Ron Jeremy Says Games Are Worse For Kids Than Porn

Mar 26, 2008
Macksheath said:
And this is the guy who thinks dicks are only for making money?
I wish mine would make money...

But in all seriousness he's just trying a "look over there!" move as he hastily departs the stage. Just because you look like Mario doesn't automatically give you an opinion on video games.


New member
May 13, 2009
Rigs83 said:
This made me think of a funny, imaginary, meeting.

Billy Mitchel (former(?) worlds highest scoring Donkey Kong player) meets Ron Jeremy and says "Hi I'm Billy Mitchell Worlds Greatest Donkey Kong player and Gamer of the Century."
Then Ron Jeremy says
"Hi I am Ron Jeremy, a short, fat, ugly, hairy troll of man who is paid to have sex with beautiful women in front of a camera."

And suddenly and around the world all of geek-kind die just a little inside.
Billy Mitchells a giant doucher. And a cheater. Plus, he's a complete pussy.

Noone From Nowhere

New member
Feb 20, 2009
Maybe he only says that because kids are more likely to become bored with pornography than they are with videogames(especially if Ron Jeremy is in the movies)...or maybe he's jealous of Super Mario?
Something about this makes me think of that non-sensical Geek Heirarchy. He just has to get his shots in at videogaming before it becomes completely mainstream and is no longer an easy target and his group(or ex-co-workers) occupy that lower rung left vacant.

Why not just give a Wii a Golden Shower(actual gold optional.Still,Nintendo could always use more gold!)and be done with it? He can sell plenty videos and have his message heard. Nintendo would also move another unit. It's Win-Win!

That makes me wonder:
1. What does he think of Porn Games?
2. What will he think about Project Natal and Milo, a game that is a kid/kid that is a game?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
EddyRhodes93 said:
Meh I watched porn and played video games as a kid, hasn't harmed me at all.
Porn can be harmful. Chafing. Ouch. But atleast it gives you a better workout.

Unless we're talking about Rock Band. That game causes sweat from time to time.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Scrythe said:
Great, another person with a Name lampooning gaming as a scapegoat.

"I fuck women on camera for money. It's basically glorified prostitution, but it's not as bad as video games!" Ten bucks says Ron hasn't touched a video game, ever.

In all reality, I'm pretty sure that there's a huge chance that most people would pick running over digitalized hookers than staring at Ron Jeremy's hairy ass. I'm sure most people would pick the few "shits" and "fucks" that come from your average GTA title than the "OH YEAH MOTHER FUCKING WHORE ***** FUCK ME HARDER YOU ****" that most porn actresses belt out every five seconds.

And I'm 100% sure you can't get STDs or unwanted children from a fucking video game.
Prostitution should be legal. /off topic kinda.

I'll take your bet. Also, you obviously don't watch porn. I do. Alot of it. An incredible amount. I have a porn-cyclopedia in my brain. Actresses and Actors don't belt out such things every five seconds and some scripts are actually very interesting. Deep Throat, for instance. Or Britney Rears.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Ron Jeremy, Internet cat sez: "GTFO and take your fail with you".

seriously, ron jeremy is going to try to sound intelligent? he's a fat piece of shit that ruins women's lives for a living. He should be penciled in for a sudden visit from the angel of death.


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Wiezzen said:
I like how none of these "studies" have never been able to provide hard evidence that video games have a negative effect on people.
That's because they don't exist, except in the minds of uninformed dilettantes like Jeremy.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
Scrythe said:
Great, another person with a Name lampooning gaming as a scapegoat.

"I fuck women on camera for money. It's basically glorified prostitution, but it's not as bad as video games!" Ten bucks says Ron hasn't touched a video game, ever.

In all reality, I'm pretty sure that there's a huge chance that most people would pick running over digitalized hookers than staring at Ron Jeremy's hairy ass. I'm sure most people would pick the few "shits" and "fucks" that come from your average GTA title than the "OH YEAH MOTHER FUCKING WHORE ***** FUCK ME HARDER YOU ****" that most porn actresses belt out every five seconds.

And I'm 100% sure you can't get STDs or unwanted children from a fucking video game.
Prostitution should be legal. /off topic kinda.

I'll take your bet. Also, you obviously don't watch porn. I do. Alot of it. An incredible amount. I have a porn-cyclopedia in my brain. Actresses and Actors don't belt out such things every five seconds and some scripts are actually very interesting. Deep Throat, for instance. Or Britney Rears.
Sure sure, but I have to remind you that just because Ron Jeremy did a porno in a Mario costume does not mean he has has any experience with Mario. Maybe the guy who's idea it was to stuff Ron in that costume did, but I doubt Ron does.

I agree with you on the prostitution bit, although I fear my opinion on that matter may be skewed because I am born and raised in Sin City.

As far as the porno thing itself: Sure they may have some silly/slapstick scrips (whoa, say that five times fast) and the corny blockbuster ripoffs may be amusing, but you have to admit that 90% of American porno degrades to sailor mouth and always ends each popshot with a closeup of the male actors' face scrunched up in an orgasm for 15 full seconds. Every single time.

Not that any other region doesn't have shitty cliches in their prono: like Japan's affinity for what I like to call the "Preteen Rape Squeal".

At least Europe has the sense of disguising their pornos as full feature films, with competent actors and a (somewhat) meaningful script.

Let me take a step back here: I cannot believe I'm discussing porno on The Escapist of all places. God damn, do I need to get out more.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Oh man, I used to respect Ron Jeremy, aand... eh, whatever. Until he starts going on an anti game crusade, I don't really care.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I'd like to imagine Ron Making Porn Video Games, like so many people talk about the industry doing someday.

Talk about being a:

on that one, huh?


New member
Apr 26, 2009
....but the second a porn game starring him comes out, he'll forget he ever said this.

Who's with me?


New member
May 18, 2009
I conducted a survey, and one hundred percent of parents surveyed said they would rather their children play videogames than watch porn. Then I asked a number of people if they thought videogames had a negative effect on them. One hundred percent said no. Finally, I asked people if they thought watching porn had, in some way, had a negative effect on there expectations for relationships. One hundred percent said yes. This all sounds very impressive, until you find out I surveyed 3 people. Yeah, it's incredibly easy to obtain any kind of data to support your view, no matter what it is. Anyway, a good parent can keep their children away from videogames, since we have that handy rating system. Porn is in pop-ups on the net, and placed everywhere in mislabeled torrents, and who could forget the latest youtube raid? It's almost impossible to keep children from seeing it.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Gross a picture of Ron Jeremy, there goes my erection! Now I have to play GTA until his image leaves my brain.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
Charli said:
Oh look, another person who hasn't even picked up a controller or keyboard in their life swinging around their opinion to the masses. Man. I am shocked at this revelation.

it only gets better /sarcasm


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Jeremy recanted 3 hours later in a phone call to Gears of War's Carlos Ferro (Dominic Santiago)