Rumor: Halo: Combat Evolved Remake Likely in 2011

Sean Strife

New member
Jan 29, 2010
I'm sorry... this is a STUPID idea. I mean, the game's not even that OLD and it still looks good. Why does there have to be a remake? Just because it's the 10 year anniversary? Hell, isn't the original Halo one of the few XBox Original games that's backwards compatible with the 360? Seriously... what the hell's the POINT in remaking it? At least wait until we're a couple generations away from the XBox before re-releasing the game.

Granted, I'm not a big Halo fan, but my stance has nothing to do with why I think it's a stupid idea.


New member
Dec 4, 2009
I always thought of the Halo series as a large money grab. Charging full prices for new games that aren't really all that improved, innovative, or different from the previous ones. Does this prove me right? Maybe, who knows.


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009

Also, if it doesn't come out for PC I'm going to fucking choke a *****.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Im unsure of how to view this, I enjoyed the fuck out of halo but its a pretty long fps game, like around 12-15 hours, my main worry is they would end up cutting that down so it would be one of those stupid cod length games


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Gonna buy it.I just get my 360 last year , and I am in love with the franchise. Maybe they will add content from the books. Havent played Halo 1 or 2 yet , so I will wait for the remake.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Gunsang said:
HeySeansOnline said:
And now to make you feel sad I will list more appropriate games.

Okami, Shadow Of The Colossus, Ace Combat 5, Soul Calibur 2 ... Choo Choo Rocket.
Wait, why would you have to remake Shadow of the Colossus? It's still a beautiful and fun game and I don't see how much good a remake could do. Halo on the other hand could have online multiplayer.
Grey_Focks said:
I might buy it, depends what all they add. If it's just an HD remake I probably won't buy it full price, but if they atleast add multiplayer...that would be worth it.
My thoughts exactly.
Remake Shadow in order to make a trade. PS'ers can get the Halo remake, and people with an Xbox (like myself) can get Shadow.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
*sighs* realy is this all they can do. why the hell would i play this i already played the original. its going to take more than pretty graphics and new cutscenes to make me buy this.... well their has to be some new content to make buy it like. being able to play some new missions as the elites see their side of the conflict.

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
That does make a lot of sense that it would be released (Or Re-released) on the tenth anniversary.
I'm calling it that that'll be the release day.

I'm looking forward to it, in a way.
If it's not an exact carbon copy...
I mean, most of it was great, but some bits were just... so fucking boring.
Like that opening mission where you had to drive a 'Hog from place to place.
It was alright, just boring because it was all the same enviroment, literally, and there was no music.
Put some music in there and make them different from each other, and, 343, you have yourselves another sale.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
well it seems microsoft has finally let some time pass and now they're taking out their grave robbing shovel.

damn you microsoft, damn you for manipulating me (and by extension, my wallet) with my beloved deceased franchise.

in truth i might get it if my friends think its good. if not, well, i do own the original.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Hero in a half shell said:
unacomn said:
Enkidu88 said:
If they retconn the stupid bloody Flood out of existence I'm all for it.
This. I actually enjoyed Halo up to the point where the Flood were revealed. After that, well, let's say I wish this franchise would burn in the pits of hell.

Also, it would be nice if you got to play Halo 1 from the viewpoint of the Covenant. But that would require work and dedication.
The flood were my favourite part of Halo, I considered the game a completely generic FPS shooter until that change of pace, where it turned into a mild survival horror, (and me being 12 it scared the everloving crap out of me) I thought it was clever.
Agreed. Bar a couple of bits of confusing map design, 343 Guilty Spark was a sweet map that gave me shivers - I can still remember the first time chief replays Jennings' video log, sat in front of the tv on Christmas day, probably giving grandad WW2 flashbacks with all the gunfire. Freaking sweet moment in the game ^_^ not my favourite map to replay, but one I enjoyed when it came up in a campaign run.

That maddened marine, blasting away at anything that moved... barricaded rooms covered in grunt blood... the final run through the swamps, desperately trying to save as many marines as possible... the arrival of the sentinels... the Flood sailing through the air to bat at them...[lol]

Plus, Shotgun :D


New member
Jan 2, 2011
I wouldn't mind this, but its not gonna have the same "oh s**t run" feeling that the flood gave you when originally playing halo, its just gonna be a "yeah i can see them coming"

If they remake halo 2 I would be pissed though as thats as close to gaming nirvana as any game has come to me


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Zanez said:
Of all games to remake... All the ones that need graphic overhauls, updated mechanics, 1080p, new cutscenes, and a second chance at a solid audience...

Why remake this one?
because where theres a will there's greedy corporate wankers who wouldn't put 25 cents in a gumball machine if they couldn't expect a return of investment and never learned the meaning of Christmas.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
believer258 said:
My only response is o_O

I'd buy this, re-making Halo sounds like a good idea and I'd play it to death even more with my friend.

Although I am planning on buying Reach soon >.> and as one of the early posters said I whole-heartedly agree.

Bungie creating Starship Troopers would be quite interesting. (Yes I am aware that Bungie is no longer going to make more Halo)


New member
Jan 26, 2011
If this article has any merit to it than I find myself seriously wondering how stupid 343 thinks the Halo fan base is..

I'm not here to bash on Halo all day but a game that's barely 10 years old being remade.. let alone a game that isn't exactly what those who worship it claim it to be, it's absurd. I just don't understand the mindset that the people who absolutely love this game have. But than again I'm a die hard Final Fantasy fan but at least I can acknowledge it's flaws and don't fawn over it. Come to think of it.. Halo is going to be the Final Fantasy of the FPS genre!

Ever since the second Halo game I've said many.. many.. many times that Bungie should just quit the act and release the game for all it really is, multiplayer. Don't try and justify a $60 price tag by tagging on a mediocre single player game that doesn't last that long at all. 343 should do the same.. just release a multiplayer version of Halo with the original maps with the not so upgraded.. upgraded graphics and charge $30 if you have to do it at all. But than again over the span of the Halo games I've found myself with each new game finding myself playing on maps that seem oddly familiar.. like I've been there before..

That is all!


New member
Jul 20, 2010
I love playing Halo CE SP for some reason, but I really don't think we need to see some of the most monotonous, copy-paste level design in gaming rendered in high definition.

Spoon E11

New member
Oct 27, 2010
IDK if I am dissapointed or excited.
On one level: Yes a new Halo game!
On another: Why remake this game than any other? There are better games out there.