Rumor: PS3 Motion Controller Is Actually Called "Arc"


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Aura Guardian said:
I can believe this being called the arc.
That's not a controller it's a bananarang

OT: well it's a better name than gem

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Kanonei said:
Hey next time you write an article try to come up with your own content or give credit when due...
I sourced VG247, where I actually found the information. Sorry, but I've never heard of Platformnation before this :(

If you're referring to the "truly outrageous" joke, Andy made it in the original Gem post last month.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
John Funk said:
Kanonei said:
Hey next time you write an article try to come up with your own content or give credit when due...
I sourced VG247, where I actually found the information. Sorry, but I've never heard of Platformnation before this :(

If you're referring to the "truly outrageous" joke, Andy made it in the original Gem post last month.
Fair enough... You have to admit the style of the article was pretty similar. I guess I'll chalk it up to a great minds think alike moment.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
What's wrong with Arc as a name? I think it sounds ok. I'll be much more interested to see what sort of games they come up with to coincide with its release. Hopefully something that isn't just a bunch of sports mini-games, a la Wii Sports...


New member
Aug 5, 2009
rsvp42 said:
It doesn't look that much like a dildo.

And I'm going to have to agree with Brotherofwill. Why is everyone getting so worked up over the name? I'm more concerned with the fact that this just looks to me like a Wii-mote. It's like a ps3-mote. At least Microsoft's thing is adding something to the technology. I've always liked Sony and the Playstation consoles, but I'm not convinced that jumping on the motion bandwagon in this way is the way to go. I like the Wii, but it was kind of a curve ball that managed to work. I'm not sure that the same kinds of games, but on another system will help all that much. And god, imagine the learning curve Natal is going to have for programmers. Microsoft will probably manage to create some really good stuff for it, but developers might be shrugging their shoulders for a while.

I guess time will tell for all this.
it is adding to the technology, it's making it better.


New member
Jun 17, 2009

Didn't sony already have a motion controler? Anyone remember the Sixaxis?

Then again, there is only one game i have found that that is actually good in. Not counting MGS4.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
randomrob said:
it is adding to the technology, it's making it better.
Opinion, not fact.

I for one, dislike motion control. It's fine for some games, kills the fun in others. And truly, if I wanted to spend hours swinging a sword, I'd do it with a REAL sword, not a wiimote or Gem Jem Dildo Arc. Mario Kart Wii was easier and more fun (for me) with the classic controller. Ocarina and Majora's Mask were superior to Twilight Princess, and the pre-Wii Mario Party titles were all "more party" than the current. Motion control hasn't added to my gaming, it's just butchered it.
i meant it's making the technology of motion control better. And why would you want to swing a real sword around? You can't attack anyone with it and if you did you'd probably be sectioned, arrested or both.