Rumor: Next Xbox Will Require Constant Internet Connection


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Lets hope these rumours are bull.
Especially the "every gaem haz DRMs coz fuck da consuma" rumour.
I don't like the idea of having to rebuy hundreds of pounds worth of games again should anything happen to my xbox.
Seriously though, what if my hard drive dies? All those activation codes gone. If I buy a new xbox, I would have loads of xbox games, a brand new xbox and no way to play any of them. Is there even a point in having physical copies if this is the case?

But I'm going to wait and see before I get myself worked up over rumours.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
So, how's Diablo III doing these days? I hear that whole 'requires constant internet connection' thing worked out really well there.


Why does it say I'm premium now?
Apr 22, 2012
I don't believe this is true, and I hope it isn't, but then again, "hope is the first step on the road to dissappointment"


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I'm sorry, but I think the "one-time code" thing is complete bullshit. I've had games that I bought legitimately that didn't work because the code was "in use", Gotta love pirates and their keygens(Yes, there ARE victims to piracy that aren't the companies). It's also happened to TWO copies of Windows XP(when I upgraded from Vista)Also, what's stopping pirates for making keygens for XBOX and PS4 games?

Also, the "Always on" thing is bullshit for a console. I can handle it for a game that I intend to play online only, which is why I didn't mind it for Diablo 3. My console is pretty much strictly for single player games(Multiplayer seems to be WAAAAAAAAAY too laggy no matter the game I play). If I want to play online, I'll hop on my PC and play with friends.

My friend brought this too my attention earlier today, apparently he can't read. He link me claiming it too be 100% true and told him the title said RUMOR. He hasn't talked to me in like 4 hours because he can't handle being wrong.

If any of this is true, no new console for me. I'll stick to my PC.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
I don't believe its requirement for constant internet connection to be true.

I just wish Microsoft would announce its console already just so people who call it Xbox 720 can shut up.

But if it is really called Xbox 720... well, that's just stupid.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Rogue 09 said:
Yeah, this has to be complete nonsense. I'm a huge Xbox supporter and will have no problems with any of these restrictions, but this would be such an a-hole move that I would rather jump the ship to the PS4 before I support these kinds of "improvements".

They won't have to worry about people buying used games... nobody will be buying the new ones.
Pretty much this. They wouldn't dare.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
I'm calling bullshit, just because of the fact that about half of all xboxes ever sold have never been connected to the internet and they would essentially alienate half of their costumers. This would definitely turn off any casual gamer who aren't concerned with online play or those in rural areas with poor connections and would end up doing more harm than good.


New member
Oct 16, 2007

Nope, just nope. I'm glad I don't own a current gen console and I'm going to be glad I won't own a next gen console as well. Wellllll, we'll see how Valve does.

Lance Icarus

New member
Oct 12, 2007
This rumor isn't true. It's just one of those slow news day posts you see on sites to try and draw views. Back to your daily activities.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

If this turns out to be true, I'm migrating to full on PC gaming. This is just bullshit.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
My honest opinion is that MS is eating a pile of dicks lately, and there is no reason to support these business practices. I'm going PC next gen for my games, I have had enough of this bullshit. At least here in PC land we can stick the middle finger up at the companies who pull off this bullshit.

[HEADING=2]Right, I'm just going to play Devil's Advocate here and (attempt to) defend MS instead of bashing their stupidity for a change; it's going to be much more entertaining than listening to the tired old arguments on why MS is not doing well. [/HEADING]

*Devil's Advocate mode initiated* ...Oh, and if you want my true thoughts on this, just click the spoilers. I'm doing this out of sheer boredom, and I want to figure out MS' thought process while doing so.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
And for those who think it's so infeasible for Microsoft to be so stupid...


Vista was put on shit hardware by OEMs. Blame them if you want to blame the suckiness that is Vista. Windows 7 isn't much better off as well. Who the hell puts 2 gigs of RAM on a notebook? Who? That's right, the OEMs.

You're giving Vista a little hard of a time here. It was put on shit hardware for one, and there's no reason to have 1 gig of RAM anymore. And I can go on and on about how every single Windows OS was shit after 2000 Professional. I'll be glad to, if you'd like.

Windows 8
Last I heard, integrating the PC and the tablet allows for some interesting possibilities to happen. You want that ability to edit documents on dat pretty sweet tablet ya got there? You can with Windows 8. I don't see this on Android or iOS. I don't seriously think that it's possible for those devices to run a full fledged desktop OS because that is not what they were made for.

Okay, I like Windows 8 the tablet OS. I see it working out for the enterprise sector as a good little electronic binder of sorts connected to a domain that stores company files. What I don't see is desktop!Windows 8 working. Who's smart idea was that to make some interesting design choices, like hiding half my settings in a nebulous touch interface that only works on a fucking tablet, Microsoft? Are you seriously kidding me? I would go on, but now all I want to do is play my games in peace and work on whatever work I have at the moment.

Xbox Live Gold with adverts
I get ads on the Internet. I pay for it. I'm swamped with more ads than ones that are in Xbox Live Gold. We should all stop whining about this. JUST IGNORE THEM FOR GOD'S SAKE.

Printing money yet again... Fuck that practice. If I paid my hard earned 60 USD (which goes a long way, something that most Xbox fans don't get) for seeing something that doesn't benefit me, that service is useless trash. It's blunt, but true.

