Rumor: Halo: Combat Evolved Remake Likely in 2011


New member
Jan 26, 2011
cthulhumythos said:
Noctis_XZ said:
If this article has any merit to it than I find myself seriously wondering how stupid 343 thinks the Halo fan base is..

I'm not here to bash on Halo all day but a game that's barely 10 years old being remade.. let alone a game that isn't exactly what those who worship it claim it to be, it's absurd. I just don't understand the mindset that the people who absolutely love this game have. But than again I'm a die hard Final Fantasy fan but at least I can acknowledge it's flaws and don't fawn over it. Come to think of it.. Halo is going to be the Final Fantasy of the FPS genre!

Ever since the second Halo game I've said many.. many.. many times that Bungie should just quit the act and release the game for all it really is, multiplayer. Don't try and justify a $60 price tag by tagging on a mediocre single player game that doesn't last that long at all. 343 should do the same.. just release a multiplayer version of Halo with the original maps with the not so upgraded.. upgraded graphics and charge $30 if you have to do it at all. But than again over the span of the Halo games I've found myself with each new game finding myself playing on maps that seem oddly familiar.. like I've been there before..

That is all!
and what about us fans who aren't hugely into multiplayer...?

it seems to me, when it comes to halo, is that you either love it, or you hate how theres so much praise going to such a bland, mediocre game.

that said, i don't know if i'll buy this reanimated carcass because it reminds me of the deceased game franchise i had loved. and theres a chance it would rot and stink up the place. (tad bit of a strained metaphor, but you get my meaning)
If you have no huge interests in the realm of multiplayer I see no reason why you would even consider buying this game outright.. a rental perhaps.

I just don't understand the fanfare behind Halo at all. Someone please, for the love of God, explain to me why it should be remembered as one of the greatest games of all times let alone warrant a remake.. that from reading this thread has already been made once or twice?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Why? I freaking love Halo so I know they can do a lot with this series. There is no reason to remake the first game. Also if it is being made from the Timeshift devs, any chance it might have had is all ready destroyed.

Ben Legend

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Hmmmm.... I think I will have to pick this up at some point, seeing as how i've played every other Halo game but the first one. =/


New member
Jan 1, 2008
This doesn't sound right. I really hope when they said, cool new content, they were not referring to a remake. The 3D sounds bogus. I'd rather play a new piece of the halo story.


New member
Jun 11, 2010
I'll probably buy it because I'm a sucker for Halo content but I do question the need for a remake of a highly successful classic game that is not even 10 years old. I mean are they going to transition the 'feel' of the game, by feel I mean the general pace of camera movement because Halo CE feels very different to Halo Reach in terms of fluidity and I'd rather play it the original way to be honest.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Noctis_XZ said:
cthulhumythos said:
Noctis_XZ said:
If this article has any merit to it than I find myself seriously wondering how stupid 343 thinks the Halo fan base is..

I'm not here to bash on Halo all day but a game that's barely 10 years old being remade.. let alone a game that isn't exactly what those who worship it claim it to be, it's absurd. I just don't understand the mindset that the people who absolutely love this game have. But than again I'm a die hard Final Fantasy fan but at least I can acknowledge it's flaws and don't fawn over it. Come to think of it.. Halo is going to be the Final Fantasy of the FPS genre!

Ever since the second Halo game I've said many.. many.. many times that Bungie should just quit the act and release the game for all it really is, multiplayer. Don't try and justify a $60 price tag by tagging on a mediocre single player game that doesn't last that long at all. 343 should do the same.. just release a multiplayer version of Halo with the original maps with the not so upgraded.. upgraded graphics and charge $30 if you have to do it at all. But than again over the span of the Halo games I've found myself with each new game finding myself playing on maps that seem oddly familiar.. like I've been there before..

That is all!
and what about us fans who aren't hugely into multiplayer...?

it seems to me, when it comes to halo, is that you either love it, or you hate how theres so much praise going to such a bland, mediocre game.

that said, i don't know if i'll buy this reanimated carcass because it reminds me of the deceased game franchise i had loved. and theres a chance it would rot and stink up the place. (tad bit of a strained metaphor, but you get my meaning)
If you have no huge interests in the realm of multiplayer I see no reason why you would even consider buying this game outright.. a rental perhaps.

I just don't understand the fanfare behind Halo at all. Someone please, for the love of God, explain to me why it should be remembered as one of the greatest games of all times let alone warrant a remake.. that from reading this thread has already been made once or twice?
some people like the plot and gameplay, some don't; i dunno why, but thats how it is. nostalgia?

and no, i'm not buying this game. it is obviously the first of many attempts of microsoft to siphon my money by attaching the halo sticker to their no doubt craptastic creations (or, in this case, remaking a game that IN NO WAY NEEDS TO BE REMADE)


Charismatic Stallion
Apr 23, 2010
Oh, c'mon! The first Halo game was excellent! Granted, after Halo 1 the whole thing dissolved into crap. Geez, it's barely been ten years since this whole mess started!

standokan said:
Wolfram01 said:
standokan said:
I'm gonna go ahead and say what everyone thinks LAME.
Yep. This isn't exactly a good thing. I'm sure fanboys and girls will scoop it up, afterall that is the only people they can target with this type of thing.

This is one of those times that I think gamers really need to make a stand and speak with their wallets.
When the revolution starts, you have my bow.
And my axe!


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Not sure why'd they would feel the need to do this. It really doesn't make a lot of sense. I guess some people will buy it though.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
I have one question: WHY?

I love Halo:CE, it's my favourite of all the Halo games because frankly (with the exception of ODST) every Halo game after it was just a carbon copy that tried to do the same things but failed to capture the spirit of the first.

I'll happily play a remake of any game if it's availiable... HOWEVER (and I say this with all remakes) it must be exactly the same as the original (apart from the updated graphics obviously) because otherwise what is the point of a remake? If you're going to change the story/setting/characters/gameplay etc, you might as well just use your creative powers and make a whole new game.

See Silent Hill Shattered Memories as an example of a game that didn't actually need making.

See Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes as an example of a remake done right.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
awesome, can't wait

meanwhile Bungie is working on something new that's not Halo

hmmm...I can roll with that. haters gonna hate


New member
May 30, 2009
*sigh* do we really need this? if this is true then well done 343 you've already killed the franchise and you haven't even released a game yet


New member
Oct 6, 2009
i had a feeling that micro$oft would just redo halo 3 with reach's engine and ironsight aiming

i guess i was almost right...
why not use the reach engine?
it looks so pretty...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Oh dear, I accidentally pushed the report button on the original poster. :(

OT: Why?


New member
Jul 1, 2010
manythings said:
So after years of making the exact same game over and over they are just going to admit they have no creativity? Kudos, people should admit their limitations.
This aren't the same people who made Halo. Halo: Reach was Bungie's last game so they sold the rights to this new company.