Robocop Remake Trailer Hits the Streets

Jacques Joseph

New member
Nov 15, 2012
It seems I´m not at all up-to-date about this, I still thought Aronoffsky is directing, which gave me some hope on that "illusion of free will" thing. But yeah, it probably won´t be as interesting as it might have been - plus the fact they basically spoil the final point in the trailer ("there will always be his human part!" - not that it is such a surprise, but with Aronoffsky, it might have been something less trivial...).

On the other hand, it looks much better than I expected, plus the "let´s go with black" moment gives hope as to there being some irony and satire in it... but other than that, looks rather like a generic action movie to me.

With all that being said, I´m not a big fan of pre-judging movies by trailers, it´s just as likely they showed only the good bits of what is going to be a crap movie, as it is that the things that are going to make it good are the ones they cannot really show in 2 minutes...


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I've seen the original Robocop last week and it holds up really well. It's actually better than I remember it being as a kid, and I really liked it back then.

The trailer looks all right but the original was a violent satire disguised as an action movie, full of not just memorable but iconic imagery and scenes. This looks blander, safer, dumber and more generic. I bet that if I mashed up scenes from this, the Total Recall remake, Elysium and a few other forgettable sci-fi from recent years into a short clip, it would be very hard to tell which scene belongs in which movie.

I think I'll wait for the DVD version.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
I actually thought the trailer looks pretty sweet, and loved the black armor.

Maybe i am a bit biased because whenever i can i also chose for my armor / clothes in game to be (almost) completely black.


Jul 2, 2008
This is a family friendly Robo cop and will most likely suck as they fear to do 18s now. But the trailer looks goodish... so still waiting for reviews and word of mouth have very low expectations, still there is a glimer of hope.


Varia Suit Maintenance Engineer
Apr 15, 2010
about the black armour, i kinda got the impression from the trailer that he will change back to grey at some point, don't know, but i think it might be a story point to show he is no longer controlled.
I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the whole 'fake free will' part


New member
Feb 24, 2013
Huh. I thought this sounded awful and I was unimpressed by the pictures I'd seen, but the trailer looks decent. I'm feeling a little more optimistic about this film.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
This feels like... Syndicate when it was turned into an FPS.

I mean, I guess it'll be fun but I'm not anticipating much.

I'll see it if that weekend I have a decent amount of disposable income and the weather is shit.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Yeah, I am jumping on the 'Fucking TERRIBLE' bandwagon.

It took all of 60 seconds for me to realize this thing was actually going to take it self completely serious and grimdark. ..Yeah, that's not Robocop; that's every other movie.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
This could be enjoyable. Maybe not great, but probably decent enough to watch.


. . . . . . . .
Aug 3, 2013
So .... they've made Robocop into an evil version of the Six Million Dollar Man. *golf clap*

I figured the project was going to fail to deliver when I found out they had hired Sam Jackson but didn't cast him as Murphy/Robocop. "GET THESE MUTHABLEEPIN THUGS OFF MY MUTHABLEEPIN STREETS!" sigh

It could have been magnificent.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
This doesn't interest me as much as it should. There seems to be none of the satire or humor, and the black armor is.....yeah. Is it just me or do a lot the shots from this trailer look like a Batman movie, like if you blur your vision a bit?


New member
Feb 22, 2013
008Zulu said:
Anyone else catch the line "America needs a symbol it can get behind"? That killed my interest, but not for the reason you'd think. RoboCop was about a cop turned cyborg who get his revenge on those who took away his life, that one line sets up the remake as a Superhero movie. RoboCop isn't a superhero movie.
Well, if I may, he was set up to be a symbol in the original as well, though that was focused more on Detroit. He was supposed to be the sort of invincible cop who the people could get behind and feel safe. His whole existence was far more political than anything from the view of the people running the city.

I totally agree that he shucked that mantle and things got real personal, which is why the movie was more effective than if he had been just a super hero. Hopefully, they'll go the same route this time. Based on the trailer, it does seem like they are going to lean that direction a bit more. Hold out for hope!


New member
Jul 31, 2013
A Lot of bitching about exterior but only a few about interior.
This is in many basic points already something different.

In the origin Murphy was unwillingly, and unconscious too, drafted in to an ongoing cyborg-program for policeman and soldiers with amputees.
In the remake Murphy's wife is ask to write him in a reconstruction-program(because wheelchairs are evil, Dr.X).

In the origin Murphy dies officially and doesn't remember himself.
In the remake Murphy knows who he is and so does his family.

In the origin OCP made him a frontman, because he's the first success in the program.
In the remake OCP makes him a frontman, so the public calms down about the drone-program.
(Didn't see it? Androids: unmanned. ED-209: unmanned. Jet-copters: most likely unmanned.)

In the origin Murphy loses an arm and both legs through a executional shooting with failing and failed organs. The right arm could have been saved, but origin OCP wanted the full treatment tested.
In the remake Murphy loses left arm, and leg, and shatters spine through a car explosion, criminal revenge or most likely OCP (because in robocop everything leads to OCP).

I don't remember the source (official, ext. uni. or just fanfic) but origin Robocop was biologically just spine, lung, heart, face-skin and brain. Even eyes and stomach were artificial. So the metal was his body, life support and all. While the new goes more along the line of an exoskeleton. We see his right arm is still within the suit(even the black), so is probably his left leg and manly parts.

Something important we don't see is if the police is on strike or not. But this detroit looks more warzone then crime heaven. Everyone is heavier armed and more is destroyed, not simply ruined or neglected but destroyed. Just noticed we see poor people running, but the fighting doesn't have criminals, maybe cause PG 13 or they wear military equipment.

tl;dr.: This needs a Lets watch ...-trailer with Movie-Bob.


New member
Sep 6, 2013
Aside from a few nods to the original, I think it looks largely generic. Hate the new suit! Kinda gives me a Total Recall remake vibe.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Hmmm, this new version of Robocop looks interesting but why keep one of his hands normal when the old version had two cybernetic hands?

But I like how the eye strip on the black armor glows red.

But the true magic of Robocop was Murphy trying to find his true self and the crazy violence and humor.

Will have to see the movie to make a judgement call.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I file this in the same category I put Dredd 3D when it was being trailer'd, probably shit but I'll give it a go to find out. It looks a bit generic, more explosion and SFX porn than beloved retro movie but what is new these days?

Also, are 4th degree burns a thing? You can't just make stuff up in a movie!


New member
Jul 19, 2010
I'm has a pretty good cast and the suit wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I thought they were on the right track with the gray armor, but when they revealed the black armor it was apparent they were only doing it to show the fans "hey look, we remembered it was gray, but it is WAY MORE XTREEEEME BLACK!". It didn't look like it has the same symbolism as before...but I'm not completely cynical yet. More like, 95% atm.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
008Zulu said:
Anyone else catch the line "America needs a symbol it can get behind"? That killed my interest, but not for the reason you'd think. RoboCop was about a cop turned cyborg who get his revenge on those who took away his life, that one line sets up the remake as a Superhero movie. RoboCop isn't a superhero movie.
But in the original that was the point too. They made RoboCop to be a symbol, but they failed to take into account the possibility that his own memories and personality might make him hard to control.

I don't know. The trailer is very, very generic but there's a few hints that there might be more to it than we're seeing. (And if you watch the trailer for the original movie, there's very little there that suggests you'd see more than a generic action flick either). One line in particular made me sit up and take notice - 'The illusion of free will'. Now *that's* a philosophical premise with some very interesting potential.

I'm not giving up on it yet. It won't be the same as the original, but that's fine - the original was great just as it was. But maybe they're doing something new with it.