Yeah... and that's how MS is making most of their newfound Xbox revenue. They're not gonna change as it brings them profits and sales. It's also reaching out to a different market, which is good as it gives them more money to work on some awesome thing that blows away the competition.

And if you're going to come at me with another company, go right ahead. All three are guilty of this, and MS is just one that actually has a chance in the upcoming console market.

Like that's gonna happen. It's unfortunately true. We can't force MS to change from method that clearly prints them money. Unless we all mass migrate to Linux and pirate Windows, which is something that most of us here would never do. Pirate Windows I mean. I don't pirate, and I think that the majority of this site is against piracy as well.

We already know that Sony has actually patented a method of DRM that prevents used-games sales. That should already suggest that something's up. The technology is feasibly there. If Sony are documented patenting such a thing, why is it so unlikely Microsoft wouldn't also go down that route? Isn't it likely that where one goes, the other follows?
It's very possible, but you're confusing possible with likely. Sure, MS could go on and do that, but what happens when they turn around and be nice to us? What now?

We shouldn't go spreading FUD unless it's confirmed. Which is exactly what this is. Fear. Uncertainty. And Doubt.

As much as I'd like to hate it above, this is a possible path for MS to follow. I'm not going to continue with this bullshit if this continues.

And regarding the always-on connection... have you seen what EA and Ubisoft have been pushing recently? This is becoming ever more standard in the games industry. Why is it so unlikely for Microsoft to push onto consoles what EA and Ubisoft have already made a reality on PC?
Yeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, so when MS, EA, and Ubisoft do it, it's a bad endeavor, but when Valve does it, it's a godsend? Stop with the double standards, guys.

I like Steam. But the fact that people overlook it as DRM is quite hilarious to me. Seriously, Valve is about as (or even more, depending on how you look at it) guilty as EA/MS/Ubisoft/Activision/Apple.

You have to think about it like this: Microsoft doesn't care about usability for its customers. Microsoft is currently trying to wall in its garden. All its software and services are slowly getting ringfenced, and having functionality removed for the aim of being more like Apple. Walling in consoles to remove used games and add always-online requirements would be totally in line with the recent moves they've made regarding Windows 8. And both of these things have already got their foundations laid by other companies like EA, Ubisoft and Sony.
Oh seriously? What you're saying that most people aren't going to be able to install something like LibreOffice on their machine when they want? What are you smoking?

MS IS NOT GOING TO DO THAT. If they do, mass Linux adoption occurs. And MS isn't going to lose their market share to Linux easily. And guess where exactly the threat of this is? The enterprise sector. Specifically, the industry standard of MS Office.

Oh, wait. NO ONE with a brain uses their enterprise products nowadays. I want MS to die so bad, they feel the losses in their sleep. MS Office is way too fucking expensive. There's no way I'd pay for that, what with being the Professional version being 300 USD. Seriously, thank god for LibreOffice.

Christ, this feels more and more like Brave New World every day. By Ford, I need some soma...
It's just you. Everyone else is having fun.

Yet another man lost to soma... You must resist it! YOU MUST!

*Lurk mode initiated*


New member
Oct 4, 2010
A lot of it sounds like a old load of Bollocks to me (apart from the blu-ray drive bit) but if for some reason microsoft do follow through with all of that it looks like I will become a pc-only gamer, which I personally think sucks seeing as I have been primarily a console gamer for the last 25-odd years

On another note, I have just realized I am getting old....Curse You, Ageing!!!!!


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2012
Yopaz said:
I would love if this turned out to be true. It would really show us how stupid companies can get when it comes to reacting to piracy. I am a student, I live in student housing and consoles are blocked from connecting to the internet. Lots of student between 19-25 got the same problem over here. Now eliminating those from their target demographics is so stupid that I doubt even Ubisoft would go that far.

I am going to say that I doubt this is true.
They even stop you from getting internet via DSL from a copper land line (this would require a telephone based ISP)?

Terminate421 said:

Microsoft can be dumb at times like every company They aren't this stupid.
Always count on stupid.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
aelreth said:
Yopaz said:
I would love if this turned out to be true. It would really show us how stupid companies can get when it comes to reacting to piracy. I am a student, I live in student housing and consoles are blocked from connecting to the internet. Lots of student between 19-25 got the same problem over here. Now eliminating those from their target demographics is so stupid that I doubt even Ubisoft would go that far.

I am going to say that I doubt this is true.
They even stop you from getting internet via DSL from a copper land line (this would require a telephone based ISP)?
I think I can get around it like this somehow, but I haven't tried it myself so not entirely sure about it. I have my methods, but it's not stable enough for me to welcome always being connected.

Not Matt

Senior Member
Nov 3, 2011
i doubt that they are stupid enough to actually do that but if they do so, then Microsoft need to get their act together. i barely have connection anymore, the fact that i am commenting here is a miracle in itself. where did the need for internet gaming come from anyway. i like dlc and i can understand that things like steam require internet but i don't need internet to enjoy far cry or portal 2 so stop asking me to turn the router on.

i am going for ps4 then or just play pc from now on. or maybe i'll hold on to my ps3.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Its just a rumour of course but i would like that because that will hurt consoles bad. im evil like that, go play PC you console pesants.