Mahorfeus said:
Personally, I think the movie's suit makes a whole lot more sense than the comic's considering that it is the uniform of many different species of alien, so it kinda should look organic. At any rate, I think staying true to the story is more important than staying true to the costumes.
Said pretty much what I'm thinking- although I actually really like the idea that the suit/uniform of the Corps flows from the ring's power, it doesn't magically appear like Toby Maguire's Spider-Man costume did.
I like the idea that you can see the musculature of the various species as well as the light dancing through the 'seams' of it.
If they do the 3D well, this will look stunning.
I'm actually more concerned about the story and characters being done properly, but this is very, very reassuring for a Green Lantern fan such as myself.
The real test will be making the Guardians less like Smurfs in space and more into the aeons old intelligences that guard the universe.
I'm loving the Hector Hammond casting and the creepy shots of Parallax they've hinted at so far.
Mark Strong as Sinestro is going to rock.
Yeah, the toes look a little daft, but it's not a deal breaker.