Sad things that have happened to you.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Chefodeath said:
I so don't believe that story. Call me a callus dick all you want, that story has waaaaaay too many holes to believe it.
I agree, it's a bit fishy. It also gets really melodramatic at the end


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Monkfish Acc. said:
Chefodeath said:
I so don't believe that story. Call me a callus dick all you want, that story has waaaaaay too many holes to believe it.
Reads like a bad fanfiction. Suddenly cutting off all "OH NO IT'S TOO SAD". Seems kind of pointless that anyone would even go through the effort of typing it out and fucking posting it for all to see anyway.

Yeah, I think it's fair to call a bullshit. And an attention whoring.
I honestly didn't care if you even read the story. I just needed to get it off my chest. For all of you who do think things like this can happen and don't only happen in bad Fanfiction, Thank you.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
I have recently lost every bit of integrity and and moral I had left in my mortal body.

Besides that a few close friends kicked the bucket within a few years together with a few relatives.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Firefoxmccoy said:
Monkfish Acc. said:
Chefodeath said:
I so don't believe that story. Call me a callus dick all you want, that story has waaaaaay too many holes to believe it.
Reads like a bad fanfiction. Suddenly cutting off all "OH NO IT'S TOO SAD". Seems kind of pointless that anyone would even go through the effort of typing it out and fucking posting it for all to see anyway.

Yeah, I think it's fair to call a bullshit. And an attention whoring.
I honestly didn't care if you even read the story. I just needed to get it off my chest. For all of you who do think things like this can happen and don't only happen in bad Fanfiction, Thank you.

None of us are naive enough to not think that murder and rape happens, we just know bullshit when when we see it. Your story is so full of holes it's laughable. I would almost go as far as to say that it's insult that you expect us to believe it.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
First of all...dude, that's fucking horrible, and I'm sorry you had to go through something like that. Hell, I'm sorry ANYBODY has to go through anything remotely close to that. [sub]If it's true that is...[/sub]

On to my own story...which now seems tame by comparison.

When I was 14, back in school, my best friend at the time (and at that point the only person I'd ever confessed to that I was gay [sub]due to me still being ashamed of it at that point, but that's not relevant[/sub]) got himself a girlfriend from the 'popular' crowd, so he started spending more time with her and her friends and less time with me and my friends. Eventually, obviously, he abandoned me and the others entirely. This was sad enough since I'd lost my most trusted friend.

But then he let slip to the 'popular' crowd (all of whom pretty much hated me already) that I was gay. So yeah...I came into school one day and EVERYONE knew what I'd considered back then as my darkest, worst secret. So I had to endure a good few months of people exploiting my sexuality, as well as my own shame over it, against me to make me absolutely fucking miserable.

Then a guy from the popular crowd, Ryan his name was, made a big deal over getting sick of his friends' shit treatment of me, and abandoned them. He started trying to make friends with me, but naturally I told him to shove off. Eventually though, I gave in. Cue a month or two of him becoming one of my closest friends, as well as him letting slip some stuff that made it seem like he was gay too, and that he was interested in me. Needless to say, I eventually ended up REALLY 'liking' him.

So much so that I trusted him entirely when he invited me over to his place while his parents were at work. And even when he 'got an idea' on the way there and led me down a back-alley behind some garages to 'have some fun'. I know I was stupid to follow him, but I really liked him and really wanted him.

Lo and behold, waiting for us down that alley were his supposed ex-friends...all 6 of the closest ones. Who then, along with Ryan, proceeded to beat the crap out of me so badly and for what felt like such a long time that when they finally got bored I wasn't even conscious. I only have the word of my parents and the lady who found me that when I was found I was laid out on the floor unconscious, bleeding, with an arm broken in 2 places and a minor skull fracture.

So yeah...that's the worst thing I ever remember happening to me. It fucked up my body for a good while, and destroyed my ability to trust other human beings for so long that I've only just recently managed to learn to trust people again, and I'm 19 now. That's about 4/5 years of being morbidly afraid of trusting anyone who expressed any kindness towards me. Good times indeed.


New member
Dec 27, 2010
It's about right now... I feel really depressed about everything... My former best-friend hates me, and whenever she talks to me it's only to express what a useless human being I am. Whenever I see my family, my clothing and style is wrong, and I look ugly, and everything I do is not good enough... And lo and behold, I have almost no friends left. They all attend to different universities while I am in the army (1 year only) and forgot their old friends.

I have only talked to 5 of my former friends since August '10...

Had a 3 hour drive today, and for the first time I conscidered scuicide... wanted to drive that car smack into the river...

But hey... some have it worse than me, so I guess it'll be better someday...