It looks a lot better than i thought it would, the suit does look much better in motion which is what i suspected it would.
Its not like Robocop is some kinda of singular untouched master pieces, it having: 2 sequels, a live action tv show, 2 animated tv shows, comic books, computer games and toy aimed at children. There is a lot of stuff there, which isn't surprising considering the fame of the first one. I can almost guarantee this remake is going to be bet than some of stuff the franchise has turned out.
It is taking a different tone from the original, which i like, i think its a good thing. The best kind of remake takes the idea or character of the original and does something new with them, i think it works better than a shot for shot remake. Not to mention most great science fiction movie as remake or adaptations of some other media.
And its not exsatly going against Paul verhoeven film making method, seeing as 2 of his movies; Starship troopers and total recall are both based on a novel and a short story; "starship troopers" By Robert A heinlein and "we remember it for you wholesale" by Philip K Dick. Starship troopers also having almost nothing in commas with the novel, the movie its self widely thought of as good.