Rumor: PSN Hackers Already Have Third Attack Ready to Go


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Well here we go people, if this is true I seriously won't be surprised if companies don't start making us pay by the hour to use a console anymore, or hell a remote kill switch for consoles that bricks it if we so much as even THINK of a gameshark.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
UltraParanoia said:
solidsnake101023 said:
Do these dicks have any idea how many people they are hurting.
Yes, being dicks, they don't care.

To everyone hoping for serious jail time for the hackers, I certainly hope not. I just want their names and addresses released to the public. I've got a short handled, splintery bat that sits behind the seat of my truck that I would just love to use.
I'd rather see their money confiscated and used in the development of a user friend DRM, THEN beat them with heavy, blunt, splinted objects... made of fire.

All they are gonna end up doing is making it suck worse for everyone and I wonder how long till it take before it causes the backlash, cause if sony decided to snap, they can just delete all of our accounts and stop doing consoles.

Hell they have probably already caused valve to second guess putting steam on PSN.