Rumor: George Lucas Thinks the World Will End in 2012 UPDATE

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Ha ha, oh man, that response is brilliant. Although I honestly wouldn't put it past Lucas to digitally insert Elvis into Indy 5, that does seem like the sort of thing he might do, heh.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
2fish said:
Zhukov said:
I can't wait until 2012 passes without event.

Then people will finally shut up about it.
Without event? December 2012 is gonna be an awesome month, people will stockpile food, water, prices may rise. We may see fights break out since people will assume they are gonna die anyway. Mass suicide is a possibility, I personally want to see the end of the world parties oh the decadence.

If this turns out to be true it will be further proof that Lucas is degrading fast.
wait.. why would anyone stockpile food if the world was ending? shurely witohut a world we could not live?


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Zhukov said:
I can't wait until 2012 passes without event.

Then people will finally shut up about it.

Do you really believe that? People say the world is going to end EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

When 2012 goes by, people are just going to proceed to say "oh the Mayans miscalculated the worl is really ending though in 2013."

Bender Rodriguez

New member
Sep 2, 2010
I don't believe in 2012 as people predict, i rather believe in a social meltdown due to conflicts, immigration and all those natural disasters lately.

I'm happy we own a big farm up in the deep woods of Norway with a wine cellar and a shotgun hidden in a secret room ^^
I know its all BS, but its a nice feeling that IF everyone is shooting and raping each other in the city, we'll be chillaxing up on the farm.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Seriously? He really believes that the world is flat? And that the Sun revolves around OUR planet? That's fucking retarded. but I guess you're exempt from common sense if you create the world's largest (and highly overrated in my opinion) franchise ever.

As far as the whole Stonehenge belief goes though, I can't really judge him for that seeing as I know practically nothing about Stonehenge. So that's one point for Mr. Lucas I guess.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
K_Dub said:
Seriously? He really believes that the world is flat? And that the Sun revolves around OUR planet? That's fucking retarded. but I guess you're exempt from common sense if you create the world's largest (and highly overrated in my opinion) franchise ever.

As far as the whole Stonehenge belief goes though, I can't really judge him for that seeing as I know practically nothing about Stonehenge. So that's one point for Mr. Lucas I guess.
That quote was extreme sarcasm from LucasArts, not actual fact.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Blind Sight said:
K_Dub said:
Seriously? He really believes that the world is flat? And that the Sun revolves around OUR planet? That's fucking retarded. but I guess you're exempt from common sense if you create the world's largest (and highly overrated in my opinion) franchise ever.

As far as the whole Stonehenge belief goes though, I can't really judge him for that seeing as I know practically nothing about Stonehenge. So that's one point for Mr. Lucas I guess.
That quote was extreme sarcasm from LucasArts, not actual fact.
Ah, so it seems. Shit man, I gotta start reading these articles more clearly! My bad all! Thanks for calling my out on that Blind Sight!