Saddest Fictional Death


Filled with ReLRRgious fervor.
Dec 17, 2009
Seventh book of Harry Potter as a whole. I mean I really liked the series.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
I remember a few years ago i read a fantasy book where at the end the lead charecters companion died to save his life...I forget the books name but i do recall that I felt really bad for the next few days.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Z of the Na said:

I literally shed a single tear.

[sub]Then I quick-loaded to before this point and made sure that didn't happen.[/sub]
What....what.......what the...what.........



New member
May 16, 2009
Zap Rowsdower said:
Marvin the Paranoid Android.
Marvin reappears in the second-to-last chapter of So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. Arthur and Fenchurch find him on the planet where God's Final Message To His Creation is located. He is barely functional, claiming that, due to time travel he is now "thirty-seven times older than the Universe itself." Every part of his body has been replaced, with the exception of "all the diodes down [his] left side," which have been giving him severe pain for the whole of his existence. Arthur and Fenchurch end up carrying him, enduring the robot's constant abuse, to the God's Final Message viewing station, where they lift him up to see the words of the message: "We apologise for the inconvenience." Astonishingly, Marvin responds "'I think... I feel good about it.'" The lights in his eyes go out and his already-worn circuits completely stop working; Marvin is no more. (In the radio dramatisation, his last words are "Goodbye, Arthur." Marvin's 'death' prompts Arthur to say, "Miserable git!" and then, to his own obvious astonishment, to add, "I'll miss him.")
Thank you for posting this, and the book is even worse about it. He just dies and they just leave him where he drops without another word, I think they actualy go for some of the ice cream the vendors are selling nearby right after.

And as for my addition

Zap Rowsdower

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Zirat said:
Zap Rowsdower said:
Marvin the Paranoid Android.
Marvin reappears in the second-to-last chapter of So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. Arthur and Fenchurch find him on the planet where God's Final Message To His Creation is located. He is barely functional, claiming that, due to time travel he is now "thirty-seven times older than the Universe itself." Every part of his body has been replaced, with the exception of "all the diodes down [his] left side," which have been giving him severe pain for the whole of his existence. Arthur and Fenchurch end up carrying him, enduring the robot's constant abuse, to the God's Final Message viewing station, where they lift him up to see the words of the message: "We apologise for the inconvenience." Astonishingly, Marvin responds "'I think... I feel good about it.'" The lights in his eyes go out and his already-worn circuits completely stop working; Marvin is no more. (In the radio dramatisation, his last words are "Goodbye, Arthur." Marvin's 'death' prompts Arthur to say, "Miserable git!" and then, to his own obvious astonishment, to add, "I'll miss him.")
Thank you for posting this, and the book is even worse about it. He just dies and they just leave him where he drops without another word, I think they actualy go for some of the ice cream the vendors are selling nearby right after.
Yeah, it really was a bit of a sudden thing, wasn't it? He was my favorite character, too...


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Dango said:
Nagisa and Ushio's deaths were just unbearably sad. I was crying the whole night.
Fuck, man. I'd almost forgotten about that.

My tears are beginning to blot this blanket of snow.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Zelos Wilder's death in Tales of Symphonia (assuming you choose that path). As he is my avatar, I might be a bit biased, though.

The Blue Mongoose

New member
Jul 12, 2008
Metal Gear Solid 3
The Boss. Saves her country, sacrifices everything, but has to be remembered as a traitor by everyone except the one who killed her. Oh by the way, she was killed by someone who was like a son/brother/husband/soul-mate-thing to her.


New member
May 10, 2010
Grand Admiral Thrawn from Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy. I mean, I know he was the villain, but damn what a villain.

"But it was so artistically done...."


Walking Mass Effect Codex
Jun 11, 2010
Root from Artemis Fowl, or Kaiden from Mass Effect. Two of the saddest moments in fictional history...

Edit: Also, General Hummel from The Rock.

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
Speedwagon said:
Hedwig in Harry Potter 7. A little part of my soul died that day.
I actually cried then. That was the only death in the book to drive me to tears.

My contribution- Eli Vance.

Damn you, Valve.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear Solid 1. A tear-jerking scene.
"I was born on a battlefield. Raised on a battlefield. Gunfire, sirens and screams... they were my lullabies... Hunted like dogs, day after day... driven from our ragged shelters... That... was my life. Each morning, I'd wake up... and find a few more of my family or friends dead beside me. I'd stare at the morning sun... and pray to make it through the day. The governments of the world turned a blind eye to our misery. But then... he appeared. My hero... Saladin... he took me away from all that... "


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Maybe it's just me, but...

[spoiler: Spoilers] In Red VS Blue: Reconstruction, Church (AKA the Alpha AI!) went to distract the Meta while Agent Washington activated the EMP (sorry, the Emph), claiming it wouldn't effect him, since he is, in his own words "a motherfucking ghost".

Turns out that those were his last words, as Word of God states that the Alpha is effectively gone. This depresses me, because the Church we've all come to know and love, who's been there from the very beginning, is gone. (Not that I have anything against Epsilon, but in his current condition, he won't be able to do anything...) [/spoiler]


Also, the death of Severus Snape in the last Harry Potter book, especially since I was one of those people who saw him as a villain. Boy was I wrong....

And suffice to say, Dumbledore's death hit me really hard as well.


New member
Sep 20, 2010
Well, Aeris/Aerith is kind of a given when it comes to depressing fictional character deaths.

There is one that hit me pretty hard that I don't see listed here and it's from the Studio Ghibli film "Grave of the Fireflies":
Setsuko, the main character's little sister. She dies of malnutrition right after he managed to bring her food and he subsequently gave up on life and also died. It's the single most depressing movie I have ever seen; I haven't even gathered the courage to watch it a second time.