Sad things that have happened to you.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Chefodeath said:
I so don't believe that story. Call me a callus dick all you want, that story has waaaaaay too many holes to believe it.


New member
Jan 22, 2011
AJM said:
Chefodeath said:
I so don't believe that story. Call me a callus dick all you want, that story has waaaaaay too many holes to believe it.
ditto again(if it is true then I AM SO SORRY)
the saddest thing to happen to me was when my cat was diagnosed with aids, lukemia, and a bunch of other shit*sigh* why do all my pets die horribly?


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Bobic said:
Sad stories shouldn't be shared pointlessly. They should be bottled up and slowly killed with alcohol.
This usually leads to mental illness, or in extreme cases murder or suicide. I seriously would not encourage this kind of thinking.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Saddest thing to happen to me, probably watching my dog get hit by a car. Asshole didnt even stop or anything.


New member
Jan 8, 2011
The only girl i ever loved loved dumped me by text when i was on the top of a mountain in the pouring rain taking pictures of the view of my phone (as i had been the previous day) to say "even with a view this beautiful i still think of you"
I still had two hours of hiking left that day before a four hour minibus trip (with my classmates [all guys, none of whom i knew that well]) home where i would see her that evening at the youth group (hadn't seen my best mate for a while but he and her best friend were together at the time)
It wasn't just 'sorry but i can't date you any more' it was (paraphrased) "it's not your fault but i'm dumping you for this other guy (who was by general consensus a total dick at the time)"
saying "it's not you, it's me" just shows she wasn't willing to change, i could have changed i would have done nearly anything for her
Three and a half years have passed and this is the first time i have said the whole story
I also find it impossible to let people in my life or trust anything anyone says

From what i heard she dumped him after a couple of weeks then moved on (why did i have to be the first one, at least i would have learnt from the hurt she inflicted on others)


New member
Apr 7, 2009
baconsarnie said:
The only girl i ever loved loved dumped me by text when i was on the top of a mountain in the pouring rain taking pictures of the view of my phone (as i had been the previous day) to say "even with a view this beautiful i still think of you"
I still had two hours of hiking left that day before a four hour minibus trip (with my classmates [all guys, none of whom i knew that well]) home where i would see her that evening at the youth group (hadn't seen my best mate for a while but he and her best friend were together at the time)
It wasn't just 'sorry but i can't date you any more' it was (paraphrased) "it's not your fault but i'm dumping you for this other guy (who was by general consensus a total dick at the time)"
saying "it's not you, it's me" just shows she wasn't willing to change, i could have changed i would have done nearly anything for her
Three and a half years have passed and this is the first time i have said the whole story
I also find it impossible to let people in my life or trust anything anyone says

From what i heard she dumped him after a couple of weeks then moved on (why did i have to be the first one, at least i would have learnt from the hurt she inflicted on others)
No offence but with that line i woulda dumped you </3

OP: Losing my stuff on RS was pretty sad.

Gf cheating and sending me evidence.

Brother stealing my GF (Diffrent GF)

Pretty mmuch everything to do with girls... Hmmm.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
baconsarnie said:
The only girl i ever loved loved dumped me by text when i was on the top of a mountain in the pouring rain taking pictures of the view of my phone (as i had been the previous day) to say "even with a view this beautiful i still think of you"
I still had two hours of hiking left that day before a four hour minibus trip (with my classmates [all guys, none of whom i knew that well]) home where i would see her that evening at the youth group (hadn't seen my best mate for a while but he and her best friend were together at the time)
It wasn't just 'sorry but i can't date you any more' it was (paraphrased) "it's not your fault but i'm dumping you for this other guy (who was by general consensus a total dick at the time)"
saying "it's not you, it's me" just shows she wasn't willing to change, i could have changed i would have done nearly anything for her
Three and a half years have passed and this is the first time i have said the whole story
I also find it impossible to let people in my life or trust anything anyone says

From what i heard she dumped him after a couple of weeks then moved on (why did i have to be the first one, at least i would have learnt from the hurt she inflicted on others)
Should have sent that message you were making for her anyway - there might be a bit of poetic 'justice' when she dumped the other guy realising what she'd lost in you.

Mind you, your story kind of makes her sound like a slut. If this is the case- then think about that instead :p


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Nov 2, 2010
Well, the events of my childhood have resulted in me being on medication and in and out of therapy for over half my life...
Literally- I was either ten or eleven when I was first reported to the school nurse because I wanted to kill myself. I remember very little about my childhood, but I do remember, very clearly, my mom walking up the stairs to my room where I was talking with my dad about finding a psychologist. She just screamed "If you think this means we're going to start buying you more stuff, you can think again!" before leaving and slamming the door behind her.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Firefoxmccoy said:
The last time I din't believe someone this much was 'Mission Accomplished'. I call bullshit.

Anyway, I leaving Cork was pretty sad at the time, but I got over it alright. I had an accident whilst chopping wood once and lost most of the little finger on my right hand, as well as the tip of my right ringfinger, but I wouldn't say that was 'sad', just very, very painful.

