Rumor: A Female Robin in Batman v Superman?


New member
Jan 24, 2014
MovieBob said:
Though not part of "official" mainstream DC Universe continuity...
Incorrect... Carrie Kelley IS part of New 52 continuity [].
Of course DC did what they do: hyped her appearance and failed to follow through by committing to her to this cover [] then making her little more than Damian Wayne's tutor.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
First thought: "Oh god, here we go with the character overload again."
Second thought: ...actually that was about it really.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I'm fine with a female Robin. But the more I hear about this movie, the less I like it. Frank Miller is a good enough writer, but I have felt for a very long time that the Dark Knight Returns story is not particularly good. The only real thing that people love is the example of it being how Batman can beat Superman. It's only OK in my opinion. That said, I am against it being the inspiration for the movie for the reason I have stated above. I don't foresee this being very good at all judging by the rushed timeline and I think Zack Snyder needs to take a long walk off a short pier. He isn't that good of a director and he is kind of a one trick pony.

Adam Jensen said:
Not only do I not have a problem with this, but I've always preferred the idea of female Robin. The dude is just so boring.
A boring character is a boring character, regardless of sex. A female character isn't automatically going to not boring. Also, there were several Robins and people tend to have a favorite.


Where's the Kaboom?
Dec 26, 2009
I don't have a problem with having a female Robin, but it's more DKR. It was good for it's time, but it really hasn't aged well and I'd rather it wasn't the apparent guiding influence for the film.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
BigTuk said:
BUt as for the robin.. well.. uhm that'll be interesting so we'll have batman with a sidekick that's just as emo and gritty and dark as him... lovely because as DC said they're going all gritty and serious and grown-up with this movie...
:/ Hmmm....Yeah. Isn't the point of Robin(m/f), Batgirl, Oracle, or whatever kid they have running around with him to be there to balance out the gritty broody Batman with jokey antics and wit?

But they said a while back that there won't be ANY jokes in Batman vs Superman, right?

So what the hell is Robin going to be? Younger female Batman?
Eh, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I mean, maybe they'll go back on the "no jokes" thing.

Jacked Assassin

Nothing On TV
Jun 4, 2010
Regardless of gender or history I prefer Batman without sidekicks. That or its just that the live action sidekicks never grabbed my interest.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Wow that actually makes 100% sense in the context of what they're trying to adapt...come on DC what are you gonna need more fanboy rage

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Baresark said:
A boring character is a boring character, regardless of sex.
And that would be a good point if different sex didn't also mean a different personality. And Carrie Kelley is not just female version of Dick Grayson. It's an entirely different character in a Robin costume. She's infinitely better than any other version of Robin IMO.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Oh god, this movie is already doomed to failure. Now they're going to do this and it will ruin the possibility of having a female Robin in any other movie for 20 years because this will unfairly catch a lot of blame. And we'll get even more of the stupid "women superheros" can't sell movies crap Hollywood has been giving us for years.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
Baresark said:
A boring character is a boring character, regardless of sex.
And that would be a good point if different sex didn't also mean a different personality. And Carrie Kelley is not just female version of Dick Grayson. It's an entirely different character in a Robin costume. She's infinitely better than any other version of Robin IMO.
My point was simply that there is more than one Robin. There has not been only one male Robin, there has been technically 4 different male Robins, and two other female robins, for that matter. "He" isn't a boring character. You have to be more specific: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd or Tim Drake. They were all very different from each other.

In a lot of circles, Tim Drake wins out in popularity. My one buddy really loves Damian Wayne for some reason. It's fine if you like Carrie Kelly the best, but you did frame it like it was the fact the character was female is the interesting part. She was a pretty popular (overall) Robin, though her stint was short lived. You can thank WB for that.

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
It's funny but Carrie Kelly from DKR is the only Robin I've ever liked. Possibly because that was the first Batman comic I ever read, though. <_<

Since she was in the DKR--which came out...jeez, it's been almost 30 years--at least folks can't maintain that DC is creating a female superhero just to satisfy "Political Correctness".

*remembers that this is the internet*

Not that that will stop some folks, I suppose. -_-


New member
Oct 21, 2010
mad825 said:
Some might consider Robin to be a girl so consider this a VICTORY AGAINST SEXISM ENFORCING SEXISM....*Ahem*.
True. She is Robin's Robinwomen to Batman's Batgirl.

How progressive. Soon she will be her own superhero. Herogirl!


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Is there any particular reason to just gender swap known characters rather then making interesting new roles for female characters to inhabit?

Having to change a previously male character into a female one doesn't really scream ''Progressive!'' to me. If I was a woman I would probably be a little offended that we had to make due with an revamped male character.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
I did like Rockets actress (though I like that movie for benign reasons) but I'm not sure she can save my tendency to dislike female sidekicks. I haven't read DKR but judging by other comments I don't see why she'd be a particular saving grace for this movie (that I'm also not excited about)

But whatev's, man. I'll just be over here having a neutral-leaning-towards-no opinion o'er here

(Teen Titans Robin ftw)


New member
Apr 26, 2014
Baresark said:
Adam Jensen said:
Baresark said:
A boring character is a boring character, regardless of sex.
And that would be a good point if different sex didn't also mean a different personality. And Carrie Kelley is not just female version of Dick Grayson. It's an entirely different character in a Robin costume. She's infinitely better than any other version of Robin IMO.
My point was simply that there is more than one Robin. There has not been only one male Robin, there has been technically 4 different male Robins, and two other female robins, for that matter. "He" isn't a boring character. You have to be more specific: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd or Tim Drake. They were all very different from each other.

In a lot of circles, Tim Drake wins out in popularity. My one buddy really loves Damian Wayne for some reason. It's fine if you like Carrie Kelly the best, but you did frame it like it was the fact the character was female is the interesting part. She was a pretty popular (overall) Robin, though her stint was short lived. You can thank WB for that.
I'm just glad that someone remembers that Stephanie Brown was Robin so we don't get the whole she was the only female Robin nonsense, oh wait...too late for that. Whatevers though. I for one don't really like her, but she isn't the worst Robin either as someone said that she is supposedly the worst since Jason Todd which I have issue with seeing as while Jason wasn't Dick, he wasn't really terrible either beyond the fan hate he got for not being Dick in the first place. To me that could have just as easily been Tim and no one would have really had a different opinion.

Of course this was before the new 52 started making things already a little wonky and convoluted tons more wonky and convoluted.