Return it to the 'proper people?' What, Luke HASN'T been rebuilding the Jedi order for the last 30 years? I mean, seems like if he was it wouldn't be very hard to find them. Just go to Coruscant - problem solved, series over. I can imagine that they'll probably have to deal with Jedi Hunters that want the stupid lightsaber for some reason, all so the main characters can be drawn into an over-arcing plot in the flimsiest of ways.
It all just reeks of being lazy, especially running into the Han Solo. It's like contacting Old Spock just so that he can flat out tell you who the fuck Khan is instead of letting the characters make decisions on their own that might, I don't know, actually lead them on an adventure. I'm not saying Star Wars has to be spectacularly more clever, but if this is how you plan to start your new space-adventure series, I have been right to be wary of this project from the start. It'll take a lot to get me to pay money to see it.