EDIT: Forgot about dying pets! R.I.P Rorschach the ferret. You were awesome.


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Jan 19, 2009
Long story short, I grew up with a girl who was a bit older than me (I think 2 years I don't really remember) Fell in love at the age of 11 dated her till I turned 14 and she dumped me.
Me being a kid and all, she told me we'd be together forever and I believed her.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
That is so sad :( I can't imagine how awful that must've been to see. My sad story involves stuff that happened to my whole family but I was pretty messed up during it because I was at just the right age to understand what was going on but not old enough to be told the whole thing so I just ended up really confused and distressed.

When I was a kid my mum had this friend who was obsessed with her and basically tried to be her (think Single White Female and you get the idea). When my mum realised just how crazy she was she stopped being friends with her and that's when the trouble started. We started receiving calls at really weird hours, always her always making threats and insults at my mum. She often yelled so loud that I could hear what she was saying. My dad it turned out was sleeping with her so my mum and dad split up (after a fight that lasted several hours). Still not satisfied she continued making threats and then started trying to get to my mum through me. She kept telling me awful things about my mum and being as young as I was I wasn't sure whether it was the truth or not (my dad often confirmed what she was saying). My mum often came to me when she was upset and crying so I kinda had to look after her as much as possible. This woman even went so far as to sleep with my dad's brother and his sister's boyfriend to get them on side and throw a large concrete slab through our front window.

My dad did eventually wake up and dumped her but then her anger turned on my dad as well. He started getting calls too and she came to his door a few times. We were actually to afraid to leave the house unless necissary because one time she had followed us and tried to ram us off the road. My mum eventually said enough was enough so we moved to the other side of Adelaide into her parents house. About 6 months after that my poppa died because he had motor neiron desease. Nedless to say it was a crappy 2 and a half years.


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Feb 20, 2011

When i was 16-19 i was really depressed but didn't know why, still i did't talk to no one or went to a psychiatrist, a year after that depression began i started taking pills( non medicated Antidepresives and sedatives)one night i got into a fight with my older brother and almost attacked him with a knife, after that i was kick out of my home, but after a couple of days I went to live with my dad for a year before coming back, then college begun and got my first GF(18-19) and after my first year i started working as an intern as a chef assistance. When i was about to finish I realised this wasn't my career, my GF dump me at the same time and i had a lil of a pill abuse i stole from my Moms BF, after a night I took way more than necessary and sadly cut my left arm wrist( Not the emo way, but the real) call a friend he took me to hospital and Later had to watch my dad and mom as i was barely conciuos. My mom said nasty things i don't remember( she has always treated me like shit) and my dad only said he was sorry for not realising this before and never saying "I love you" or demonstrating affection towards me.

It was that i had a "neurobiological Depression Disorder", wich acording to the psychiatrist i had no way of knowing or anything, since it wasn't related to my enviroment o my family, my brain just didn't work well, it's been 3 years since that and the scar stills reminds me of that day, lost a lot of friends cause they felt betrayed and nothing has been the same ever since, kind of my fault really for not talking to no one. But still... at least it was a wake up call for me


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Nov 19, 2008
My father died from anaphylaxis due to bee stings while I was in South Korea.

He was 53 years old.


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Jul 11, 2010
Everynight that i go to bed i have dreams. I can FEEL things in these dreams. I feel pain, i can smell the air, taste food. These dreams are still there when i wake up, and some even go in order like im watching my own private movie. Now i'm 17 years old, and not only have i watched men and women slaughtred or blown apart, ive also felt the pain of it. All my sences are active. Now don't get me wrong, i have good dreams also, and they are past the point of amazing, but the bad ones... their ones i carry with me when i wake up in the morning. and from what other people tell me, their nightmares are brief but vivid, mine(good and bad)can last anywhere between 10 secounds and years (dream time). My official age is 17, but i feel like im already 30 years old.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Chefodeath said:
I so don't believe that story. Call me a callus dick all you want, that story has waaaaaay too many holes to believe it.
Reads like a bad fanfiction. Suddenly cutting off all "OH NO IT'S TOO SAD". Seems kind of pointless that anyone would even go through the effort of typing it out and fucking posting it for all to see anyway.

Yeah, I think it's fair to call a bullshit. And an attention whoring.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Monkfish Acc. said:
Chefodeath said:
I so don't believe that story. Call me a callus dick all you want, that story has waaaaaay too many holes to believe it.
Reads like a bad fanfiction. Suddenly cutting off all "OH NO IT'S TOO SAD". Seems kind of pointless that anyone would even go through the effort of typing it out and fucking posting it for all to see anyway.

Yeah, I think it's fair to call a bullshit. And an attention whoring.
The whole "I don't want to repeat this sentence. Really. Don't make me do it." Please. Nobody's making the kid do anything. It's not like we have a knife to his throat........

