Rumor: Could This Possibly be the PlayStation 4 Controller?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Looks like a lot of unnecessary crap to me, but that's probably just me reacting to change.


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
Ugh... looks like a cheap USB PC Controller you get on Ebay for 5 bucks...

If it's real... wow, I guess they broke the "If ain't broke, don't fix it" trajectory they were following with earlier designs...


New member
Apr 17, 2011
I see some applications on having a small touch screen. For one, it could mean that you wouldn't be crippled trying to play an RTS on console(even a touch screen isn't ideal, but it's better than a controller). Aside from that, I wouldn't see too many obvious applications for a touch screen. I'm sure people will get either very creative or gimmicky with it if this is the controller.

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
Yeah, the d-pad looks fucking awful. The separate buttons were literally the ONLY advantage that the PS3 controller had over Xbox.

Also, that MASSIVE light on the back looks like it would get really annoying really fast.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
reiem531 said:
Shamelessly ripping off Nintendo? Seems like current Sony to me.
Yes, because the Playstation Vita TOTALLY didn't have a touchscreen on it and wasn't revealed at E3 2011 to have such a function at the same time as Nintendo's Wii U was officially revealed.

I'm getting really sick and tired of everybody saying "RIPOFF! RIPOFF!" when it appears that this time, Sony is actually just adapting the Vita's functionality to exist on the new controller. It also doesn't have an actual screen on it like Nintendo's new controller, so how is it shamelessly ripping off the Wii U? Sony has definitely copied on the innovations of other companies in the past, but lets try to keep things in perspective.

OT: I don't feel that the new touchscreen is a good idea, it just looks really small, and you'd pretty much have to grip the controller with one hand in order to use it with any sort of precision, which would be probably be uncomfortable. I just don't understand why its there, and I hope that they actually show some decent use from the tech at the announcement.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
This is definitely fake. No L1/R1, no start button, no select button. Fake.

EDIT: Also it has a wire. Just no.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
carlh267 said:
reiem531 said:
Shamelessly ripping off Nintendo? Seems like current Sony to me.
Yes, because the Playstation Vita TOTALLY didn't have a touchscreen on it and wasn't revealed at E3 2011 to have such a function at the same time as Nintendo's Wii U was officially revealed.

I'm getting really sick and tired of everybody saying "RIPOFF! RIPOFF!" when it appears that this time, Sony is actually just adapting the Vita's functionality to exist on the new controller. It also doesn't have an actual screen on it like Nintendo's new controller, so how is it shamelessly ripping off the Wii U? Sony has definitely copied on the innovations of other companies in the past, but lets try to keep things in perspective.

OT: I don't feel that the new touchscreen is a good idea, it just looks really small, and you'd pretty much have to grip the controller with one hand in order to use it with any sort of precision. I just don't understand why its there, and I hope that they actually show some decent use from the tech at the announcement.
Playstation Move


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Treblaine said:
What makes me doubt the officialness of this design?

It's clearly a fixed wired controller. It's not attached by mini USB, that's a clear dura-cord and I don't see them going anything other than wireless with the only wired option being connect via USB.

This clearly points to prototype design implementation.

Maybe there is a reprieve for low-position D-pad.
I also don't see a start or select button seems odd to omit those start at the very least.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
MikeWehner said:
What is that? What have they done to my beloved dualshock! I'm fairly certain my hands grew into the perfect shape for the dualshock after spending my early years gaming on the PS1 and 2, and now they've produced this monstrosity? DAMN YOU SONY! DAAAAAAAAMN YOOUUUU!

As far as I'm concerned the only improvement that could be made on the sixaxis/dualshock 3 controller is replacing the convex triggers with concave ones.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Aren't the analogue sticks constantly in the way of reaching the touchscreen?
Doesn't look too practical to me.

Also speakers in controllers. Ugh...


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Baresark said:
If it's going to have the exact same button layout, it literally makes no sense to actually design a new controller. So, either they are that stupid, or this isn't the new controller.
Or, you know, they kept to primarily the same button layout(just one aspect of what a controllers 'design' is) because that is what a 'playstation controller' is and is recognised as, and the 'redesigned' aspects are all those new features mentioned in the OP that are apparently integrated(and indeed can be quite clearly seen), but haven't been in past designs of the controller.

Where do you think new features and even minor changes come from? They always have to be designed by someone, this stuff doesn't just magically appear. XD

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
A touchscreen can be a good thing. It can be used instead of other buttons to do things in the game. Maybe games will have their own customized display. Like an action bar in RPG's for example, so that console players don't need to use that stupid action wheel. That leaves more buttons for other things. Which means the game can have better mechanics. Remember Mass Effect 3 and how one button did everything? Well that wouldn't be a problem if the controllers had just one extra button.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
SkarKrow said:
Dude have you seen the Wii U's Pro Controller?

It's one sexy piece of command input technology, every curve is smooth and beautiful, and when I held it the first time it just melted into my hands... It's like a glorious middle comrpomise between the dual shock, gamecube pad and 360 controller...
Is there one specifically for the Wii U? I own a pro controller for the Wii surprisingly enough (came with monster hunter). But never actually used it OR played monster hunter on it. Got it for a steal of a deal at like 20-30 dollars. Oh well, off to Google to see what it looks like.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
TheRightToArmBears said:
Lvl 64 Klutz said:
Remember when technology was focused on making things smaller and, more importantly, lighter? I miss those days...
I don't like superlight controllers. My friend has a PS3 controller without Dualshock, it feels far too light, it's just off. It makes me feel like I'll snap it half if I get a little overexcited, like a crappy third-party job.
Except the non-dualshock controllers are essentially exactly the same, except without weights in it. It's just as sturdy. Actually even more durable due to the lack of moving parts. It's also less likely to be damaged when you drop it.

I don't mind light controllers as long as they don't creak. Mine doesn't, so that's good and stuff. Also, I despise rumble. I've never liked it and don't understand why people do. It's a distraction. The controller is supposed to be 'invisible', the thing that connects you to the game. Vibrations just calls my attention to the controller and breaks immersion.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Definitely not the final product but probably the same fundamentals. I like how the Touch screen isn't intrusive to the dualshock design.

Look at around the Square button, it looks incomplete. It will be sexed up a bit for release.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Judging by the captive cable, I'd say this is a developer unit, and shouldn't really be taken as representative of the actual controller we users will see at launch. The features, however, will be the same. Not sure how I feel about this touchpad thing they've got going on. I guess it's one of those things, so long as they don't shoehorn games to fit the new features and come up with real play enhancing mechanics using the features, then it will be fine.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
If it is real, I don't really mind it, I don't like the really small touch screen looking thing as it seems hella impractical to have such a small screen. As long as they fix the 2 buttons so they are less sensitive I'll be happy.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Programmed_For_Damage said:
At least it's bigger than the PS3 controller. That was a big gripe of mine, that it was designer for dainty, small hands.

Part of the reason I'm more an Xbox individual is because the Xbox controller is more appropriate for my large clumsy retard hands.

On a side note - these advert Capchas are shit, predominantly because I end up having to fucking google half the "Brands" listed on the grounds that they're American companies and I'm not an American.