Ron Jeremy Says Games Are Worse For Kids Than Porn

David Bray

New member
Jan 8, 2010
Well if he says it, it must be true. Luckily, i'm an adult male and dont need to worry. I can look at both.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I argue porn is worse for kids, if they see your average male porn star they will think theirs will grow to be that size too, and if it doesn't then they go in to a dispair which can lead to a whole host of psychological problems, possibly ending with them, a rifle and a school tower.

Conversly, playing GTA will teach them if they steal a car or kill someone then the cops will hunt you down.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I really wish ron jeremy would just get shot so i don't have to hear about him ever again.

Seriously. Fucker shows up in topics way too much.

On thee topic anyway, I don't care too much what Mr. Jeremy has to say. Of course he's going to defend the industry that he makes a living off of, and every jackass knows gaming is a good thing to blame, so he makes this statement.

Why anyone gives a shit about what a tired old man whore who's only claim to fame is an above-average cock has to say about ANYTHING is completely beyond me


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Well porn isn't (usually) that bad. And most of us guys hopefully don't spend as much time watching porn as we do gaming. Unless you only play games a few minutes every week, in which case, why are you on this website?

John Smyth

New member
Jul 3, 2009
It's an acceptable argument that porn is better than video games but I wouldn't encourage children to move from games to porn at a young age.

AC Medina

New member
Oct 12, 2009
I agree with Ron Jeremy. Video games are, technically, "worse than porn," but only in the sense of "slightly less awesome."
Jan 29, 2009
He's got is all wrong...
Games don't drive to violence, it is for a story or challenge, the latter is just some instant gratification which only creates a lust for the real thing.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Brain_cleanser said:
Charli said:
Oh look, another person who hasn't even picked up a controller or keyboard in their life swinging around their opinion to the masses. Man. I am shocked at this revelation.

You might not want to talk about.. swinging things around when it comes to Ron Jeremy....

But, I don't see the hard evidence here. I mean, any old dick can say things without proof. It's just another jab at the gaming community that seem to be so popular lately. Pretty much, anything most people say anymore about games are bad is pretty damn stupid as far as I care not worth the time to get angry or deference unless there's hard science here. So, until Harvard or MIT or someone comes out with "SUPER MARIO BROS CAUSED RENTAL EXPLOSIONS" I'll continue to play games.
I don't give a toss about what porn stars say anyway, who watches it for the script?

... Yes, I had to try for as many innuendo as possible.
Darn, I do believe I've just been 1up'd.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
The reflexive nature of that statement indicates, to me anyway, that his shifting of the blame is obviously just a mental defense mechanism to help him forget the fact that his entire professional career was a complete waste of a life.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Ehh..... yeah......uh......I don't know. Although it would probably be easier to explain to a young person what two people having sex on screen are doing and why, then some of the violence portrayed in the media... that includes videogames.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Perhaps it is just me, but I get a real laugh out of the irony of the situation of discussing how porn is less harmful for kids than video game violence in Las Vegas. Seriously ridiculous, the whole situation. So basically they are saying that watching Max Hardcore movies is safer for kids than playing say... World of Warcraft? The degradation of people in porn seems a lot more harmful than shooting an imaginary character in the face. It still sickens me that people liken school shootings to violent video games, but they NEVER liken rapists to any porn movies. The hypocrisy is just epically disgusting. And what porn are they referring to, soft or hard core? Fetish videos? S&M videos? What about child porn? There are a lot more variations on porn then there really could ever be than in video game violence, so it seems pretty unfair to compare the two against each other for overall levels of influence. The US government supports video games, mind you. Bear in mind the US military even has their own video game you can play for free! What porn studio is doing that? Illegal to view T&A, not illegal to cut someone's head off in a virtual environment. Either way, Wal-Mart still sells guns and no porn, so where does America's biggest employer sit on this debate? When you can buy a Ron Jeremy video at Wal-Mart, the scales might be a little more even.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Great, another person with a Name lampooning gaming as a scapegoat.

"I fuck women on camera for money. It's basically glorified prostitution, but it's not as bad as video games!" Ten bucks says Ron hasn't touched a video game, ever.

In all reality, I'm pretty sure that there's a huge chance that most people would pick running over digitalized hookers than staring at Ron Jeremy's hairy ass. I'm sure most people would pick the few "shits" and "fucks" that come from your average GTA title than the "OH YEAH MOTHER FUCKING WHORE ***** FUCK ME HARDER YOU ****" that most porn actresses belt out every five seconds.

And I'm 100% sure you can't get STDs or unwanted children from a fucking video game.