Also, if police showed up after a mid-day, sidewalk, raping, they would be sure to look harder than to just flash the lights. Maybe wait till the guy got home. On top of everything, how did he got to sleep and why were his parents a-okay with the raping? I think the household would be more than turned upside down after that news.

Like you said, terrible fanfiction.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
I was wrongly accused of rape when I was 17 in spite of the girl ( who was 15 at the time) who I had supposedly raped telling everyone I'd never touched her, word spread and I couldn't safely leave my house for 6 months.

good times :D.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
PeePantz said:
The whole "I don't want to repeat this sentence. Really. Don't make me do it." Please. Nobody's making the kid do anything. It's not like we have a knife to his throat........

Also, if police showed up after a mid-day, sidewalk, raping, they would be sure to look harder than to just flash the lights. Maybe wait till the guy got home. On top of everything, how did he got to sleep and why were his parents a-okay with the raping? I think the household would be more than turned upside down after that news.

Like you said, terrible fanfiction.
I think my favourite part is the phonetic Joisey accent.
I mean, my god. How is anyone supposed to take that seriously.


And seriously, how did the police show up so fast every time. I suspect they are all working together.
Either this is a practical joke and this guy's fake dead sister is going to pop up from her grave and yell "SURPRISE" one day as he visits to mourn, or there is some sort of sinister cop/rapist alliance going on.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I dont know if my story is so much sad as it is depressing

So a little background first
1. My dad was born in England then moved to the states with his dad when he was about 10
2. When this happened I lived in Washington D.C.
3. I have 3 brothers and a sister, all younger
4. I'm now 18 and in college

Ok, Escapist first post tells a story I haven't told anybody, not even my own mother(although she does know bits and pieces from what i have gathered).

When my sister was born in 2002, my parents did not have much money and decided it was best to send me to live with my aunt, my mother's sister, in New York City. My aunt did not like the idea that my mother married a foreigner and thought that my dad my brothers, sister and I were complete piles of dog sh*t.

For most of the time I was with my aunt, 6 grueling years I wish I could forget, I spent locked inside of her apartment(grumpy old bat never married and if you met her you would know why) playing pokemon and having little to no interaction with the outside world. She home-schooled me at the request of my then-ill grandmother(mother's side again) and then began the long days of torture in her "school". She began to teach me that to be a human you have to be born in America, and everyone else were inferior and the devil's spawn and what-not. I learned very few real world skills, she considered them to be secondary to all things American. This went on for six years. I only left the apartment to go to Yankee stadium once a season and whenever she wanted to get food(almost never, she always ordered it to the door). I had almost no interaction with other people my age, the only ones I could relate to were Ash, Misty, and Brock.

This is the part I will never forget.

As you may have guessed I despised her from the beginning and took nothing of what she said to heart.
In early 2008 there was a warm morning with a slight breeze coming through my window. I woke up and smelt oatmeal cooking, and went to see if she made any for me as well. I walk out of my room into the kitchen area and see her on the floor, motionless. My first reaction was, "f*ck yes! The old b*tch is dead". Then it sunk in, she was actually dead. A family member whom I had lived with for 6 years was dead. I hated her but she was family. I wanted to jump for joy and just scream down the street "she's dead!", but I couldn't. The woman who had taught me nothing, and essentially kept me a prisoner was dead, and I started to cry.

Three days later I moved back in with my parents. A lot had changed since I had left and I vowed that what I experienced will not happen to any of my brothers or sister. I had suffered enough for the five of us.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Firefoxmccoy said:
Oh god I don't want to keep writing. I CAN'T keep writing! Im leaving it here. Damnit...why did I have to write THIS!? I could have written about puppies or aliens or even a bean! A happy bean! I suppose some memories ARE to be left undisturbed. Oh well I'd like to hear your stories as well. I suppose. Yet I don't want to get sadder. Oh well it's my fault for writing this. Tell me something ot make me tear up(or if you can, to make me cry).
A little melodramatic, dont you think? You start this story and then leave a lot of things left unsaid, like if the man at the door was the same man who held the knife up to your throat, how he knew where you lived, how he shot just your sister, what happened to your sister, and so on. If such an event actually happened to you Im sorry. If you made this story up, you are a pretty good troll.

Nothing to that magnitude has ever happened to me, but my friend experienced some pretty hrrid things. I first met him in Houston, Texas, where we soon became good friends. After a couple of years, I was to move back to my hometown in ghetto ass Louisiana. Before I left, he told me some stories he had never shared with anyone else outside of his family.

He used to live in Maryland, just south of Washington D.C. Apparantly, he lived in a dangerous area. He used to get into a lot of fights. During one of these fights things got a little too far and he wound up killing the other guy (he insisted it was self-defense). He was ordered by a court to go to a juvenile center. While there he saw one of the other boys wlking toward him with a gun. The boy told my friend he had gotten it from the warden's office, and he proceeded to then shoot himself in the head with itin front of my friend. They decided to release my friend after he had witnessed that trauma and he and his family moved down south to start a new life.

There were more details, but after so many years I have forgotten.