Rumor: George Lucas Thinks the World Will End in 2012 UPDATE


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Elizabeth Grunewald said:
Lucasfilm representative Lynne Hale emailed to clear some things up about Lucas' beliefs:

"He was not serious when he talked about the end of the world in 2012 but he is an adamant believer that the world is flat, that Stonehenge was built by aliens, and that the sun revolves around the Earth. These are among the many subjects he commonly discusses at length with Elvis, who he's going to digitally insert into Indy 5 along with a roster of famous dead actors."
That is the best response to a PR problem that I've ever heard in my life. If only the rest of the world had a sense of humor.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
I'm still taking my free jabs at Lucas. The man started out berating and protesting an exploitative movie industry in the 70s, and then goes on to become the Gold Standard of everything he hated.

Seriously. Did he hit his head on a toilet and forget who he was between the 1980s and 1997?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Mechsoap said:
So now the update came out hes even more bat shit insane then before?
Yes. Yes he has.

Glad to see it was sarcasm though >.>


New member
Oct 10, 2009
thenumberthirteen said:
Wait. So does this mean no 3D Phantom Menace. It was all a joke?
Of course. You didn't reallllly think that they'd make Jar Jar Binks again, did you?

Disaster Button said:
Oh George.

I may or may not have a small niggling doubt about the 2012 event, though I'm unsure if its an end of the world thing.
Could just go with "That's as far as they got before being wiped out by the Spaniards"? It was the end of the age, not the end of the world. One age ends, another begins. For sure, it shall be a momentous occasion, with mass portents as to something major. Or, on the other hand, the old age could just slip away with a whisper and a sigh. Prefer a bang but it rarely goes that way.

No end of the world though.

Trogdor1138 said:
I wouldn't believe a single thing that comes out of Seth Rogens mouth, he can't even write a decent joke.
HEATHEN! He got The Green Hornet up and running. And it looks like it could even be pretty good. That alone saved his career.


New member
Mar 5, 2010
If he believes e world will end. Then will he sign a contract that on the 20th of December 2012 he will give all his money, and possessions, as well as however much control over Star Wars as he has. If he's wrong. He looks like an idiot, even more so. If he's right, then it wouldn't matter if he still has all his stuff. He's doomed. Might as well let some 18 year old feel what its like to be rich, even if it's for one day.


New member
May 28, 2010
Cyberjester said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Wait. So does this mean no 3D Phantom Menace. It was all a joke?
Of course. You didn't reallllly think that they'd make Jar Jar Binks again, did you?

Disaster Button said:
Oh George.

I may or may not have a small niggling doubt about the 2012 event, though I'm unsure if its an end of the world thing.
Could just go with "That's as far as they got before being wiped out by the Spaniards"? It was the end of the age, not the end of the world. One age ends, another begins. For sure, it shall be a momentous occasion, with mass portents as to something major. Or, on the other hand, the old age could just slip away with a whisper and a sigh. Prefer a bang but it rarely goes that way.

No end of the world though.

Trogdor1138 said:
I wouldn't believe a single thing that comes out of Seth Rogens mouth, he can't even write a decent joke.
HEATHEN! He got The Green Hornet up and running. And it looks like it could even be pretty good. That alone saved his career.
So? He was completely wrong for the part (coming from a fan of the original series) and he didn't seem to flesh out into new territory acting wise for it. I did think it was awesome how he lost a lot of weight for it though. I'm still expecting it to be an okay film, but I just have trouble seeing past his performance :/

I just don't see what he's done to have such acclaim...

Amy Sorel

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Dear Mr. Lucas,
Nothing you say will make me watch your stupid starwars cartoons and movies anymore. Your franchise is dead. That's not the end of the world. Get over it.

Love, Amy.

-PS, nice try though.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Trogdor1138 said:
I wouldn't believe a single thing that comes out of Seth Rogens mouth, he can't even write a decent joke.
I have always thought he was funny because he's not going for outlandish comedy. He just kinda talks and is silly. I like silly people so he works for me.

On the other hand one of my favorite comedy sketches is primarily dominated by Patrick Stewart so perhaps I just have odd taste.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
He was not serious when he talked about the end of the world in 2012 but he is an adamant believer that the world is flat, that Stonehenge was built by aliens, and that the sun revolves around the Earth. These are among the many subjects he commonly discusses at length with Elvis, who he's going to digitally insert into Indy 5 along with a roster of famous dead actors.
See, this just doesn't sound like a joke coming from Lucas. This is not that far off the crap he's pulled with his franchises before.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
yeah...i mean lucas always was a science fiction buff and loves mythical things and...idk he is Buddhist (white Buddhists always give me a weird vibe)so if i were to hazard a guess, he is interested in the mythology and pseudo science of the world ending, and maybe got a little...over excited?

idk, i love george lucas. yeah, episode 2 was a bit off, but what director doesnt have a bad movie? somehow though all the hate goes to him, as opposed to people hating on robert rodriguez for spy kids or jackson for the lovely bones (both of which were far less critically recieved than any star wars movies, btw)

so yeah, fanboy haters will hate.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
For some reason, I smell a giant troll in Lucas. Or whoever is reporting this. Or I'm in denial. One of those will do.