Rumor: PSN Hackers Already Have Third Attack Ready to Go


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
While I can sympathize with ma fellow gamers who are denied their pleasure, I can't get myself to feel sorry for Sony--actually, I'm not even trying.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
I have a hard time believing they can't catch these guys. It's just seriously strange that they cannot get a good grab on them.


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Devil said:
I know people are probably going to hate me for this: but am I the only one that finds this hilarious? Not the whole publishing details stuff, but the fact a few hackers have managed to pull off such a feat twice, have Sony, Homeland Security, and the FBI after them, and still having enough time to plan for a third.

Doesn't mean it's right, but still. We spend billions of dollars annually to prevent this kind of stuff from happening, and a few guys on their computer can ruin everything. Why, if I didn't know any better, it could be some Korean or Chinese hackers doing it for the fun, or to piss us off. Or simply them damn kinds on their computers.

Again, I don't like what they do, but still.

Possible hate incoming for not joining the hate trail? Who knows. Dig the foxholes, men!
I wouldn't really call it funny.....I'd just call it really really smart criminals. Because not everyone can compromise a multi-million dollar company, and elude two feared law enforcement agencies.


New member
May 15, 2010
MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.

(the content of this statement may or may not be sarcastic)
hackers, sony , LOL .. what everyone seems to forget is that Sony is NOT the first company to recieve the attention of talented Hackers of the internets .. Microsoft, EA, Bioware, Aol , Etc etc etc etc etc etc ETC ... Have ALL been , and still are the subject of attack from hackers the world round.. They have however implemented protection strategies that while may not eliminate hacking of their networks all together, certainly do a good enough job of it as to not Be as completely gutted as Sony was this time around..
You get what you pay for ? .. not with Sony.. let this be a lesson to them and others to come and may thier future be one with a few more Bucks spent on security and customer support. It really is that simple in my opinion .


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Vapus said:
MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.

(the content of this statement may or may not be sarcastic)
hackers, sony , LOL .. what everyone seems to forget is that Sony is NOT the first company to recieve the attention of talented Hackers of the internets .. Microsoft, EA, Bioware, Aol , Etc etc etc etc etc etc ETC ... Have ALL been , and still are the subject of attack from hackers the world round.. They have however implemented protection strategies that while may not eliminate hacking of their networks all together, certainly do a good enough job of it as to not Be as completely gutted as Sony was this time around..
You get what you pay for ? .. not with Sony.. let this be a lesson to them and others to come and may thier future be one with a few more Bucks spent on security and customer support. It really is that simple in my opinion .
You really need to tune down your fanboy-ism. Being so anti Sony just makes you look really dull. It's not Sony's fault that someone stole their Root Key which allowed untold masses onto their private network in the same way it's not a banks fault someone steals money.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
So whoever said that being evil for the sake of being evil was an unrealistic character flaw never saw this coming.

I can get behind hackers if it's for a good reason. If Sony started charging everyone to play on PSN out of the blue and wouldn't let you play single player without being connected or something, that would have been a good reason. But Sony didn't even do anything. And even if it were for revenge against Sony, what about all the people whose information was stolen and published?

Seriously. I don't really care much because I've been too distracted by the Gears 3 beta to play any other games, but this is just annoying to everyone.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
So are these the cool 'fight the power' type hackers everyone likes to arse kiss or are these just greedy wanker hackers.I'm confused.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
If this is true, the hackers are right d***s (not that we didn't already know that). Please say this isn't true. I don't hate sony, I hate the goddamn hackers.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
WanderingFool said:
MelasZepheos said:
Man, these hackers are so clearly the good guys while Sony are so clearly the bad guys. I mean, who would support Sony in this situation? They're the greedy exploitative ones and they deserve this.

(the content of this statement may or may not be sarcastic)
At this point, I see it as sarcastic. Sony may be a greedy corperation (name one that isnt), but this isnt an attack on Sony as much as the customers of Sony, which is just bad dice...
In which case it isnt Anonymous which Sony so delightfully insinuated.

Sure they may be mean spirited but its always been a case of "sticking it to the man" and replace man with whatever target they are currently angry at. There's no point to going after consumers. All you get with that is the anger and ire of the consumers.

In other words somebody is using them to shield themselves.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Dear Hackers:

What the hell do you want? You have done everything humanly possible. Make Sony look like a bunch of idiots? Check. Steal innocent people's credit cards and buy big screen TVs? Check. What the fuck else is there to do but either turn yourselves in and get the public flogging that you deserve, or runaway to some no-name island and fade into oblivion? I don't care which of the two you pick, so long as it makes you guys GO THE HELL AWAY. I want my PSN back. I want Sony to start recovering from this fiasco. And I definitely want all this mess to just stop.

So please, sweet hackers, fuck off already. Thanks.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Where the fuck were these hackers when the Banks were going bankrupt and getting bailed out?
Where the fuck were these hackers when private mortgage companies put poor people in the poorer house?

Do something WORTH our fucking time!


New member
Sep 26, 2010
WTF is with these douchbag hackers why do they have to go wrecking sonys shit like this?

all they are really accomplishing is pissing off a large chunk of the community
and possibly adding more bad stigma to the gamer sterotype

I hope they get caught and are thougly beaten

we neede to bring back public floggging!


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Can I please play some Portal 2 co-op with out some contingent of douche bags ruining it for me? Enough is enough.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
If Sony's got some honesty about them, then the hackers are pretty screwed. They're on the final stages of testing to make sure the system is as un-hackable as possible. Now I may not be the biggest expert, but even if Sony wasn't completely making the server seal-tight, then they'd at least be covering up some of the previous holes, which would mean that the hackers would have to take a little bit to rethink their attack and re-observe the servers. If they tried to do the same thing as last time, my guess is that the result would be similar to that of a murderer knifing a cardboard cutout at his own murder scene. Selfish hackers (that is, the ones who hack for money) don't usually try to break into the same server /twice/ unless the folks in control didn't notice it.


Fake Best
Apr 5, 2010
Do these dicks have any idea how many people they are hurting.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
solidsnake101023 said:
Do these dicks have any idea how many people they are hurting.
Yes, being dicks, they don't care.

To everyone hoping for serious jail time for the hackers, I certainly hope not. I just want their names and addresses released to the public. I've got a short handled, splintery bat that sits behind the seat of my truck that I would just love to use.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
To be honest, if they are gonna do it again, they must be either really brave or just a bunch of stupid braindead assholes. If any of these assholes is here on the forum right now I only have one thing to say to you guys: *caps lock* GIVE UP!
You made your point the first time. Now go to the FBI and turn yourself in thank you.

*This was a forum post made in Sweden, Swedish styyyylleeee! It's good for you..*