into a fortress and claim World War 3 has broken out in order to get them to fall in love with me, but we can't all have our wildest dreams come true.